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The key to being happy ...

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Old 11-09-2008, 03:48 PM
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Default RE: The key to being happy ...

Old 11-09-2008, 05:36 PM
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Default RE: The key to being happy ...

Well, short of Xanax, money is the key to happiness, used the right way. The wrong way is $70 million on something like Prop 8, to achieve exactly diddly-squat (**** you, mormons). That's enough money for 1,000 college degrees...wasted. On hate. How happy would a thousand struggling students be to get their education paid for? Pretty ecstatic, I bet, for a very long time. Absolutely I think money isthe crux to "inner peace." People that have it, and are still crying in the mirror...deserve every bit of grief they pretend to suffer from.

Old 11-09-2008, 06:24 PM
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Default RE: The key to being happy ...

a man can survive on barely any food or water. you can even take away his home and his cars, leave him with nothing but the clothes on his back and a decent pair of shoes... but you take away hope from a man.. and he will fail. we all need that simple glimmer of hope that things will get better. without it our spirit dies very easily we lose focus and our will to continue on. thats just my personal feeling and thats what im looking for , just that bit of hope that things will get better .
Old 11-10-2008, 10:14 AM
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Default RE: The key to being happy ...


I noticed a lot of you are feeling down and unhappy lately and some are looking for "inner peace" ..well inner peace and being happy are kinda the same things ... if you are happy you have inner peace and if you have inner peace you are generally happy.

One of the main keys to happiness is to actually appreciate what you have ... the trouble with the world today is it sees happiness as what you achieve and what you own ..your image and your money have become the goals for happiness and its all wrong!!

Some people have everything, beautiful big houses, fast cars and bikes and plenty of status and money in the bank but they are often totally miserable and looking for "something" ... they know they should be happy because they have everything the West defines as what makes us happy but the West is wrong!!

Some people have very little and live very simple lives yet are immensely happy, so, something else is going on here ..happiness is actually a state of mind and you wont find it by the accumulation of wealth and status. Some will, theres always sods law but most people who arent happy dont find it by buying it or trying to buy it!!

They say to themselves Oh but I will be happy when I can afford that new car I want or that new bike or I get that bigger house, then I will be happy ..wrong!! .. you will buy it and feel temporary euphoria from the purchase and first few weeks but because you were not truly happy before then you will slide back again.

You have to start appreciating and enjoying what you already have ..sounds simplistic I know and it takes some major reprogramming for people who have been "chasing" happiness through constant material gain which only ever brings short term happiness and has you searching again in no time at all ... once you actually do appreciate what you already have and enjoy it then you will be happy.

It can be anything from appreciating your health, how valuable is your eyesight?? The ability to see beauty in the world ..what if you lost your eyesight?? bad would that be for you and what would you pay to have them back??

I could have £50 million in the bank and it would mean squat if I was blind ... my eyes are all to me and I would rather be poor and able to see than wealthy and blind, we take our sight and our health for granted. We need to slow down and wake up to what is around us, start to "see" again ...

I have seen my own brother with his head in his hands over the stress of running his yacht and the upkeep ..he has lots of money and a nice car but he defines his happiness by the stuff he owns .. I have been on the cliff tops of Pembrokeshire on a sunny day and watched the ocean for a couple of hours in peace and thought to myself it doesnt get much better than this :-)

You have to stop comparing yourself with others too, that is fatal!! ..there will always be greater or lesser than you .. we cant all be the same be happy with who and what you are ..appreciate your own life and health, your ability to go out your door for a walk through the woods on a sunny afternoon ..then when you are happy any acquisition of material wealth on top of this merely enhances your life but is not the reason for your being happy.

I think you hit the nail on the head here Jules. I've never had a lot of material possessions... not growing up or now.Sure I want to have a big screen TV or a 1000RR or a fancy new computer, but in the long run, I don't think I would be any better off.The thingsI do have I appreciateimmenselyandthat is the key to happiness least for me.
Old 11-12-2008, 10:49 AM
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Default RE: The key to being happy ...

I wierdo ! Being so makes me familiar with unhappiness and, conversely, unhappiness. This does not seem to be about me, though. It seems to be about two hearts being denied love by geography and politics. The Pacific Ocean is the biggest and deepest. The hatred between theVietnamese and American Governments is unmatched in my experience. These obstacles to happiness seem insurmountable ! I do not know what I could say that could be of any significance. I do know I love this Forum (Wierdo !) and they say that love conquers all.
The pursuit of happiness is a cornerstone of our (American) Constitution. It is one of our unaliable rights, right up there with life and liberty. Why is this so important to us that we would defend it with our lives ? For me, to pursue happiness ( even if unattainable ) is to counter unhappiness and strive for balance. It also awakens the fighter and rebellious nature in me. This gives me strength and purpose.
My greatest unhappiness in life has been when I was separated from the one I love. My greatest happiness in life has been when I was fulfilling a purpose. I have tried, in life, to achieve harmony, and so move forward. When cirumstance puts me in an unhappy situationI fight depression and anxiety with intellect and reason to formulate a plan. It may not be a good plan, but any plan is better than no plan. Even if the plan fails I do not feel so helpless and defeated. I tell myself that I am doing the best that I can with what I have. I appreciate what I have and feel better about myself. For me, unhappiness comes from without, and happiness comes from within. I dunno if any of this is relevant. I wierdo !

*If you wish to be instantly happy, think about what you have. If you wish to be instantly unhappy, think about what you do not have*___Momma.

*Our thoughts have prepared us for the happiness or unhappiness we experience*___Khan
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