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Shocktroop 07-02-2007 01:40 AM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
Yup. I think their pissed at being such a dipsh1t that they react in the negative. I won't lie, one time I was making a left, and even though I looked, I just didn't see this dude on a bike making a left in front of me, he honked and flipped me off, and I just gave him my best "sorry I'm a dumbass look" what else could I do? When someone admits or gestures "sorry", it makes it all cool to me, as long as they know.

Nauree 07-02-2007 11:50 AM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
These stories piss me off. I'm going to start carrying a brick around with me. Bomb some dip****s car one day.

VP 07-02-2007 12:49 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?

ORIGINAL: Shocktroop

Yup. I think their pissed at being such a dipsh1t that they react in the negative. I won't lie, one time I was making a left, and even though I looked, I just didn't see this dude on a bike making a left in front of me, he honked and flipped me off, and I just gave him my best "sorry I'm a dumbass look" what else could I do? When someone admits or gestures "sorry", it makes it all cool to me, as long as they know.
yeah if someone makes a definititive gesture of apology then I'm okay, I'll feel like the jerk for getting so mad... but it's the other 99 people out of a hundred that get pissed at you that make me hate people.

voodoochyl 07-02-2007 02:49 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
You guys make a good point. When I screw up in traffic, I know it is for sure an accident and I feel embarrased...always waveas a pathetic way of saying sorry. I think many people fall into that category. Some, though, that laugh or flip you off or make a face at you...or don't acknowledge at all are the ones that get your blood going. Sometimes I am tempted to respond, but it is best for everyone involded to let it go. Anger leads to bad decisions that could get you in trouble...or hurt.

bboi 07-02-2007 03:13 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
Had these kids in a civic( you know the ones with the bumble bee in the exhaust) try to race me one day, and when I didnt race him he decided to cut in front of me bout 6 inches from my tire. I pulleup beside him and old him to chill out with that mess. Well we took off from the light and I got ahead of him because he was behind some other cars. Well bout a mile or less up the road the kids do the same thing again. So this time I pull up beside him at the next light and him an his buddies are laughing. So after tryin to get him to roll down the window so I could cuss his ass out he still sits there and laughs. So the light turns green and right before we take off, I jack hammer his side view mirror with the bottom of my fist. So as they sat there looking at their mirror hanging the laughin seemed to stop and I took off (laughing the whole way):D

JakesF2 07-02-2007 03:36 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
The other day I was coming home from work going 45mph in a 35mph quite average for the evening work commute.. Anyways it's a two lane road one lane going in each direction. Out of no where this retard in a camry is right on my ass I didn't even see him he must have been going really fast then slammed on the breaks when he got to me, and when I mean right on my ass I mean within a couple feet. Mind you we are traveling about 45mph, 10mph over the speed limit and there is no double yellow lines the whole road is single dashed lines, so he could have just passed me anytime it was clear, but this jackhole is riding me like theres no tomorrow.
So I do the oh so pissed off look behind my shoulder right at him, and what does he do, sticks his hands out the window yelling and screaming for me to pull over. At first I was confused, is this guy like a undercover cop who wants to get me for speeding or some crazed lunatic late for anger management. Well I motion to back off with my hand and he nails the gas and flips me off while yelling some sh*t as he passes me. What a lil' B***h, as far as I know I didn't do anything wrong and I couldn't pull over there is no shoulder and I'm on a sportbike not a dirtbike you moron.
So I lay on my horn for a good minute ortwo then I realize that this guy could really be crazy so I backed off and let it go. Let me tell you people like that really get my heart pounding you never know what could happen next. Just gotta try to keep it cool and in control.

drgonzogoo 07-02-2007 11:01 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
my most recent incidents were on my way to ocean city md. anyone from the mideast coast has prob heard of it and is prob familiar with the famous bay bridge toll booth nightmare. some stupid college hippy broad(that hypothesis is based on all the stupid bumper stickers that had a "message") just swerved about 12 inches from my front tire. i layed on my horn from approx 15 secs and she never moved her head. the other time was while i was cruisin thru OC and some stupid kids in a poor attempt for a nice tuner car, switched lanes then decided they wanted to be back in their original lane even tho i was there. as the back bumper caught my front tire i had brake on, did endo and barely caught bike from going over. i proceeded to catch up to them and invited them to pull over and have a small discussion with my flashlight and i but they werent interested. they quickly turned off and i didnt see them again. i prob would have gotten my ass handed to me but it would've been interesting.

itgbudeev 07-05-2007 09:38 AM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
This didn;t happen to me on my bike, i was in my GTI. I was driving around town doing some random errands and stuff by the mall in town. i was driving down the side of the mall on a road, not in the parkinglot. this road has 2 entries to the mall parkinglot on it, one is a fairly main entrance with a light, and the other is a back entrance pretty small. So im driving down the road minding my own business, got a green light and 3 cars coming towards me with thier left blinkers on to go into the mall, (mind you they don;t have a green arrow) the first one has plenty of room, makes the turn, the second one is a little tight but still makes it w/o me needing brakes. then with me about 30 feet away, the 3rd car, some rich B**** and her trophy wife friend in thier Benz' cut right infront of me to go into the mall. i had to slam on my breaks to the point that ABS kicked in, and i laid on my horn.

this woman stickes her hand out the sunroof and flips me off. i am FUMING! so i pass this entrance and go intothe back one. as im driving through the parkinglot i see her and her friend laughing and having a grand old time. So after a little searching i found her car and let the air out of 3 of her tires. nothing that wasn't reversible, just a pain in the ass inconvenience for her. needless to say i felt very satisfied haha.

DRDcustoms 07-05-2007 09:11 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
In Boston and parts of New York there are a lot of traffic circles, I get cut off reguluarly. This particular circle has an entrance to a super market(the lane people usually cut me offin). I've followed countless cars into the parking lot, wait for them to get out of their car and inform them how hard it is to stop on a motorcycle. Some go well, some don't. I've had peaceful conversations, and screaming battles. Some people just try to walk away..that's when I get heated. I recall one instance where someone cut my off, I called him an asshole andhe followed ME into the parking lot. I see him walking up, I jump off mycbr, toss my helmet andget right up in his face.After some cussing back and forth with my right hand cocked back, we ended up talking, turns out he rides, he was alsofrom the same town in Mass I was and we ended up riding later on that week. You never know with some people.Just remember, they have four wheels, you have two..

ikhoudvanu199 07-06-2007 12:14 AM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
i was driving on the highway in a busy section, an intersection of 2 major highways in the pre-holiday traffic a few days ago...i was in the left of 2 lanes...on the right coming up was a short entrance ramp...so this dumbass decided she was gonna merge into my lane without signaling, she got about halfway in, noticed i was there as i honked at her...she turned, looked at me, kinda giggled and waved in an "im sorry, i really didnt see you" kinda way...ok, fine with me, i understand i might have been in her blind spot...10 seconds later, neither of us have changed positions, were both behind the same 2 cars we just were...and she tries it again!!! this time i lay on my horn and give her a glare through my dark smoke visor...10 seconds later the other major highway merges from the left and creates a third lane...so i became in the middle lane...this guy comes from the left lane and cuts me off completely and go right into the left lane, no signal or even looked...almost took me out...i, again, layed on my horn and revved my engine...i was waiting for that guy to come back and catch me, i moved into the right lane and slowed down, i was sooo gonna take off his mirror...but he musta gotten off the exit

if im in my cage and someone is tailgating me(which they like to do, cause i drive a hybrid so everyone assumes in going slow), i start by tapping my brakes just enough to get the lights to flash, that doesnt work, i slow down to just above the speed limit, that doesnt work, i start slamming the breaks...pissed the hell out of the jerk off in their SUVs yapping on their cell phones cause they actually have to think...but when i can see nothing but your grill in my rear view mirror...your too damn close....when im on the highway, i usually drive 55-60mph, the speed limit is usually 65, and most people usually drive 70-75...and i have people tailgate me in the right lane when there is no traffic around...it has gotten to the point where i have merged to the left lane to let them pass me on the right

i ordered some of those magnets...im going to buy a little bag to put on top of my triple tree, and keep those magnets as well as some marbles in there...for when they might be needed...i was hoping to find something like those magnets somewhere...they will hopefully help gain awareness that cager's dont always see motorcycles, without doing things to piss them off, like revving your engine, kicking, throwing stuff, punching, etc...

Ltricks 09-28-2007 07:28 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
When I was in the Marines, you were "that guy" :D.

voodoochyl 09-28-2007 08:48 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
I was in my truck the other day, and two motorcycles pulled out in front of me and they didn't even look to see if it was clear. If I didn't ride a bike, I'm sure they would have been hit. I was pissed for two reasons. First, that I could have run them over, and second...they could have been killed and added to the stigma of ****ty sportbike riders...let's do be careful folks!

pacemaker 09-28-2007 09:28 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
I think that this is probably the most common thing to happen to bike riders, & I guess it makes us react cos where so vulnerable & they don't seem to have the same respect for other road users. Since I started riding I have had so many near "Incidents" I've lost count. Lets see, I've kicked a guys door in because he moved from one lane to mine, nearly taking me out, not that he did not see me, cos he was looking straight at me and laughing about it with his passengers, got off at the next set of lights & invited him to continue the discussion out of the car, but he refused. Had a car full of guys try & swerve into me, let them pass, & about 2 kays up the road same yobos where pulled up for a random breath test, so pulled over, walked up to the cop, told him what had happened, he just shrugged & babbled about "not much we can do, blah, blah". So went up to the guy behind the wheel & said "Ok , dick head, now I know where you live", I didn't, but I wanted him to sweat on it. I used to ride with a lock up chain & paddlock for my bike, (wore it like sash) found that when car drivers spotted that, changed attitudes quite a bit. Have learned to kick back a bit when it comes to reacting to this sort of thing, it can quickly change it into something else again. Got to give drivers the benefit of the doubt, maybe they didn't see us, a toot of the horn is all thats required.

Juggernaut 09-28-2007 10:44 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
I lost my temper for the first times today, twice. I amquite theconservative and defensive rider/driver, and I was meeting some colleagues for lunch and about a block from their office a guy in a huge truck full of gas cylinders jumps out in front of me and I have to slam on the brakes and lay on the horn to avoid hitting him and he pulls into the shared left turn lane to pull an illegal uey and I flipped him off.

On the way back, I am getting ready to pull off the highway as my exit is coming up. I flip on my blinker andsee a car coming up the entrance (****ty clover leaf-style ramps are the norm in the CommunistWealth of Virginia and cause a lot of accidents) to the highway and I slow down to let it accelerate and merge. I keep slowingand the retarded girl isn't speeding upas she keeps looking at me with a bewildered look on her faceand the exit is coming up fast. At this point I'm going about 30 in the right lane of a 65 zone and think I might just have to keep on to the next exit. Just then she speeds up and I try to slide over (my blinker's been on the whole time) when the bitch behind me decides to cut me off into the exit and almost sideswipes me so I lay on the horn an flip her off. She took off like a banshee and I got stuck behind a slow car when I merged. I wished I could have caught up and punched off her mirror, but it's probably better I couldn't.

mike4831 09-28-2007 11:12 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
lol at the magnets. if usually depends. if the person, whether they are male or female is on a phone and cuts me off I usually honk til they look and give them the finger. i once had a guy cut me off and at the traffic like i yelled some explitives at him, but i doubt he heard anything.

BlindinOrange 09-28-2007 11:16 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
its sad that paople can do all this crap that could kill us on the road but if we give them a peice of our minds they call the cops and we get in trouble for it... thats just for yelling at them...... I am reverting to my psychotic former self that calmly follows them till they park then park a little bit further from them and then wait till they get out of their cars and then its payback time....... have not done that in so long but if things keep going in the direction that its going in then I am not responsible for what could come about...........

marc0011 09-29-2007 12:09 AM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
I was going through a circle in DC when this b***h with her head up sooooooo far up her a!! decided to make a left turn from the right lane. I was right there just behind the left rear wheel. All I could do was lock up the rear wheel into a controlled slide and follow her into oncoming traffic. After we cleared the oncoming traffic, I stood up (while still coasting) had my hands off the bars giving an astounding ovation of WTF!! The b***h then proceeds to give me the bird!! I caught up to her really fast and slammed my fist on the roof of the car. The chick in the car was wide eyed and frozen stiff. Realizing that she got the message, I pulled away and made a left turn. I was really thinking of knocking out a window but thought the pounding on the roof was sufficient enough. I’ve been really wanting to test out how well my Icon gloves would go through a window.

Kewl Breeze 09-29-2007 12:27 AM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
I know how it feels .. been there done it and got the t-shirt .. esp. with sucky ATL drivers but to the younger audience that may be taking this thread a bit too seriously; believe me, the momentary satisfaction of revenge is not worth it. Even little things can escalate something insignificant to a point of no return. I can't tell you the number of reports I've read over the past few years of small incidents that would've been forgotten shortly thereafter if it was let go that ended up in a cyclists death because of road rage. A 400 lb. motorcycle will never win against a 4000 lb+ vehicle .. yeah, I know about the "twist of wrist" method but that doesn't always work either against someone with extreme EPD .. imo just let it go and go to your happy place that's what we bought the bike for in the 1st place [&:]

Recent Headlines:

A motorcyclist was run down, brutally beaten and thrown into a drainage ditch in Union City Thursday during an apparent incident of road rage.Link

... car being close to the motorcycles at the time something clearly happened... motorcyclist was shot deadLink

"Uribe sped up and caught the truck .. and they had some words ... and then the truck veered into him ... man killed in a possible road rage incident "Link

Judge Howard Hantman sentenced Edmond Gonzalez Jr. to 22 years in prison for killing a Tucson motorcyclist ... during a road-rage incident and purposely rammed Schoenherr's motorcycle ... Gonzalez admits that he swerved toward Schoenherr repeatedly to scare himLink
Way, way more where those came from but you get the gist ... a lot of nut cases out there: Not worth it!!! tough to do sometimes but you gotta ask yourself if it's really worth all the possible conclusions otherwise.

sixhundredrr 09-29-2007 12:38 AM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
Kewl, thank you for adding some sanity to this thread. Take a breath and cool the hell off because you don't know who you're dealing with.

Wildcat 09-29-2007 12:48 AM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?

ORIGINAL: Kewl Breeze

Judge Howard Hantman sentenced Edmond Gonzalez Jr. to 22 years in prison for killing a Tucson motorcyclist ... during a road-rage incident and purposely rammed Schoenherr's motorcycle ... Gonzalez admits that he swerved toward Schoenherr repeatedly to scare himLink

That one hits home since I used to live/ride on Golf Links all the time. "It's a travesty of justice is what I think." Gimme a break Gonzalez.

bmg velocity 09-29-2007 05:27 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
Just smiled and waved.

Seriously, you are asking someone to admit to a crime. Cold Case files?;):D

CoreyAkaOpie 10-01-2007 05:14 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?
I have only done one thing out of road rage. Some kids in a white civic thought it would be fun to play tag with my rear tire at a stop light. so i thought it would be a good time to show them a burnout. Needless to saythey had asphalt slung all over the front of their car and a nice black mark on the bumper.

HARDCORP 8654 10-01-2007 05:49 PM

RE: ever done anything to someone who cut you off?


When I was in the Marines, you were "that guy" :D.

Were you in surf city that day. It would be a very small world, if you were, well that's all I can contribute to this thread , Since I've already posted my PTSD story on page 3. Iwill say that swt poet had a run in about a week ago with a guy in a pickup truck only wish I had been there. But she handled it rather well. Maybe I can get her to post it for you guys

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