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Old 09-20-2007, 03:50 PM
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Default RE: Unbelievable...


The Voice in the First Video Does Not Seem to Be in Sync with the Video Itself. And the Woodlawn Fatigues Are in Limited Use Even with Reserve Units They Are Issued the Old Desert Marine Pattern or Army, Desert Chocolate Chip the Last Two Videos Are Absolute Fakes There Is a Thread Already Running over at the Special Forces Forum about This for the Other Two Videos. I Cannot Say
Since when have you seen a American solider in choc chip over here? Im interested cause Ive been doin this **** for awhile over here and I dont see choc chip runnin round. I do however the greens on alot of the vest and other equipment. As for the video bein real, no clue. It prolly is thou, there are couple small minded ****** over here
Old 09-20-2007, 03:57 PM
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Default RE: Unbelievable...

Oh an also to comment on the video and this thread. Everyones like well go over there and your opinion may change. Aight heres how it is thou, yea you can think that these people are the scum of the earth and that these INNOCENT children are aggrevating , thats cool. That kinda **** you talk bout over a beer with your boys, or in the tent with your troops, but not to get online an post it on you tube. Its not professional and **** like this does NOTHING for gettin your *** back home. Ive got a nice saying for **** like this, " you can whine an cry bout all the ****ty stuff goin on, but all the tears in the world not gonna float you whinnin assaway from it"in other words suck it up, do what you gotta do and live on.
Old 09-20-2007, 04:23 PM
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Default RE: Unbelievable...

Greetings All,

First off Kid, I never said nor implied that I think you’re a “cold hearted pr*ck.” Saddam Hussein and Adolph Hitler would warrant that commentary, but I hardly think it applies to you. To me, you’re just a name on a message board and although we’ve bantered here and there, I never let these impersonal exchanges form my opinion of anyone. That’s the crazy thing about the Internet…you can be anyone and no one would know who you really are. I prefer the meet ‘n greet, firm handshake, and the opportunity to look you in the eye when we speak. Only then can I truly form an opinion of you as a person. You dig?

Now…to address some of your concerns. I understand your frustration/anger/etc. that folks on this board many not be as receptive as you’d like about responding to cop bashing threads. The only thing I can say to that is find solace in your own beliefs and realize/recognize that a lot of bikers catch grief from cops, so if you’re looking for some degree of empathy, perhaps this isn’t the place. Let’s put it this way…it would probably be like me waltzing up to a Klan rally and asking to take a group photo. I’m guessing I’d probably be the guest of honor at the ensuing necktie party (in case you didn’t/don’t know, yes, I’m black). All I’m saying is, know your audience and don’t set your expectations too high. Different folks have different experiences and their reactions will always be based on said experiences. You can rant and rave and attempt to get your point across, but HOW you do it will determine what level of response, whether positive or negative, you’ll receive. Me…I love cops. To me, the good ones are the ones out there enforcing the law, putting their lives on the line, and doing it because they believe in something bigger than themselves. The same holds true for my military brothers and sisters. There are bad cops and bad military members. For example, the folks who perpetrated Abu Ghraib I don’t consider worthy of the uniform, service, or country they swore to defend. Likewise, there are police officers who shouldn’t have a badge. Point is…all occupations are a product of our society…good and bad…and a person should not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the worth or detriment of their deeds. Period. Two wrongs don’t make a right. There are better ways you could have argued your point rather than disparage a particular minority group. Doing so has not only hurt your cause, whatever it may have been, but seriously damaged your credibility because some people have formed a negative opinion of you. What’s the old cliché….it takes but a momentary lapse in judgment to ruin a lifetime of good deeds. Have no fear….you’ll recover from this because this is the Internet and memories are short, but you’ve got some work to do.

I can’t accept your challenge to provide an answer on the disparities of this board because I don’t know. That’s like asking me to tell you what’s in everyone’s heart, and that’s impossible. What I can do is challenge you to look into your heart for the answers you need and share with us what you find if you’re so inclined.

Be well.

Old 09-20-2007, 04:47 PM
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Default RE: Unbelievable...

Have you ever gone this forin support of law-enforcement really know what you're talking about before speaking the thread is easily found

Now stephygee are you an SP and were you riding when in Japan




ORIGINAL: voodoochyl

I always wave to cops, and if I don't get a response, I don't care. I figure they may have a preconceivednotion of what a sportbike rider is all about, and if I can plant a possitive seed in the back of their brain, then I have done myself a service...and other local riders.

Always give the wave, But Will go you one better. About 3 months ago, I was meeting some friends for a early dinner went past a on ramp and noticed a patrol car with its lights on, but no one pulled over with him. I was at the bottom of the ramp at the light on the main four-lane highway and had a few minutes to study it. I continued on my way to dinner and about an hour later, was returning back the same way and got stopped at the same damn light, only headed in the opposite direction passed the ramp and noticed the patrol car ( GSP car) was still sitting on the ramp with his lights on so I cut across two lanes and up the ramp, pulled up and stopped behind the patrol car. Remove my helmet, kickstand down noticed that the officer was slumped towards the passenger side of the car slowly started to approach the car on the passenger side as to be clear of traffic. Just as I reached the rear quarter panel of the car. He saw me and came bolting out of the car immediately showed him both hands palms out he said to me" what's the problem? I answered, no problem officer, I was just wondering if you were okay. I seen you hear about an hour ago with your lights on and just wanted to check to make sure your okay. He responded by cracking a little bit of a smile. " I'm okay, just working on the computer and forgot about the lights appreciate the check" and then he asked me have you ever been in law enforcement ? I responded, "NO SIR JUST A MARINE" he replied back. Well. Thank you Marine most people, about 90% of them would have drove past me all day long and never gave it a thought, and especially on what you're riding. Do appreciate it. We carried on about a 30 minute conversation before moving on. If you haven't seen this in one of my posts before, here it is again . Fully Support. Anyone Who Steps into Harmsway. Here or Abroad , Law-Enforcement Officers, Firefighters, EMTs and All Military Service Personnel. I HAVE THE UP-MOST RESPECT FOR ANYONE WHO DOES THEIR JOB WELL !!

Old 09-20-2007, 05:17 PM
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Default RE: Unbelievable...

No, I'm not an SP, but I've been mistaken for one often....along with a drill instructor...and a Marine. Must be the haircut

I did some privateer racing ona GSXR 400RR back in the day. Crashed into hay bales more times than I can count...but I was young then...I healed quick. Besides, the best thing about Japan and bikes was that you could wreck on Friday and a quick visit to the vast parts warehouses resulted in your bike being fixed by Monday. Ahhhh....the salad days


Old 09-20-2007, 11:40 PM
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Default RE: Unbelievable...

As far as the moving of your thread is concerned, this forum is here first and foremost to talk about bikes which we all love. When something is posted that is underhandedly meant to hurt or disturb others, that thread will be reviewed and moved if it is offensive to the majority. Your posts today have been aggressive. We will never be able to come up with solutions to the world's problems on this website. Thank you for poking our ribs and trying to stir up good debate, but I wonder if we can meet your expectations. I'm sorry we miss your point most of the timeand you feel like we are idiots (in general). We can only say what we feel; we can only do what we cando. When I am not posting here, I see blatant flaws in the system and ****** in the armour. I have learned that I am not responsible and can't carry all the weight. I can only do what I am capable of. The videos you postedhurt my heart, but I firmly believe they are the exception. I reserve my absolute judgement until I am a 20 year old kid, moved a hemisphere away, and living amongst people that hate people they have never met. I go back to the point I made in your "black people" thread...we huddle together in our small groups and hate thosewho huddle in a different group. Be well, but realize we are in the same group and our ripples effect others...maybe that is what you were trying to say in the first place. I'm not sure, you have a 90% chance of being smarter than me.
Old 09-21-2007, 12:04 AM
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Default RE: Unbelievable...

Wheres the other 10%?
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