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"Kramer" Goes NUTS at a show...NSFW

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Old 11-21-2006, 03:29 AM
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Default RE: "Kramer" Goes NUTS at a show...NSFW

Everyone has their own Opinion on it. I was shocked to here him say it in the show and he did lose it...WOW... but THe word doesnt bother me, Im white, not racial at all. But they do call them self N.....s yet get so upset when a white person calls them one. I have african american friends, they call themselves that all the time. Rap music anybody?.. But I agree with them. White people shouldnt say it, I dont think they should say it either. word should be forgotten but never will. I would never say it and dont think it will ever sound right coming from a white person. When black people use it, they use it in a positive way as, when a white person says it, it always sound so negative. back on topic.... WOW... crazy ****
Old 11-21-2006, 03:51 AM
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Default RE: "Kramer" Goes NUTS at a show...NSFW


Nothing to do with Kramer (read the other thread now). Today I sat through a mandatory 8 hour racism and ethics POST class. That's all fine and dandy - except the black guy (always is a black guy teaching these classes) was THE BIGGEST racist I've ever met in my entire life (well, that actually had all his teeth and was educated). I, along with about 35 others, 11 of which were black, were completely offended by his comments and general attitude. We contacted the MSHP and his superiors are looking into it

In any case, I had a fuse lit already today about this similar issue. Again, nothing to do with Kramer or his video.

By the way... you got some of those "chill pills" for sale, or would it be in my best interest to not have them?

Old 11-21-2006, 04:43 AM
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Default RE: "Kramer" Goes NUTS at a show...NSFW

My pet peve is dumbass drivers. I called out some old hag after she ran a stop sign going at least 35mph and didn't even break. The 2nd red light, I stopped, knocked on her window and informed her that she broken the law by running the stop sign. That bitch was trying to play ignorant. I don't care if she was 60 year old. Law is the law.

God I should really be a cop... But I'd end up just pulling people over, calling them dumbasses and not even write a ticket. wait, I do that already.
Old 11-21-2006, 12:38 PM
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Default RE: "Kramer" Goes NUTS at a show...NSFW

its completely uncalled for and so what does he do? turns around and calls him a cracker *** mother trucker!

i never get it, practice what you preach. im not condoning what he said, but if you look at society, it is deemed ok to make fun of white people, and why? you could have a movie or a show where they openly call people crackers and honky and nothing will ever be said about it, because white people were never oppressed? i dont understand why there is a double standard for everything. at the same time they will insult themselves by replacing an ER with an A so now it makes the word ok? i got it, from now on, everyone just call white people CRACKA and it wont be racial. oh wait, it never was to begin with....

if you support freedom of speech, that means you give people the right to say whatever they want, even if it is offensive to you. its the same right in which it gives them the right to call me a cracker. i should be able to call someone cornbread, not in offensive racist context, but jokingly as i am a saltine!

btw, when was this? recently?
Old 11-21-2006, 01:17 PM
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Default RE: "Kramer" Goes NUTS at a show...NSFW

^^ +1 I prefer to think of myself as more of a triscuit tho.
Old 11-21-2006, 01:26 PM
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Default RE: "Kramer" Goes NUTS at a show...NSFW

I think his performance was just this past weekend. Here's an apology segment when he went on Letterman in case everyone hasn't seen it yet:
Old 11-21-2006, 02:24 PM
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Default RE: "Kramer" Goes NUTS at a show...NSFW

There are definintely racial tensions running amuck in this country. I am half Mexican, but look like I fell out of Swiss Miss and I hear filthy, lazy, spic comments all the time because people don't know my heritage. I'm like a fly on the wall. I know that black/white relations are strained bigtime, but when haven't they been? I know that enslaving a person isn't right, but I personally didn't ever enslave is not my fault so I don't want to be held accountable. For the record, people in Africa enlsaved eachother before whitey got into the picture. In South America, the Aztecs and Mayans were known for enslaving (and sacrificing) other people in the country. What about fuedal England? Do you think the serfs were anything but slaves? People just have a history of ****ting on eachother. There has never been a lack of that. So back to this video, is Michael Richards truely sorry? I think so. Did he say something wrong? I think so. Is he the only race to ever say something like that against another race? I don't think so. Like the bible says,"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." If you don't like the way things are, make a conscious effort to teach your children different.
Old 11-21-2006, 04:19 PM
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Default RE: "Kramer" Goes NUTS at a show...NSFW

voodoochyl, you are very right. I am of German heritage, as a matter of fact the whole area that I live in is from Germany from around 1840's. We are called "Krauts" or "Duetchman" many times. Am I offended? No, because that is where my ancestors are from. It is what I am. I can't change my heritage, any more than I can change what my ancestors have done. But, I am here because of them and for that I am grateful. I do get upset though on the phone, when I am asked to push 1 for one language or 2 for a different language, but I am NEVER asked to push 3 for German. My ancestors were so proud to be Americans, they chose to speak the national language.

I am not an expert in social behavior and I can certainly understand not wanting to be called derogatory remarks. But, is the "N" word another way of saying people from Nigeria? Not trying to be devils advocate at all, just trying to understand. Should I be upset by being called a Kraut? I am not, but should I be? If one group of people insists that they are being/have been abused, do they then become the abusers?

I think Kramer is seriously sorry, I think he tried to defuse the situation,after he realized what he had done, but the horse was out of the barn. What is really sad, is say the wrong word and you can never retract it, it is like a bullet, it can't be called back. I truly feel sorry for him.
Old 11-21-2006, 05:12 PM
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Default RE: "Kramer" Goes NUTS at a show...NSFW

I heard about this on the radio this morning when they played the whole clip...i laughed my a$$ off. All i could picture in my mind was seeing "kramer" on stage and yelling out racial slurs at these two big black guys and then gettin his ars kicked on stage. Now that is funny.

On the other hand what he did wasnt funny at all. Yeah, yeah i do agree wit everybody else bout the usage of the evil "N" word and other racial slurs about anybody else like "spic" or "cracker" in that they shouldnt b used. But, words are just words. They dont effect u if they u dont let them. I personally think that those guys doin the heckling shoulda just kept there mouth shut and sat there after he droped that first line bout how they woulda been hangin from a tree wit somethin in their ars 50 years ago and just let him stand there and make an *** of himself witout any help. By goin back at him, it gives people a reason to defend what he did by saying "O he was just dealing wit the hecklers" or "Well they called him a cracker". Instead, he woulda just kept goin and buried himself (not that he has had much of a career lately, but at least he woulda went out wit a bang).

And for the last part of my rant...Yes i am a white guy. A honky. A cracker. Wonderbread. Whatever, im sure there are many more. I also had a black guy as a roomate in college and i have never heard of anybody make fun of black people more than him and his black friends (and im from the south where everyday i see a confederate flag on a rednecks jacked up truck) "Damn, she got big lips." "Damn, that n**** is black". He even said a couple times "I hate black people". Now im part Italian and i know that if i ever said that i hate wops to a couple of people round here that i prolly woulda got locked in the back of a trunck or somethin along that nature. My point is that damn near everybody has somethin to say bout another race or even there own, but we control whether or not we are hurt by them. Remember, they are just words. All they can really do to u is...absolutely nothing if u dont let them.

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