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Old 07-10-2007, 01:40 PM
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Default RE: PS3

not to mention the Wii is quickly catching up to the x360 in total sales....i give by the end of this year, and the Wii will be the number selling console a year later out of the gate with x360 a close second (because of the year) and the PS3 falling to a distant 3rd with many attempts to gain back market share like price drops and bundles....but by that point it will be too late...

for those of you who care or read about this stuff....did you know??? Sony canned the head of SCEA (sony gaming division) because of the craziness and the failing of the Japan, where this type of stuff doesn't happen (dishonor and reputation issue) - just a testament to the f***-up that is the PS3!
Old 07-10-2007, 01:44 PM
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Default RE: PS3

i have a wii and had a 360 ! the 360 is a dying machine they suck mine died and i bought the fan it alwasy had it never used it without it ! never played any dvd on it i have a dvd player ! microsoft is paying for all the 360 to be repaired and extending the warentys for 3 more years .. i rellay lik the 360 but the heart ach of lossing all my data after crashed and waitng the 9 weeks to getting it back from them really put a bad tase in my mouth i still might get another for h3 but i want my ps3 i haven't heard from a single person till now that they had any problems with them ..

and as for the wii it is so much fun ! just not much games for it just yet ! graphicly i thought it sucked but i played transformers on it and it was pretty ! i enjoy the games i don't have time for bolwing and boxing .. there are so so so much fun ! i have never played a game where after a couple hours i had to stop to rest up ! for the guys looking to drop a few lbsi droped 8 the first week alone ! this tiny machine is great mario party 8 is the bomb .. the mini games are so much fun and inventive .. pound for pound wii rules 360 drooles and the ps3 is way to fing much money ! but i stil want one !

i forgot to metion my 360 died after a grand total of 3 mths usage ..
Old 07-10-2007, 02:33 PM
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Default RE: PS3

Their "Blu-ray" format is a joke... -Blue Fox
I'm curious to know what grounds that statement was made on or if it was strictly opinion.
It's tough to say that blu-ray(BD) is a joke when you compare the technical aspects of the two hi-definition disc formats.

And as far as the two systems go, you have to compare apples to apples.
Sony built a system that was suppose to contain all the components you would want in a system in one bundle (i.e. wifi, hdmi, blu-ray player, decent HDD).
Microsoft on the other hand built a modular system so that you can expand the system to your needs. You have to add wifi, add hd-dvd player, only the elite has hdmi, etc. So your going to spend the same amount of money, if not more, to get the same bells and whistles on the 360 or 360 elite.

They simply took two different approaches to a gaming system. So for those people that say the PS3 is overpriced, you have to account for all the hardware components they put into the system. A valid statement would be more like, "I think Sony missed the ideal pricepoint for a gaming system by adding all of the components that they did."

just my .02
Old 07-10-2007, 02:35 PM
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Default RE: PS3

wow thats crazy, my friends and I play my 360 all the time not to mention watch movies on it. I got mine the first day they were out and never had a problem with it.
Old 07-10-2007, 02:38 PM
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Default RE: PS3

mk, how long ago did you get your 360 replaced?they used to suck at CS, but the new 3 year warranty thing is in an effort torender that issue. mine was sent out and back in less than 5 days....which happened to be a new one b/c they could not fix mine. im having the same issue again though, but at least i know ms will pay for it all, did i mention they extended my warranty and gave me a free month of live for the inconvenience?
Old 07-10-2007, 02:42 PM
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Default RE: PS3

When the Wii was coming out, I said I would never buy one because I am neither an eight year old girl or homosexual. Now, I talk to a lot of hardcore gamers/nerds/junkies who can't get enough of the Wii. I guess I have to humbley retract my previous statement and give the Wii it's due. My wife really wants one, but we have an Xbox, PS2, and 360, plenty of PC gamesand I don't think there is enough time in the day for another console.
Old 07-10-2007, 03:03 PM
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Default RE: PS3

I gave up all my PC games for the bike....ps3, Wii, and 360.....well worth it in my opinion....used to be glued to my PC playing games.....but now being able to play online with consoles i've given up the PC...not to mention the bike has taken over and well not much good out in the genre i played PC games.
Old 07-10-2007, 03:16 PM
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Default RE: PS3

i have to disagree with the PS3 v. MS argument made....

Sony made a HUGE blunder in packaging everything in the PS3 and ASSUMING people wanted it. the whole, if you buy everything a PS3 has, a x360 will cost your more is a bad argument. the blu-ray player, granted, is the most cost-guzzling piece, but even still, the PS3 itself, as a gaming machine does not trump the is merely another re-hash of what the 360 does...(i can only say that because it came out first, it would be opposite if PS3 was first and 360 second) thus....the PS3 brings nothing to the add to the fact that the online sector for the PS3 is all mucked up and that the 360 has an incredible Live network and what does the PS3 offer....squat.....

the PS3 doesn't come with that much more than the 360 and additionally, MS didn't want to make a "modular" system, they built a gaming machine.....Sony wanted to build an entertainment hub and failed miserably by taking a gaming platform (with its legion of gaming followers) and attempting to convert it to a media hub....this is why they are failing...they focused so much on trying to invade your living room that they completely alienated the hardcore gamers that made the ps2 such a success....

before you yell that MS is trying to be the media hub and are doing so, they are doing it silently....they are first a gaming console slowly rolling out additional "benefits" to having a 360.....the gamers got it because of gaming first and foremost, the extra stuff is just cake...for the real gamers, the PS3 feels like an entertainment piece, a gaming system second which is why it is so hard to justify it, the primary purpose of th emachine (to play games) somehow got lost amidst Sony's desire to conquer the living room and win the format war....

had they played it safe like MS, just roll out a good machine, and slowly add features, i have no doubt the PS3 would be up there with the Wii, but what they did was attempt to force themselves onto everyone, and if there is one thing gamers hate, is to be told what to do....(we usually are, but we like to believe we are making the decisions) thus Sony's attitude coupled with some of their actions alienated their gamer base and have fallen so far behind, they can only hope to end up a "respectable" third and not end up the way of the gamecube, a strong machine, just not right for its time
Old 07-10-2007, 03:32 PM
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Default RE: PS3

Date 7/10/2007 12:38:52 PM

mk, how long ago did you get your 360 replaced?they used to suck at CS, but the new 3 year warranty thing is in an effort torender that issue. mine was sent out and back in less than 5 days....which happened to be a new one b/c they could not fix mine. im having the same issue again though, but at least i know ms will pay for it all, did i mention they extended my warranty and gave me a free month of live for the inconvenience?
mine went back in january ! it took 9 weeks and i got a referbished one which got my goat .. come on i paid for a new one and got back a referbished one ! i sold it a mth latter i had my fill of dead rising. and ms gave me nothing for my troubles ! no x box live nothing .. i was pisse beacuse i just siged up for a year of live ! and they coundn't refund it ! so soembody else got it ! with my 360 .. i felt betrayed about the whole thing hell for what its worth i still play my ps2 once a week (got to keep the gta skills up ) and for voodoo ... bro i am far from a 8 year old girl and no way a homo ! i own a cbr1000rr .... but the wii i bought for the wife (but really for me ) is so much fun .. and ! theres a bonus for you guys out there its quailty time with them they can't bitch about you playing games if the are siting there playing along with you ! this agrument depends on what type of gamer you are .. the 360 is one bad machine if you like pc games ... the wii is just fun see the following video!

thank you !
Old 07-10-2007, 03:36 PM
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Default RE: PS3

ffingers, you made a few good points. Especially the one about online gaming. Sony has their heads far up there asses with that one.

But, as far as a media hub vs. gaming machine, I don't think it was a bad decision by Sony to include all that extra stuff, but it was a mis-timed decision. Ultimately, all these systems are going to end up as media hubs and they will be the ones that did it first. Personally, I like how the PS3 has everything built in, it's one of the reasons I bought it.

And please don't think I'm just chanting Sony...
My buddy has a 360 and I love going over playing that and checking out all the online content, that stuff is great.

I just felt that some of the statements being made were biased one way or the other instead of really putting everything in perspective.

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