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Britain re-thinking stance on guns.

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Old 11-06-2009, 08:24 PM
wild bill's Avatar
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It's a bad situation we're in over here at the moment (in England).
When i was younger i thought London was the only place to be, plenty of jobs, night life etc but now i have a family and lived a little its made me realize i'm lucky to have got this far!

I'm one of the fortunate few that have now (about 1 and half years ago) managed to get out of central London into the suburbs, i now have to ride my workhorse (Suzuki 600 Bandit) for almost an hour to get to work.

As far as i'm concerned it's a small sacrifice that i've made and i can already notice a difference in my children.
Old 11-06-2009, 08:33 PM
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Do you have any idea how much I hate London?? ... so glad you got out, it's a total **** hole full of negative, rude people in a hurry going nowhere I right?? ... I had an underground ticket once, you know how you have to swipe them to get through the gates etc. some obnoxious git behind me huffed and puffed and shoved me out the way because I was 0.00034 seconds too slow for him, I told him he was a POS and I got slapped for my out spoken behaviour ... people have forgotten basic tolerance in these cities, politeness, forget it .... London is corrupt, from the citizens to the MPs, sorry but it is ...sigh

Old 11-06-2009, 08:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Juliet
and, do you know what I miss here ... Tim(HC) coming in and beating the holy crap out of me for my stupid idealistic posts :-(


For sure .......he'd have had some pointed words on the subject too since he was probably the member with the most experience on the subject.

But Sony Camera shots are just as nice ........know what ya could blind the
baddies with the camera flash then smack 'em with the camera ...LOL
Old 11-06-2009, 09:42 PM
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Crash on this island and we're never letting you off ... but we do a hell of a cheese burger!! ;-)
haha!!! It's worth it for a good cheeseburger....mmmmm....

ya could blind the
baddies with the camera flash then smack 'em with the camera ...LOL
That could be quite effective.

However, you know this is available now... and maybe a little more effective. (In fact, I know a guy who could hook you up pretty cheap, sprock... )

Old 11-06-2009, 10:44 PM
wsideshow's Avatar
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Gun laws are for keeping guns out of law abiding citizens hands.That's all I have to say.
Old 11-06-2009, 10:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Sprockaholic
Well ........UK law enforcement really do at this point need to be completely armed.
Nothing worse than having law enforcement people being laid waste and out gunned
by professional criminals ..........simply no sense to it.
Mayhap thinking back to this?
North Hollywood shootout

LAPD was completely outmatched that day. They were even desperate enough to raid nearby gun stores for more powerful weapons. And these weren't terrorist, who likely have better access to more powerful weaponry.

Just 2 greedy bastiches who picked up a sh!tload of guns & ammo over the years.
Old 11-06-2009, 11:50 PM
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Jules, those pic's of your village, I get a picture that the only trouble you have is when some Rockers come riding into town on their Norton's, start trouble by taking up all car parking outside with their bikes, being rude to the publican, playing those way out 60's songs on the Wurlitzer & hogging the pool table. (until the local copper steps in, gives the leader a good clip behind the ear & sends them on their way....)

Our police carry guns & the ones in our state also carry capsicum spray & tazers.
We do have gun ownership, but it's bloody hard to get a license to own one.
(Carrying knives is also a big no no & you can get done for a pocket knife if the coppers want to take it that far)
Even with all the regulations & laws, Bad guys will always be able to get guns, that's never going to change.
I live in a country were an all out argument may end with a punch up, but your relatively certain that the worst thing that is going to happen is getting the crap beaten out of you (until the cops show up who may & spray, stun or shoot you).
The right to bear arms is not part of Australian culture (although the right to break a few certainly is).
I think it would be a shame if guns become common here & in Britain, but I think that it is inevitable to a certain degree.
Old 11-07-2009, 07:01 AM
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When one asks a gun control supporter why they support additional gun laws they will undeniably answer that they do so to stop crime, and to "save the children." The same thing can be said for gun control groups like Handgun Control, Inc. and the Violence Policy Center. Obviously, these are positive goals, which are shared by this author and essentially every law-abiding citizen in the United States. However, the problem with this position by gun control supporters is that there is no evidence to show that any of their laws have ever reduced crime or violence. Hence, the question must be asked; does gun control equal crime control?

A review of the areas in the U.S. with the most restrictive firearm laws, including such areas as Washington, D.C., Chicago, IL, New York, NY, and the state of California, shows that these areas have some of the highest crime (especially violent) crime rates in the U.S. The crime rates in all of these areas exceeds the national average and they all have enacted in-depth restrictions on firearm ownership that includes licensing and registration schemes, various taxes, testing, and even bans on firearms. In essence, these areas have become a gun control supporters Utopia.

Yet, even with all of these gun laws and the high praise from gun control groups like Handgun Control, Inc., crime has continued to be a serious problem. The issue of continued high crime is especially disconcerting when comparing the crime rates in these gun control Utopias to the crime rates in areas that have not gone the route of extreme gun control. In almost all cases, the areas in the U.S. with the fewest gun control laws and highest gun ownership also have the lowest crime levels. One of the most interesting comparisons is that of Washington, D.C. with its gun bans since the 1970s, and the D.C. suburbs in Virginia, which has very little gun control. Even though gun ownership is high and there are few gun control laws in the Virginia suburbs of D.C., gun control has reached extreme levels the crime rate is much higher across the state line where gun ownership is almost non-existent.

Full Story :

Fact is looser restricion on law abiding citizens to own arms is proven to lower crime rates. Take Washington DC for instance, our countries national capital and compare it to Alexandria, Virginia. Alexandria is 10minutes away from DC and is many times bigger, but the crime rate is atleast half of what it is in DC. Criminals know Virginia isn't a place to pull a gun because the anyone walking down the street can either Open carry a sidearm, or obtain a Concealed permit and keep it hidden from public. The facts do not lie.

In one of the more comprehensive and widely cited studies, Lott
and Mustard (1997) focus on state right-to-carry laws. Using crosssection
and time series data from more than 3,000 U.S. counties for
the period 1977 to 1992, the authors estimate the effect of concealed
weapon laws on crime rates. The study covers nine categories of
crime and controls for state and local trends in crime rates, arrest
rates, per capita real income, measures of income distribution,population density, and the age, gender, and racial composition of the
population by county. The policy of interest is the adoption of a
nondiscretionary law for issuing concealed weapon permits.
The authors find that right-to-carry laws reduce violent crime rates,
the reductions are greater in counties with proportionally higher urban
populations, and the laws afford relatively greater protection to
minorities and women. The latter groups are precisely those that are
disproportionately victimized by violent crimes. Furthermore, Lott
and Mustard find that criminals substitute nonconfrontational crimes
such as burglary, auto theft, and larceny for robbery and assault.
Under concealed weapons laws, the latter crimes involve an increased
probability of confronting an armed private citizen. Thus, right-tocarry
laws increase the risk to criminals of being injured or killed
during a crime and thus generate a deterrent effect. Indeed, casual
evidence suggests that merely brandishing a gun deters criminals.


Too bad i lost all my guns and ammo in a tragic boating accident
Old 11-07-2009, 07:28 AM
frozenpoet's Avatar
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I read ware some country made it law that every house had to have a gun and the crime rate dropped like 95%. I have to go digging to see if I can find some facts.
Old 11-07-2009, 08:48 AM
Shadow's Avatar
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I would like to expand a little on Fuze's post......
I see a direct corollary between

Low education levels +
High unemployment +
Drug problems
+ NO HOPE = high crime statistics

If you add to that the inability of the average citizen to protect himself and his family due to legislation, more innocent people are at risk.

Texas laws allow the protection of your neighbours property with deadly force ( see recent case - shot two robbers dead in the street while talking to 911 operator.)
The Grand Jury would not indict him.

I don't wish this to become a gun versus no guns discussion, but I think it's hard to argue the fact that "for evil to triumph, the good man only need do nothing" - or not be allowed to do the right thing.

We had a fellow Magistrate a couple of years ago who wouldn't allow any "physical attentions" to criminals to obtain information, UNTIL HIS HOUSE WAS BURGLED AND HIS FAMILY WAS HELD AT GUNPOINT.
He had an epiphany, and finally understood what it takes for good men to do what they must

Last edited by Shadow; 11-07-2009 at 12:15 PM.

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