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Old 08-20-2010, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by
I am definitely going to get arnold's book on body building
I’ve gotten a lot of good info from there.

Sunday, for example, you workout back. But how long and how many exercises? 4 exercises with 3 sets and 12 reps? 1 hour?
For me I pick any back exercise (does not matter) and do 2 warmup sets. Then the fun begins,
Deadlifts, 5 sets, 10,8,6,3-5,3-5
Barbell Rows 4 sets, 12,9,6,6
Wide Grip Cable Pulldowns 4 sets, 10,10,10,10
Seated Cable Rows 4 sets, 12,9,9,6
Depending on how I feel I’ll throw in some pullovers at the end for that good final stretch of the lats.
I also will do a dropset or 2 at the end of one of the exercises, none in particular.
And its about an hour to an hour 15.

Then on Monday, do you do 4 exercises of chest and then another 4 exercises of calves? 2 hours?
Correct, and maybe hour 15.

Sir, 12 sets for each exercise or 12 sets total for a muscle on that particular day? So far, on each exercise I have been doing 3 sets. But a total of 4 exercises, which brings total number of sets that day to about 12 sets.
That’s fine, 12 sets overall for that body group, so yes, 12 chest, 12 calves for Monday.

Thanks rocketsauce, I will start working on the routine you gave me and focus more on non-machine exercises. btw you should be a personal trainer
Haha thanks, I’ve thought about it but there isn’t a whole lot of money to be made in the long run so for now its just a passion and a lifestyle I enjoy.

Btw, don't forget to stretch thoroughly after.
Old 08-20-2010, 09:29 PM
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Originally Posted by DRam
At graduation from high school I was 6'1" and weighed in at 145. I could eat anything (and did) without gaining an ounce. Six years later I got married, still at 145 despite working out and eating massive amounts of junk food. Six months later I weighed 175 and looked pretty good.

Soooo, my advice: find a good woman and marry her. Marriage causes weight gain.
Thats me except 6 2 and one forty five I cant gain weight at all and I eat anything/everything. This summer I actually LOST ten pounds Im pissed! lol

Some good advice on here though

Rocketsauce you can make bank off personal training, I actually know a guy whos my age and a manager at a gym and does personal training, hes juiced up though...........

Last edited by CTcbr929; 08-20-2010 at 09:33 PM. Reason: edit
Old 08-20-2010, 10:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Konamtbdjc
Thats me except 6 2 and one forty five I cant gain weight at all and I eat anything/everything.
I'm not saying I have good genetics but I was always a little heavy as a kid so putting on size never seemed to be a problem for me, dieting on the other hand....
Old 08-21-2010, 02:23 AM
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Everyone is different, and you will have to find out what works for you. there is a lot of mis-information out there, even from professional bodybuilders. What works for genetic freaks does not work for others.

From looking at your routine though, I would say your not going to give you muscles enough time to recover. I know its hard to not go in full throttle and give it all you got. Thats fine, but it has to be in moderation. Meaning, give it all you got for the time your in the gym, but don't spend everyday in the gym. There is a saying that muscles are not built in the gym, but in the kitchen. Its pretty accurate, as you have to feed your muscles and give them time to rebuild. When you workout, you tear your muslces down, and if they are not fully recovered when you workout again, you will just tear them down more. I found out the hard way that my body responds best to a 4 day a week routine. I have my splits into 3 groups. chest/back.... arms bi's/ tri's..... legs and shoulders. I use to workout 6 days a week. I felt harder, had better definition, but I didn't add any mass until I worked out less days and gave my body more time to recover.

The other thing you should concern yourself with is sets and number of reps. But don't fall into the routine that a lot of people do. don't tell yourself your going for 10 reps, then stop at 10. You want to find a weight that at the tenth rep, you can't possibly lift another rep. Many people pick a rep range and stop at that rep count, even though they could do more. If your find yourself doing 12 or 13, add some weight. this is the only way your going to increase muscle mass.

Another thing you want to find out where your best rest period is. I usually wait 90 seconds or so between sets. If Im going extremely heavy, I wait up to 3 minutes between sets. If I'm super setting, I only wait 30 seconds. I usuaully go heavy, but every 5-6 weeks, I devote and entire week to light weight, high rep, low rest periods, just to mix things up a bit. You need to find out when your body is recovered enough to go onto the next set. too long, and you've basically wasted the first set, too soon, and you won't be able to lift the weight enough times.

Also, you can join . You don't have to join to view the pages though. Go to the website and scroll down to the forum section. There is a wealth of information there. In all honesty, the 35 and up section has the most benificial information, as a lot of the other sections are filled full of crap. But the nutrition section is pretty informative as well. I've been a member there for awhile, but haven't really posted much there recently. I hate to say it, but this summer has really added the lbs to my waste. I haven't hit the gym in over 6 months. But I will be heading back soon. Getting old and fat is not a good thing..
Old 08-21-2010, 10:47 PM's Avatar
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Originally Posted by justasquid
Everyone is different, and you will have to find out what works for you. there is a lot of mis-information out there, even from professional bodybuilders. What works for genetic freaks does not work for others.

From looking at your routine though, I would say your not going to give you muscles enough time to recover. I know its hard to not go in full throttle and give it all you got. Thats fine, but it has to be in moderation. Meaning, give it all you got for the time your in the gym, but don't spend everyday in the gym. There is a saying that muscles are not built in the gym, but in the kitchen. Its pretty accurate, as you have to feed your muscles and give them time to rebuild. When you workout, you tear your muslces down, and if they are not fully recovered when you workout again, you will just tear them down more. I found out the hard way that my body responds best to a 4 day a week routine. I have my splits into 3 groups. chest/back.... arms bi's/ tri's..... legs and shoulders. I use to workout 6 days a week. I felt harder, had better definition, but I didn't add any mass until I worked out less days and gave my body more time to recover.

The other thing you should concern yourself with is sets and number of reps. But don't fall into the routine that a lot of people do. don't tell yourself your going for 10 reps, then stop at 10. You want to find a weight that at the tenth rep, you can't possibly lift another rep. Many people pick a rep range and stop at that rep count, even though they could do more. If your find yourself doing 12 or 13, add some weight. this is the only way your going to increase muscle mass.

Another thing you want to find out where your best rest period is. I usually wait 90 seconds or so between sets. If Im going extremely heavy, I wait up to 3 minutes between sets. If I'm super setting, I only wait 30 seconds. I usuaully go heavy, but every 5-6 weeks, I devote and entire week to light weight, high rep, low rest periods, just to mix things up a bit. You need to find out when your body is recovered enough to go onto the next set. too long, and you've basically wasted the first set, too soon, and you won't be able to lift the weight enough times.

Also, you can join . You don't have to join to view the pages though. Go to the website and scroll down to the forum section. There is a wealth of information there. In all honesty, the 35 and up section has the most benificial information, as a lot of the other sections are filled full of crap. But the nutrition section is pretty informative as well. I've been a member there for awhile, but haven't really posted much there recently. I hate to say it, but this summer has really added the lbs to my waste. I haven't hit the gym in over 6 months. But I will be heading back soon. Getting old and fat is not a good thing..

dude thanks justa. the funny thing is I think my body is telling me the same thing you are saying. ive been at it for 3 weeks going 5-6 days. I thought I could handle it but today I felt like ****. For some reason, today I had a harder time breathing and kinda dizzy.

Thanks for the tips on the reps/sets and the website. I will slow down a bit and keep at it.
Old 08-22-2010, 12:52 PM
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As you've found, you're going a little bit too hard for yourself. Especially for being a beginner.

I'm like you, I'm a hard gainer. When I started lifting almost 4 years ago I was 5'8 115. I now bounce back and forth between 140-145. That's roughly 30lbs in 4 years, lol. You can do it faster than me, much faster. But it takes discipline, and a lot of it. I am not disciplined enough in my diet to gain a lot of weight (honestly, I've never had goals of being huge so it doesn't bother me).

What rocket told you is pretty much dead on. I don't need to add anything to that.
Old 08-22-2010, 01:32 PM
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Don't kill yourself bro I weight 135 and 5,8 for almost till I was 30.years old. I then put on an extra 70 pounds of fat. At 40 I started gtoing to the gym and have been working out since and I'm 49 now but I mainly lost all the fat and made muscle. No matter what you do your matabalism is just to fast but I can tell you I bet you can lift more then alot of people bigger then you, you need alot of carbs and protein to gain muscle and even like that the body can only gain about 10 pounds of muscle per year with out the aid of steroids. If you decide to take steroids your ***** shrink and your heart gets to big it can explode. Work out to stay healthy and don't worry about your weight. Johnnyh
Old 08-23-2010, 10:39 AM
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I'm 6ft 165lbs been going hard to the gym since July, was going about 2-3 times a week since January. but since then I've been taking a butt load of supplements *aka 11 pills a day* started my first cycle a week ago in week 3 and 4 I wouldn't be surprised if I gained a pound a day for the last 2 weeks. Im looking to hit 185ish before the Renaissance festival

I'm playing a Barbarian :P
Old 08-23-2010, 10:42 AM
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Originally Posted by RojerLockless
I started my first cycle a week ago
Im sorry I couldnt resist laughing at this...

Always knew something wasnt right with u Rojer
Old 08-23-2010, 08:15 PM
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"Soooo, my advice: find a good woman and marry her. Marriage causes weight gain. "

Just remember she will gain more and much faster than you can. Actually, the quickest way to gain weight is by eating wedding cake.

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