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Old 06-19-2008, 11:08 AM
fishfryer527's Avatar
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cocaine marijuana used to be legal and it was nothing like what you say "would" happen if drugs were legal.
Sears used to sell heroin and opium that is true, but if youcannot see that getting stoned has a negative impacton society then you must be stoned right now. The fact that booze is legal is really just a political consequence of how much the Government can control the people. But look at the harsh penalties for selling untaxed booze anddrunk driving and you can easily see that alcohol is not loved by the government. Another example is cigarettes: taxable moneymaker, but bad for America in so many ways. But try and sell it untaxed and you will get reamed, it is poison, like booze and pot, but the government allows it.

Things are illegal because they either are:

1) bad for society
2) against religious teachings
3) difficult to tax
4) do not support national security

You can believe what you want about the white mans paranoia or any other nonsense that someone said under oath, but that is probably due to the number of brain cells you have lost due to your drug use.
Old 06-19-2008, 11:11 AM
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"A recently passed anti-crime law requires criminals to give their victims 24 hours notice, either orally or in writing, and to explain the nature of the crime to be committed..." that like a contract? Are the terms negotiable?

I think prisons are a flawed concept. If the money is not spent on some sort of rehabilitation, then its nothing but a drain on the resources. Maybe we should put up a huge wall around NYC and keep the scorn of our society there?

Old 06-19-2008, 11:21 AM
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I think prisons are a flawed concept. If the money is not spent on some sort of rehabilitation, then its nothing but a drain on the resources.
Some psycologists would argue that those that cannot live by the rules of society are mentally ill. Some legalscholars feel that mentally ill people shouldn't be in prison, they should be nurtured and helped.What you are suggesting is group therapyor medicationfor thieves and drug dealers rather than removing them from society. The purpose of jail is to punish themkeep them away from you and me, not to make them better people.

If you really want to drain resources, look at the cost of psychologists and therapyfor everyperson in prison...

Old 06-19-2008, 11:38 AM
OKIEZAC's Avatar
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ORIGINAL: fishfryer527

cocaine marijuana used to be legal and it was nothing like what you say "would" happen if drugs were legal.
Sears used to sell heroin and opium that is true, but if youcannot see that getting stoned has a negative impacton society then you must be stoned right now. The fact that booze is legal is really just a political consequence of how much the Government can control the people. But look at the harsh penalties for selling untaxed booze anddrunk driving and you can easily see that alcohol is not loved by the government. Another example is cigarettes: taxable moneymaker, but bad for America in so many ways. But try and sell it untaxed and you will get reamed, it is poison, like booze and pot, but the government allows it.

Things are illegal because they either are:

1) bad for society
2) against religious teachings
3) difficult to tax
4) do not support national security

You can believe what you want about the white mans paranoia or any other nonsense that someone said under oath, but that is probably due to the number of brain cells you have lost due to your drug use.
go sip another appletini with your boyfriend..

i like how you make me sound uneducated because i lose brain cells smoking pot.. ooooooo... your so old and wise..

get a grip man.. you call it nonsense under oath because its not what you like to hear..

pshh.. donkey
Old 06-19-2008, 11:41 AM
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ORIGINAL: fishfryer527

I think prisons are a flawed concept. If the money is not spent on some sort of rehabilitation, then its nothing but a drain on the resources.
Some psycologists would argue that those that cannot live by the rules of society are mentally ill. Some legalscholars feel that mentally ill people shouldn't be in prison, they should be nurtured and helped.What you are suggesting is group therapyor medicationfor thieves and drug dealers rather than removing them from society. The purpose of jail is to punish themkeep them away from you and me, not to make them better people.

If you really want to drain resources, look at the cost of psychologists and therapyfor everyperson in prison...

where do you get this garbage.. almost every country with rehabilitation programs has shown much more progress than the US in the ways of less re offenders....

Old 06-19-2008, 11:44 AM
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im on vacation im done with this. . .

i love the fact that this country is full of different opinions i just dont know where alot ofyou uber conservatives get your garbage..

quit worrying about other peoples choices and worry about yourself.

Conservatives = excellent example of the lil girl on the school bus that would never mind her own business then she would shoot spit wads with you and rat you out when poopie was hitting the fan..

Old 06-19-2008, 12:56 PM
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^^your proving his point^^ yes you need to think of yourself but thats why this country is the way it is. everybody helps themselves, eventually it turns into greed.
Old 06-19-2008, 01:56 PM
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Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

This is the main problem with the far right and even the far left winged people of the world. They get so blinded by the cause that they think is right that they do anything just to get the end results. The ends justify the means, so to speak. Now, dont get me wrong, in some cases the ends do justify the means when its something small. But when the means end up being just getting rid of thousands of people cause you dont like them or something that they did is just complete bs.

The real prolem with this country is that there are far to many far left and far right winged people here. Politics is filled with such people (and in case you didnt know, they tend to make up the laws that govern us as a whole). All they do is bicker and swap money around to whoever they can in order to get their way. Prime example, the Iran/Contra thing in the '80's. The government swapped out arms and drugs to make money to make sure that their wasnt a nother red country. They put drugs in our streets and weapons in the hands of our enemies. We helped make the taliban, the vietcong, helped get saddam in power and the list goes on and on and on. Do the means justify the ends there?

The same goes for doing away with all drug dealers and addicts and other "non-desireables" so to speak. Would your blood lust be done after getting rid of all these people? Or would it turn on something else, like it has happened oh so many times in history?

And let me say one more thing, this time about rehabilitation. My lil brother was one of those addicts that you would just do away with, ********. But thank God Almighty jackasses like yourselves are not in control. Today, with rehabilitation, he is clean and now a productive member of society. Now, I have seen both sides of the coin as far as rehabilitation goes. Ive seen some gangbanger friends of mine go to jail once over something small the first time and then like fishfryer said, its just a slippery slope from there. But ive also seen a man that did 15 years in Sing Sing for kidnapping and attempted murder (over a drug dispute, no less) and come out and be a completely productive member of society. He was also an army special forces sniper in vietnam before all that. I also know a man personaly that has done 23YEARS in some of the most facked up FEDERAL prisons in the US and come out now at almost 70 years old and is trying his fackin darndest to be productive.

So, as you can see, rehab does work. But i can gaurantee you that on the ones that it dont, its because they dont have any type of support structure what so ever. And doing away with them is just sad, really is. Thats like gettin rid of all pit bulls cause one bit somebody cause his owners before him didnt teach em right or wrong. All criminals are not viscious, but the ones that are, can be taught otherwise given enough time and care.
Old 06-19-2008, 04:02 PM
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dizz going to take a little different approach with you than I normally do. And let's see how this works out. You presented viewpoint which is more middle-of-the-road-one which is the one those in power are try to paint. Whether you see that are not, that isa fact they want those who have broken the countless number of laws. We already have in place to be in prison and rehabilitated in some way. And those who are addicted to narcotics to obtain help for this problem. That is the basis of the system we are now currently using. Is it working ? You re viewpoint is more middle-of-the-road than hard-liners such as myself and those on the other end of the spectrum, who think we need opium dens on every corner. If the system could be fixed to work without corruption and without biased than I would be the happiest man on the planet. Are their honest, good people in this country to fulfill that dream. Could you fill a room with those you are surrounded by right now in life ? I agree with you on the subject of politicians. I'm absolutely for a Bastille Day in America. I think it's long overdue. It's almost transparently clear that we cannot vote or elect our way out of the problems that we are in. This is another thing I wish was not true, and I keep hoping and praying that something will give and their will be a light at the end of the tunnel or maybe we the people, because Under a true republic. The people, we the people have the power, not those sitting on their *** in the Nation's capital. I would love to be able to work through the political system, in effect positive change. Do you honestly believe currently possible to do ?

I honestly believe without some tough love and sacrifice for all of us as a whole. Your brother's children your children and my childrenwill never have a chance to experience any form of the American dream. I personally have friends and family who have lost their lives and their livelihood to drug addiction. My statements were not made off the cuff, and not without long hard thought and it's not a decision that anyone would rush to quickly. I have seen the devastation that habitual drug use can cause more than one time firsthand. how, I wish there was an easy answer for this problem. But there's not I wish rehab was automatic on a first drug conviction a program that effect a positive change is that happening right now everywhere ?

True story MSgt Young had raised his children, lost his daughter to a accident that killed her husband also, and his 28-year-old son was addicted to crack. He had him in and out of rehab programs numerous times to no avail. Now had taken custody of his grandchildren. They had been living with him for a year. When one day his 29 year old son showed up on the doorstep, who had not changed his ways and was looking for a place to crash. Frank had no choice but to send him away. It was for the good of the household and the sake of the grandchildren. He had done all he could for his 29 year old son and I watched a Hardened Tough Warrior struggle for weeks with his decision to the point where he almost couldn't function. But for the collective whole, he had made the right choice . Living with the right choice for the collective whole sometimes requires more than an individual thinks he can bring to bear. But is necessary for the strength of the whole.
Old 06-19-2008, 04:48 PM
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And let me say one more thing, this time about rehabilitation. My lil brother was one of those addicts that you would just do away with, ********. But thank God Almighty jackasses like yourselves are not in control. Today, with rehabilitation, he is clean and now a productive member of society.
I guess the answer to this is to try and figure out a way to select the people withthe higher probability of success. Maybe there needs to be a better method of screening out those like your brother than can be salvaged versusthose like charlie manson that can't be. This way more resources are put in the right direction and less can go towards lost causes.

Thanks Dizz...I have a new stand on this topic.


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