Crappy idle, stumble on takeoff
RE: Crappy idle, stumble on takeoff
i run 93-94, who knows what the previous owner ran. What i do know, is that the clamps from the carbs to the engine were quite loose, also the idle jets in the carbs were clogged. Im also going to run sea-foam through it to further clean out the engine. Should have it all done by the end of next week "waiting on seafoam/air filter"
RE: Crappy idle, stumble on takeoff
I bought it from a guy on this forum parting out his F4. Every once and awhile you can find them. You can also find them on eBay, and I think they retail for 300USD
RE: Crappy idle, stumble on takeoff
I've been having the same issue with my 2000 F4 as well; stumbles a little at take off but outside of that bike runs smooth. I fill her with 91 all the time. The bike is pretty new to me and I've given an oil change replaced clutch cable which I thought was the issue with the stumble it wasstretched to limit but still does it I've got sparkplugson the way and I just realized this afternoon the returncable on my throtlehadbroken. I don't know when this happend butthe throttle seemed tooperate fine with out it. but I'm thinkin that that couldadd to reason why it stumbles?? I don't think octane wouldeffect the bike that much to cause this stummble dirty gas yes, but low octane no.Do you guys notice any pinging after youturn bike off?Mytemp gauge has been acting a little funny too. Anyoneout therehave any more ideas as to why this may be happening. I don't think it's defective coilscause I wss under impression that they just stop working and don't give any worning orwork poorly, they just crap out on you like that; end of story as well as I don'tthinkthey wouldcause overheating.But any help or advice would be appreciated greatly
RE: Crappy idle, stumble on takeoff
I am pretty sure that on my bike the cause has something to do with fuel mixture. If the bike is running lean at idle, it could cause that. Adjusting the pilot screws would be the way to fix that if it is the problem. Also, if the bike is running lean enough, it would also cause the extra heat, giving the cooling system a run for its money. I'm planning to rejet in the next month or two, so we'll see if that fixes it.
RE: Crappy idle, stumble on takeoff
thank you for your response. I went out to the bike and grabbed my can of Seafoam and dumpedsome in my gas tank unfortunatly I didn't accuratly measure how much I put in for referance but a pretty fair amount was used. I let the bike sit for a bit and then started her up and let it warm up then figured a run around the block.And sure enough the stummble wasn't there.I wasn't 100% convinced since it usually needs to be runnin for a while befor it happens so I went for longer ride about half hour 45 min with some good up and downs and a quick run down the freeway got it up to about 90mph and there was no sighn of stumble at all!!! Now I don't want to jinx it but I do believe the Seafoam has done the trick. I'll keep y'all posted if it was justcoincidence. with fingers and toes crossed I hope that's it though. we will see. but thank you for the help.[sm=bounceybounce.gif]