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DON'T Fuggin Run!!!

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Old 05-30-2008, 04:37 PM
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Default RE: DON'T Fuggin Run!!!

ORIGINAL: shoortbuss


Fug that. You run from the cops and you deserve everything that happens to you, including death.
That's a little harsh Mike. I would never wish death upon anybody, especially for a violation as petty as running from the cops. The sentence simply doesn't match the crime.

Either way, he made the ultimate sacrifice for his decision to run and I feel terrible that he had to act like a jackass with an innocent girl on the back. It's an all around tragedy, so let's please refrain from turning this into a debate and respectfully pay our homage to a fallen comrad.
It's harsh yes. Like I said, I'm tired of a$$holes on the roads, and especially tired of ones who cause accidents and harm to others. I've explained in other posts that I have a wife and two kids. I certainly don't need some a$$hole running a light and wiping me out on a bike or in a car.

Lonewolfmentioned that sometimes good people make bad decisions. I can understand bad decisions, but good people realize their decision was bad and make an attempt to correct it. This person had plenty long to realize the error of their way and still chose to do what they did. I put someone like this in the same category as a multiple conviction drunk driver, a rapist, or murderer. You had a chance but chose to ignore.

Old 05-30-2008, 04:52 PM
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Default RE: DON'T Fuggin Run!!!

It was stupid for this guy to run....especially with a passenger. But if you asked the cop if he wished now that he had ended the pursuit, I wonder what he would say?????


ORIGINAL: lonewolfcbr

Fug that. You run from the cops and you deserve everything that happens to you, including death.
Old 05-30-2008, 04:56 PM
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Default RE: DON'T Fuggin Run!!! keep taking the rider out of the equation...that whenever a person makes a decision to endanger their lives and other, cops should back off...c'mon....i could make that argument ANY time someone tries to run...that it would be better to not pursue, that way they would slow down and hopefully nothing bad happens.....

plus, if I were the cop, i wouldn't have that guy's death on me....HE seem to think that by the cop pursuing someone who...TO START WITH IS ENDANGERING A TON OF PEOPLE, he is creating the situation....

the guy was first speeding...probably being reckless....that is endangering others on the road...but you're right, leave him be we wouldn't want him to make a bad decision and hurt himself ....let's just hope he makes a good decision...

wait...that doesn't make sense...the cop should turn on his lights to pull him over....crap...he might run...well, he should just scare him a bit and turn on the lights, but not chase him because he might run and if he does, that would be bad....

do you see how this crazy logic of yours works doesn't....

you either have to commit to pulling someone over when they break the law or not....if the rider makes a bad decision (which i would bet not be his first), you can't just say oh well and need to continue don't get the concept of a slippery start letting guys go who run, they'll all someone else said, if you let them go if they run with a passenger, people will start getting passengers for bike nights...the people that make these bad decisions, this is how they think...if they know there is a way to prevent a cop from giving them a ticket they'll do it...

not to mention if they know they can get away...they'll be much more likely to break numerous laws including speeding, stunting, whatever on public roads because why not, they can just flee and cops won't follow...

the bottom line to all of this is it's sad the guy one deserves to die (usually) was not the cops fault no matter HOW you spin matter was the rider's choice and he gets no pity from me for his DECISION....

as for the girl, that is the saddest part....she probably had terror in her errors speeding away and had absolutely NOTHING to should be pissed at that rider for doing that to someone....he essentially TOOK her life...yet you want to someone say the cop should feel bad even though he didn't do ANYTHING wrong....c'mon....

just pull over...for yourself and for the rest of i don't have to read this garbage again and that when i inevitably get pulled over on my bike, the cop doesn't immediately assume i am an a$$ when i pull over because the last guy he tried to pull over ran....
Old 05-30-2008, 06:33 PM
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Default Speed...

What a tragic story but I almost always hit triple digits when I am out on my bike. If I wanted to just cruise around I would have gotten a metric bike. Don't BS anyone when you say that you own a sportbike and you never go more than 10 over. If that is indeed the case, get a cruiser because they are more comfortable than almost any sportbike, at least as far as I'm concerned. If I see a stretch of road ahead of me with nobody around, I twist the throttle with a grin on my face. On a freeway I have reached 130 but I won't go any faster than that. Would I do that with a passenger? I won't say I won't but I will inform them of the risks ahead of time. At no time have I ever felt that I was traveling at an unsafe speed, but when there are cars around, I am very careful. Should I have to pay out the butt just because I get clocked at 20 over with very little or no traffic? I think not. Then it's just a means to generate revenue for the state or county. I don't buy the fact that speed limits are put into place to protect both the rider and the rest of the populace. Once more our goverment wants to make a decision about how safe and responsible we can be, without our input.

If everyone was in agreement about wether or not to chase a fleeing motorcycle, there would be zero "No chase" policies. Some departments do it and some don't. In this particular case, the cop should have let the guy go, especially if he was well over triple digits. A young girl perished as well as another rider, who we did not know. Death is something that you can never recover from so to wish it on another rider is folly. Yes, he was reckless and threatening the safety of those fat soccer moms' in their SUV's but to say that he deserved to die is a touch much. I have been stopped by the police and I always pull over right away. No speeding tickets on my record so far. Save it for the track, some may say. Yes, I have a track right in my backyard and I don't have to pay for new tires, track fees, or a full leather suit either. Isn't that wonderful? I mean, tracks are everywhere and they are open at all times, which is great for people who actually work 40hrs a week. Right...
Old 05-30-2008, 06:47 PM
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Default RE: DON'T Fuggin Run!!!

ORIGINAL: KidCr3nshaw

Maybe BikeInCtown is speaking a different dialect in his English... but I see nowhere in anything he wrote wishing someone death.

Furthermore just because you can throw a leg over a motorcycle hardly classifies you as, "my comrade."

quit arguing for the sake of argument.
Old 05-30-2008, 06:50 PM
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Default RE: DON'T Fuggin Run!!!


ORIGINAL: shoortbuss


Fug that. You run from the cops and you deserve everything that happens to you, including death.
That's a little harsh Mike. I would never wish death upon anybody, especially for a violation as petty as running from the cops. The sentence simply doesn't match the crime.

Either way, he made the ultimate sacrifice for his decision to run and I feel terrible that he had to act like a jackass with an innocent girl on the back. It's an all around tragedy, so let's please refrain from turning this into a debate and respectfully pay our homage to a fallen comrad.
It's harsh yes. Like I said, I'm tired of a$$holes on the roads, and especially tired of ones who cause accidents and harm to others. I've explained in other posts that I have a wife and two kids. I certainly don't need some a$$hole running a light and wiping me out on a bike or in a car.

Lonewolfmentioned that sometimes good people make bad decisions. I can understand bad decisions, but good people realize their decision was bad and make an attempt to correct it. This person had plenty long to realize the error of their way and still chose to do what they did. I put someone like this in the same category as a multiple conviction drunk driver, a rapist, or murderer. You had a chance but chose to ignore. each his own. I'm a little baffled at your choice of grouping drunk drivers with rapists and murderers though, but this is a debate that this forum could drag out for pages and pages if we really got into it. You're entitled to your opinion, and you have solid enough reasoning to back it up, so let's please just leave it at that.
Old 05-30-2008, 07:37 PM
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Default RE: DON'T Fuggin Run!!!

I can say if that was me I would have stopped and told my passenger to get off the bike then it would all out from there. That is to assume one I would run. The easiest way to get out of a ticket pull over be respectful and tell the truth. I have gotten out of a few speeding tickets by merely telling the truth. One trooper was amazed and said You wouldn't believe how many people won't admit they were speeding.
Old 05-30-2008, 07:50 PM
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Default RE: DON'T Fuggin Run!!!

I agree that the guy should have pulled over. But I am sure that in his mind he was just doing what everyone else was doing. In that group not one person pulled over, so why should he?? Don't get me wrong I would have pulled over and I have been the only one to pull over and you know what the cops did? All drove past me to get the runners. The guy should have pulled over because one it is the right thing to do and two because he has a passanger who had no control. ( Although when you get on a bike you always know there is a risk of injury) I wish the best for the families and RIP to both the driver and girl.
Old 05-30-2008, 07:56 PM
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Default RE: DON'T Fuggin Run!!!

While I would never run. They don't need to chase those that do.
please please please stop chasing these bikers who do not stop within the first 1/2 mile....Two people dead...over some tickets for "REPORTED" speeding/reckless driving...and the girl was 20...just as old as me...didn't even get to live yet...WTF
Written so eloquently by some of ourfine public school graduates no doubt. It make me feelall warm insideabout all the school taxes I pay. It just goes to show you that The U.S. of A. has the best and brightest populating our cities and towns. I for one will sleep better at night knowing that minds as sharp as these two will be our movers and shakers.

Keep up the good work gentlemen and thank you for making such well thought out statements.

Old 05-30-2008, 08:06 PM
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Default RE: DON'T Fuggin Run!!!

You want logic? Logic states that if there is a chance something can happen...then it will happen. That rider may have made a bad choice...may have went in his head "i'm going to slow down and stop after this exit ramp"....then oh ****...coming in too hot...extra weight of a passenger...a few seconds later...death...i know cops....both those who ride and don't ride....and most of them will agree...chasing a motorcyclist who is running is NOT worth it because it usually ends this case...very bad. Some of the people in here seem to be detached from their humanity...most of our major cities have much more to deal with than some stunting bike riders...give me a f'ing break.

And as far as that comment about "public school graduates" your saying that a private school student gets a better education? Lets not go there because that sounds like an "I'm better than you" statement and all people are created equal

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