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The Zero Dollar Bill

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Old 12-10-2007, 10:23 PM
HARDCORP 8654's Avatar
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Default RE: The Zero Dollar Bill

Really do not like to dive to far into this subject, but since were slinging around political party names like their knives and firearms I personally believe it's absolutely ludicrous to base one's political beliefs. On one party or the other based on the parties name or its affiliation to an individual... **** they all belong to the same good old boys club. Regardless of gender and observe the Golden rule, those with the gold makes the rules. They all believe in the same things, but just have a little different uptake on how to implement it. Every political party in this country is corrupt beyond any hope of righting itself . The permanent mindset of today's politician is, what can I gain out of this. Long since passed are the days of 'ask not what your country can do for you. But what you can do for your country'. Now I do not subscribe to all these off-the-wall conspiracy theories, but do believe maybe, possibly a Bastille Day for America is long over due. I say round them all up, including anyone who's even ran for local dogcatcher and bar them from politics for life. Start all over with additional rule. Anyone found guilty of corruption shall be publicly executed. I could rant for hours about, how the middle class is vanishing. From our society and the scales are being tipped at both ends. Most of us here are among that dying breed of true middle-class America . Now, so there is no confusion. My allegiance lies with the sovereignty of this Great Nation and the protection of its citizens regardless of their race, color or creed Not to a corrupt political system. I am like most of you, try to work with the system for social and economic change
Old 12-10-2007, 10:36 PM
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Default RE: The Zero Dollar Bill


I don't care about "internet" numbers or pointing fingers at anyone......

I care about what I see happening around me. ...btw all this is IMO seeing how idon't have 100% knowledge in this case... nor does anyone else on this forum. So next time I have an opinion I'll let it go right to this forum. Everyone's entitled to one.

Nice words HardCorp!
Old 12-10-2007, 11:44 PM
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Default RE: The Zero Dollar Bill

Thank you, and you absolutely have the right to voice your own opinion this country paid a high price for that one, as to how well-informed you are. I think a lot of times it boils down to how well you can read between the lines and on this particular subject. I think the more research you do, the more confused you become especially when the rules of creative math come into play. And I'm not disputing any fact or theory that has been presented here. Just giving my personal viewpoint, which are based on long-standing traditions and beliefs. They go all the way back to 1775 as to what this republic was founded upon
Old 12-10-2007, 11:56 PM
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Default RE: The Zero Dollar Bill

This economy needs more strip clubs that accept the "0 Dollar" formentioned in this thread!!!!!
Old 12-11-2007, 12:23 AM
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Default RE: The Zero Dollar Bill


haha, its sad but true! ... poor economy ! I'll just have to wait for more upgrades
Since 2003, when the Bush tax cuts went into effect, the economies growth rate has been better than the average of the 1980s and 1990s.

The economic growth rate for 2006 was 3.5%. The average economic growth rate for the 1990s under Clinton was 3.3% and this was during the irrational exuberance of the dotcom bubble. The average economic growth rate for 1980s was 3.1%.

For fiscal year 2006, federal revenue as a share of Gross Domestic Product was 18.4%. The post 1962 average for federal revenue was 18.2% of Gross Domestic Product.

Inflation is low, interest is low.

Next time you have a thought, let it go.
Those numbers are bogus and you know it. they are from the housing market debackle, these Intrest only loans gave the economy false hope. and they kept refianancing these house's to by their toys (lifted trucks,motorhomes,BMW's and ect) and pulled all of their equity out and now they can't afford anything cause they can't afford their true loan amount. Bush is putting a band aid on the foreclosure's by extending their low rates just long enough until he is out of the office. Plus the economy is booming with fuel at 3+ per gallon and showing profits in double digit billions.This is just the beggining of the hurt we are all going to see.

So ya the numbers look good now but wait until the dust settles.
Old 12-11-2007, 12:41 AM
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Default RE: The Zero Dollar Bill

It's still exploding. UBS just porked $10B in the ongoing mortgage debacle. Total industry losses are around $70Bwith a projected total of $300-$400B--just in the sub-prime market.
Old 12-11-2007, 12:50 AM
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Default RE: The Zero Dollar Bill

The economy is not strong. There are many factors that falsify the numbers. Here are a couple.

1. The US government is in more debt that it ever has been. However, this debt did go towards government spending. As any person that knows anything about economics there is something called the government spending multiplier. Basically for every dollar the government spends it is multiplied in the GDP. The GDP reflects our national income and therefore, the economic growth. Also, there was a tax cut that momentarily helped the economy. There is a multiplier for this but it is not as strong as the government spending multiplier.

2. Loan officers lied to write loans and now people are screwed. However, if they told the truth someone else would have lied to write that loan. Simple enough. People for the past couple years have had large amounts of money. However, the private savings IS and HAS been decreasing. Now people are reaching 0 savings and cannot afford their huge mortgages, especially on adjustable terms. Hello foreclosures.

There are many more reasons, some more important than these, however, these are effecting the government as a whole and now the citizens.

For the economists out there you will understand this statement: Our government has screwed with the nominal side of the economy, however, they forgot that the nominal side cannot change the real side in the long run. GDP can only be increased by changes in labor, capital, technology, etc.
Old 12-11-2007, 04:44 AM
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Default RE: The Zero Dollar Bill

I'm disappointed that a Moderator started this thread (being we have detailed rules about political threads) Not to mention the problems we had a few weeks ago with some political threads getting out of control (and where this one is headed). And yes, Bush-bashing (no matter how immature or childish it may be) is still considered political.

I vote to delete this thread, or am I being too much of a forum boy scout?
Old 12-11-2007, 07:39 AM
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Default RE: The Zero Dollar Bill

We are legislating ourselves right out of an economy.

And I agree with blue fox. Rediculous
Old 12-11-2007, 07:50 AM
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Default RE: The Zero Dollar Bill

We're getting better, my boss said so, I work at a credit union. I like George Bush and I would vote for him again because I'm a republican. I hate ice storms in the midwest. I like ice storms in the midwest because my boss calls me and tells me we're closed at work. Ice storms in the midwest have nothing to do with this topic. I like my motorcycle so I will not ride it in the ice storms in the midwest. I want to move to CA. CA doesn't have ice storms like WI.



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