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got kids???

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Old 04-20-2007, 12:06 PM
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Default RE: got kids???

WOW..16 years old and your be looking for u if i were her father and it wouldnt be pretty..what were u thinking?..i didnt know she was 16...

16 is not mature enough for kids...anywhere...good luck with that..
Old 04-20-2007, 12:13 PM
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WOW..16 years old and your be looking for u if i were her father and it wouldnt be pretty..what were u thinking?..i didnt know she was 16...

16 is not mature enough for kids...anywhere...good luck with that..
ok dick (no offense) you dont know her so dont judge...she is mature and her father fuggin loves me....and its not like i was thinking lets get prego I was wit her when doctors told her she cant have kids thats why i wasnt concerned....she had f*cked up ovaries anyways thanks for the good luck if thats really what you intended...
Old 04-20-2007, 05:54 PM
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i think what your mom thinks is that the girl just told you that she couldnt get pregnant, that way you'd do her without the rubber, shed have your kid, trap you into marrying her and taking care of her for the rest of her life, without her ever having to lift a finger. lol moms think that about pretty much every girl though, its their job to look after their little boys :-p

the statutory rape charge would never be a problem, UNLESS you pissed her off, she can use it against you at any time, OR if you **** her parents off. its one of those things that "isnt illegal" until someone presses charges, it sounds kind of rotten, but some girls really do use this as blackmail and the judgewill almost undoubtedly believe the girl over you.

i wish you, the mom, and the youngster on the way the best of luck, work hard and be as good a dad as mine has been to me.
Old 04-20-2007, 06:57 PM
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Default RE: got kids???

Wow.........16. That's......really young there man. Wish you the best, but PLEASE..................

Old 04-20-2007, 07:07 PM
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Default RE: got kids???

Wow. You have a lot to learn. Good luck.
Old 04-20-2007, 08:31 PM
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Default RE: got kids???

Old 04-21-2007, 01:54 AM
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Default RE: got kids???


Wow.........16. That's......really young there man. Wish you the best, but PLEASE..................

Old 04-21-2007, 11:32 AM
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Default RE: got kids???


Wow.........16. That's......really young there man. Wish you the best, but PLEASE..................

Dude i wont do that, thought about adoption. but prolly not....gunna make the best of it.
Old 04-21-2007, 01:06 PM
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Default RE: got kids???

Ok, I'am gona chime in on this one......your 19.....and she is.........16 ![>:] ( shaking head, sigh.... thinking is this not statatory rape ? sex with an underage girl ?) I don't know you and I don't know her or how supportive her parents are, God I hope I don't come off like a"COMPLETE ***" ( I think I'am [:@]) I see all the other guy's here are pretty supportive GOOD ! cuz me .....I'am gona be the hard nose Dad, my daughter is 17 gona be 18 here in about 10 days Ide be pretty pissed off ! if at 16 she was pregnant, I really hope her dad likes you as well as you say, cuz this is gona be a long and hard road now, be'en young is hard enough without the extra burden of a child ( not sayin children are a burden, but its alot of hard work) and being only 19 and 16 is a hard start, I hope yer made of some good metal, this is gona be the test of yer young life. sorry for the big reality check, just did not want you to think this is all cake. Sorry to all, I'm an A$$HOLE on this one [:'(]
Old 04-23-2007, 04:48 PM
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Default RE: got kids???

WHOA. Lots to digest here.

My girlfriend and I had our son one month ago today and it has been, by far, the best thing that has ever happened to me. EVER! The toughest part of this is the fact that she and I met one year ago yesterday! What I mean by that being tough is that I was unsure about bringing a child into this world with someone I barely knew. But I had a nice long talk... with myself... and figured "Hey we're both grown (I'm 30 and she's 26), we both have great educations and good jobs so 'affording' a child and makingwell informeddecisions should not be an issue- now let's do this and do it right." She and I have purchased a home together and things are going great -better than I pictured things 8 months ago! I pray every daythat she and I are together forever, but even our parents couldn't do that so if we break up then so be it. However whencouples split up it doesn't mean that they are no longer parents. So to you I say, be a manand handle your business: Take responsibility for your actions and love your child - whether you are with "mom" or not.

On the other hand, I think I am about to join city worker here, I don't think you and your girl areas "mature" as you think -it doesn'tmatter if we know you or not. And don't take that personally,cuz every 16 & 19 year old thinks they're more mature than all the other kids their age. $hit when I was your age I had already lived abroad for weeks at a time, Ihad friends who were All-American athletes, some who were goin' to prison andsome of them were gettin' buried before they were old enough to vote. So I thought I had seen it all, I thought "Damn I've done and seen more in my 19 years than most people see in their lives." But nowwhen I look back on that time, I think to myself "Holy $hit was I dumb for doing that. I didn't know jack squat."

I definitely was not "mature"when I was 16 andI was not "mature" when I was 19.And neither are you guys - at least not as much as you think you are. Sorry to be so blunt, but you'll realize (maybe inseveralyears) thatsome of us are right. It's time to grow up and grow up quick bro, life is about to change more than you realize... GOOD LUCK

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