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I'll Explain

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Old 11-18-2006, 04:25 AM
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Default RE: I'll Explain

Poor poor bike. I feel sorry for her.

Forget the bank robber scumbag, its just inhumane to wreck a new bike like that!
Old 11-18-2006, 10:13 AM
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Default RE: I'll Explain

ORIGINAL: KidCr3nshaw

Just for future reference, you MUST handcuff a suspect, in most cases, even after it can be determined, from a non-physicians point of view, that he is dead. If they took him out with the car, an d DIDN'T cuff him, what would the response be then?

"Oh he's dangerous enough to hit with a car but he doesn't need handcuffed?"

You people have got to understand that there is more to todays law enforcement than you're realizing. You lay spike strips and you risk the man somehow being able to stay upright and continue on, presumably at a higher speed and possibly place innocents in harms way. Hey, stranger things have happened. They, at the time, felt this was the best way to end a dangerous situation, and it worked.

Some black people are jerks, some aren't. Some white people are pitiful trash, some aren't. There is no need to point out the fact that another human being can be categorized based on their profession when the same sweeping generalization can be applied to humanity itself, as a whole.

well i know from seeing you around the forums you are a cop, and i totally respect what you guys do day to day. But from what i saw in the vid, the biker is going about 45-50mph (even if he was hitting higher speeds, the worst the strip would do is make his bike go into a tank slap) but you could be right - he could of somehow kept control of two flat tires or actually got passed the strips..

You are in no position to critcize the actions of those putting themselves in harms way every day for a paycheck that MAY be SLIGHTLY higher than yours. Yeah, some cops are dicks, but guess what, some bikers are dicks and some aren't.
first, i dont care if cops are making more then me - i seriously hope they are with what they have to go through everyday. but i'm in no position to critcize or express my own point of view in these forums? i'm sorry but doesnt that seem alittle odd. not everyone is going to have the same point of view on something. examples - religion, politics, lifestyles. usually when someone posts something like this up (video), they want your comments, thoughts, and concerns - I just had more to put then +1.

Also, nowhere in my comments is there something about me putting the cops that tooken action down. All I said is they could of maybe came up with a better option.

That jackass got just what he deserved. Just because he was on a bike doesn't in any way make me sympathize with him. I'd like to see what the naysayers here would do if it was their families inside that bank...

"Let's just talk to him..." Come on, guys, wake up.
i'm not sympathizing just because he is on a bike - he did choice to get a bike (probbly for a good reason to hit top speeds to maybe get out of there - he's probbly seen one too many ghostrider vids)

but let me first bring up a nice little topic that been spreading like wildfire on - the 2 cops beating that guy down when arresting him.. I don't know what he did, if he robbed someone or had a warrant on himself for something stupid. But if he did rob someone or did commit a crime was if right to use that kind of force (I"M NOT PICKING ON COPS!!!!!!!!!!!!! let say those 2 cops are citizens that are making an arrest.)

I'd like to see what the naysayers here would do if it was their families inside that bank...
I bet you the friends and families got a nice grin from seeing that happen to him - hey, if they get that much pleasure from seeing harm come to someone that committed a crime, lets go back in time and start hanging people for misdemeanors - because at least the family and friends would get some kind of gratitude to seeing the f***er hanged.. I thought like that when my best friend got shot - it drove his sister to madness and she will never go out without a loaded gun in her purse, but you
Old 11-18-2006, 11:47 AM
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I don't know what else happened to him, but so far, I'd say he got off easy. To have been inside with hostages and making them fear for their lives and then think you just get to ride off into the sunset with no cares in the world... me thinks not.

I just think if we (the USA) didn't handle most of our criminals with kid gloves and worry so much about their rights instead of the victims, we wouldn't have so much violent crime in our communities. Too many bleeding hearts. You want to terrorize others, take hostages, make demands? Then you better expect the worst out come when your 5 minutes worth of planning fall through.

Sorry about the rant. Just touched a nerve.
Old 11-18-2006, 12:39 PM
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Like they said they have had to deal with recent terrorist attacks, there done F#cking around, just bring the hammer down, thats all these people understand, if they are going to start taking hostages and terrorizing people they have forfieted there rights, think about the freak that killed those 5 Amish girls and what another 5 maimed for life? ya he took the easy way and killed himself but still, people like this as far as Iam concerned have no rights [sm=rant.gif] sorry if I got carried away did not mean to, just don't feel very sorry for these types [:@]
Old 11-18-2006, 12:52 PM
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I don't know what else happened to him, but so far, I'd say he got off easy. To have been inside with hostages and making them fear for their lives and then think you just get to ride off into the sunset with no cares in the world... me thinks not.

I just think if we (the USA) didn't handle most of our criminals with kid gloves and worry so much about their rights instead of the victims, we wouldn't have so much violent crime in our communities. Too many bleeding hearts. You want to terrorize others, take hostages, make demands? Then you better expect the worst out come when your 5 minutes worth of planning fall through.

Sorry about the rant. Just touched a nerve.

Thats the problem wit our society today. People care to much bout how the criminals are treated after they get caught. I mean we got rapists that are out in 5 years or less because they found a loop hole in the law. WTF?! And of course when u say that they should deserve worse treatment then some bleeding heart will go and say "Well how would u feel if u got caugt doing something wrong?". REALITY CHECK, i aint gonna do something like go out and murder or rape a bunch of people. And if i did decide to go off the reservation one day i would realize the consequences of my actions when i would get caught. Its like those burgalers that break into a place, get all fooked up while in the process like break a leg or two when they slip on something, and then after they are caught and in jail they sue the owner of the store...and win. [sm=WTFsgign.gif]

Ive done things wrong in my life that i aint proud of. But, i did know the consequences of my actions and what would happen to me if i had gotten caught doin such things and i wouldnt expect anybody to have a bit of sympathy for me cause if had happened to me i would do the same.

Sorry bout the ranting but this is a touchy subject to most people.
Old 11-18-2006, 03:32 PM
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I don't know what else happened to him, but so far, I'd say he got off easy. To have been inside with hostages and making them fear for their lives and then think you just get to ride off into the sunset with no cares in the world... me thinks not.

I just think if we (the USA) didn't handle most of our criminals with kid gloves and worry so much about their rights instead of the victims, we wouldn't have so much violent crime in our communities. Too many bleeding hearts. You want to terrorize others, take hostages, make demands? Then you better expect the worst out come when your 5 minutes worth of planning fall through.

Sorry about the rant. Just touched a nerve.

Old 11-18-2006, 04:02 PM
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a criminal is a criminal - i dont care for anyone that plays life between the lines. all i was trying to say is there excessive force in capturing the guy (the car infront of the bike.) but hey, they could of used the spike strip already and all the other options but never showed it on the video. but if you kill him, where is the sentence there? he got off easy. rather know he is rotting in a cell..

I just dont believe in torture like other countries - you want to inflict pain over time to people, go for it. But being in the US, I think we handle how we should (yes, there is some screwed up sh*t like the thief slipping and getting stabbed by a kitchen knife and then sueing the homeowners) and OJ.. I know there should be a huge push back on kids doing what collinbind (sp?) shooting.. trial them as adults and 10x worse.. but just because Spain was fed up with terroism - why not give him a harsher sentence and maybe put it int the newspapers?..

Idk, i'm done with this subject.. still a good vid, they should use it as a commerical for motorist to look for motorcyclists or this will happne haha (would be so funny)..
Old 11-18-2006, 04:08 PM
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Default RE: I'll Explain

ORIGINAL: cbr_newbie


I don't know what else happened to him, but so far, I'd say he got off easy. To have been inside with hostages and making them fear for their lives and then think you just get to ride off into the sunset with no cares in the world... me thinks not.

I just think if we (the USA) didn't handle most of our criminals with kid gloves and worry so much about their rights instead of the victims, we wouldn't have so much violent crime in our communities. Too many bleeding hearts. You want to terrorize others, take hostages, make demands? Then you better expect the worst out come when your 5 minutes worth of planning fall through.

Sorry about the rant. Just touched a nerve.

Old 11-19-2006, 01:24 PM
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Hey man, it came across sounding different than I meant it. I only bring up the pay thing because around here, the general public seem to think I make $60K a year and expect me to put myself in harms way without thinking about it. Our city officers here make less than I do and it's the same...

Anyway, not how I meant it. And also, about the opinon thing, I didn't mean for it to come across that way either. EVERYONE has a right to their opinion and I believe that, I think maybe you can see what I was trying to say now. Until you get shot at, or have someone you care about being held hostage, or even have to bring yourself to the point of physically fighting someone in the line of duty, it's VERY hard to render judgement on someone else for their actions.

Police officers have a split-second to make most any critical decision and the public has all the time in the world to critisize - happens everyday, just like it happens on the forums.

I was just asking for people to kinda consider that - no hard feelings.

EDIT: Oh yeah, FatGuy... +1

ANOTHER EDIT: I've seen the other video where the cops are on top of the dude punching him. Watch it again, those officers are out of breath (meaning they chased this guy - they both look fairly fit), and at no time during the incident did he comply with their orders. Simple as that. YOU MUST comply - you have no choice. If I'm out of breath, and I know if this dude gets away from me, I'm gonna have to chase him again, and maybe he's not as tired as me and might even overpower me later, I'm gonna do what I gotta do to immobilize him. The suspect was saying, "I can't breathe..." Sure you can, you're talking aren't you? I hear that breathe crap too much. If he would have just given them his hands, he'd have been cuffed and placed in the back of a patrol vehicle. Take a closer look at things, you might notice something you didn't before.
Old 11-19-2006, 03:14 PM
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the general public seem to think I make $60K a year and expect me to put myself in harms way without thinking about it. Our city officers here make less than I do and it's the same...
Na, i completely understand man. I think law enforcement should really be payed more IMO (same with teachers/firefighters) - it seems like anyone that gets into those professions must really want to change or help the world (not like real estate, stock brokers, etc etc).
And I understand that you have to come up with split second decisions to make sure everyone comes out ok and that you did everything in your power to follow your guidelines.. I did see your link to Deputy Dinkhellers and that was the worse video my ears could bear. I mean if Deputy Dinkhellers would of handcuffed the man, or tackled him before he returned to his truck (i thought i saw a passenger in the vid too, but idk.. still, i dont understand why....) He might still be alive. So i fully understand when officers might take extreme measures to keep themselves out of harms way. for this hostage video here, I guess I might of been ignornant from not knowing all the facts in this situation - but all the newscaster said was "the man held up a bank and willing to trade his hostage for a bike... And he might have a hand gernade."

Police officers have a split-second to make most any critical decision and the public has all the time in the world to critisize - happens everyday, just like it happens on the forums
yeah i agree - even tho it seemed like that situation in the bankrobbery was a stand-down that lasted for more then how many hours.. the option of the bike could of been asked for at the last minute.
even myself, I have had bad judgement (if i can say that) just yesterday i was cleaning a house and forgot to tell the homeowner to watch her step when she started to come down-stairs.. well for my incompetents, when she stepped on the slippery tile she lost her balance. Even tho carpet cleaning is not even close to law enforcement risks, i hate when **** goes wrong and now i feel guilty that i could of pervented something that shouldn't of happened. So i know when those officers got home, they probably played that situation out over and over again thinking of how it could of been better.

I was just asking for people to kinda consider that - no hard feelings.
Well I watch channel 5 news almost everynight and somehow they got an officer in the court house trying to explain why he took measures like he did. (living in vegas, the news is all about negatives *crime-scenes,accidents,missing people, oscar goodman haha*) Even tho they get tried in court everytime a shoot-out happens, we need our cops and i believe you guys pull your weight and some. So seeing a judge make an officer step-down or take a leave of absence from his actions in a situation like that shouldnt happen. I kind-of shake my head because i barely even see a cop a day on the streets - what's the ratio? 1:50,000? cop/population.

In the end, my point across was even tho the criminal deserves whatever happens to him in a situation he created - death shouldnt be a option for him. For some reason, that is an easy way out. And I don't believe inflicting any intential pain or death to a criminal will heal any scars or angry.
I do believe prison system is f***ed up. I don't understand why most of the inmates almost live a good life in jail. My sister been to jail for minor offenses and she was treated better then living in her house. But for someone that already hit rock-bottom and cant even get a good meal, why not commit a crime? you know your are going to get 3 meals a day.. so I think it's screwy (especially when it's our taxes going to them, i'm ok with paying to keep them in there - but i dont want to know they are in heaven in there. rather see it go to our law enforcement, schools, parks.)
I dont want to know a serial killer t
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