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What have we gained?

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Old 11-13-2007, 02:54 PM
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Default RE: What have we gained?

im out.. this thread is getting me all worked up.. .. . love this site
Old 11-13-2007, 02:58 PM
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Default RE: What have we gained?

ORIGINAL: fishfryer527

you didnt mention the **** background it took for you to generalize all republicans as wealthy white males..
Maybe Facist...Italian Grandparents.

we are a diverse country thats what makes the USA such a great place
I didn't say I disliked other races that are in this country.

Middle East wars are needed?!?!
Most if not all wars are needed. If not then all it would take is a letter written to a world leader that says ' I am Fishfryer, you now work for me.' and I am now their President or Dictator. There are two sides to every war, an aggressor and a defender. While you may think that we are the aggressor in this war, this war is about oil and religion, so we cannot fight this war in Ohio, we have to go where the oil and Muslims are.

what if they invaded theUS for our oil and to make us all muslims
That ain't gonna happen, not with guys like HARDCORP954 on our side. They attacked several times, it was state sponsored terrorism (remember 9/11?, various embassies, WTC in 1990, Madrid bombings, London). The only way to defeat the enemy is by taking away their ability to finance a war.

The agents of terrorism attack civilians and hide among their victims. IF they fought honorably and lost I would have respect for them and the culture that created them, but now, I have no use for them and hopefully George Bush will destroy their way of life and let the good people in that culture thrive and suppress those nut jobs that you seem to side with.

Thank God your best shot is Hillary, at least we won't have a Democrat in the White House.

by the way.. taking away thier ability to finance a war is the best way to defeat an enemy.. what do you think they are doing to us? we are a broke country driving a bentley... lol.. its so true you know it.. we are selling bonds to other countries to finance this war.. other countries like China, and Argentina.. so get yo facts straight..
Old 11-13-2007, 03:11 PM
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Default RE: What have we gained?

taking away thier ability to finance a war is the best way to defeat an enemy.. what do you think they are doing to us?
I agree, they started it, 1973 Oil Embargo...gas lines...odd/even... an invasion of their soil is a natural progression, it is not a pretty site, but it how it needs to be. I'd like to have your view of the world, gumdrop rainbows, chocolate rivers and candy cane forests, but this is the real world, not fantasy land.
Old 11-13-2007, 03:22 PM
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Default RE: What have we gained?

Fox Co damn glad you came out of the bushes. More than earned the right to say what you believe and how you feel, but I haven't seen anyone pushing Christianity down anyone's throat any damn where. I know all to well Fallujah, was a real goat ****ing will not disagree with you on that. But I believe if we were pushing Christianity they would not have been an issue about blowing that damn mosque up or am I missing something. Oil for payment. Since when, where are these tankers pulling up at with all this free oil, I suggest you check your facts as a matter of fact, every time the war takes a turn for the worse are something else happens. The damn price of oil goes up. To the victor go the spoils is straight out bullsh*t.

BTW I am Catholic, raised Catholic, went to Catholic school for the most part, and will probably take a beating for still being one, but I took the time to read the Koran and try to understand its teachings. And while laid up with my IED injuries I read and studied every damn thing I could get my hands on. You cannot help someone you do not understand, nor can you defeat a religious extremist without first understanding what he bases his beliefs on or knowing the ways of a crescent moon warrior Knowledge Is Strength

This is directed at no one in particular, and to all who make the claim. I could give a damn less whether any of you are Republicans, Democrats, liberal or Independent. Just don't tell me, after you have spent any time out front. You haven't seen anything to justify what is going on. And if you were there at any point when the mass graves were uncovered are spoken to someone who was tortured by Saddam and can then say There is no real reason to help these people. I Will Damn Well Call You a Liar to Your Face

I have got about 50 links at my fingertips, but I'll just provide one less graphic one and shouldn't prevent a good nights rest

the political viewpoint of this thread It Should Be a Non-Issue Whether or Not We Should Have Deployed in the First Place . We Are There for the Right Reasons Are the Wrong Reasons We Are There ! The Real Issue Should Not Be When Where Getting out but How to Turn the Whole Thing into a Success Story like MacArthur Did with Japan or At Least an Acceptable Solution like South Korea We Should Not Let This Be Turned into Some Political Quagmire like Vietnam Was in the Late 60s and Early 70s We Should've At Least Learned Something from That Mistake F@CKING PERIOD ! and Don't speak to me about supporting the Armed Forces but not supporting the war. The two are so intertwined that can't be separated. How can you support a person or a group as a whole without supporting what they believe in or what they are required to do. Yes, we get pissed off, and vent and we rant, rave and suffer but if I'm not mistaken, it is a all volunteer force. So how can you support someone without supporting what they're doing. Do they want freedom in Iraq, the majority of the population Do... Do they wanted it on the terms in which were providing probably not, should we turn our backs and walk away? I hope to hell not ! Sorry feeling a little PTSD. Today or maybe it's just pure frustration, one last thing. If you find this personally offensive. I suggest you look at the thread titled "the most random thread ever" page 9 and see my post their always glad to help

Old 11-14-2007, 06:10 PM
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Default RE: What have we gained?

Good question. I hope we, as a nation, have gained some respect from the rest of the world. I hope we are seen by some as having good intentions towards those less fortunate. I wish the oppressed citizens of this world could look to us for help in their struggles. In reality, I don't see what we've gained. I see what we've lost. New Mexico loses a soldier per month, on average. War sucks! Pace, Gris.
Old 11-14-2007, 06:23 PM
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Default RE: What have we gained?

while we're talking about religion and politics, i dare you to watch the first 30 minutes of this movie. it blew my f'kin mind!!!

the first third of the movie kinda sorta proves in a messed up way that there is no religion


it'll blow your mind.

the 2nd two-thirds of the move talks about 9/11 and conspiracys and other useless junk. the religion part is the best part (first 30 minutes)

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