What do you drive?
No, the oil would leak out and kill all the pretty colored fish. And then all the hairy arm pitted lesbian whale savers would come after you.
Death by corduroy trousers - shudder .
A fate to horrible to even imagine.
Play it safe, landfill it, then use asbestos sidewall to hide it under.
Death by corduroy trousers - shudder .
A fate to horrible to even imagine.
Play it safe, landfill it, then use asbestos sidewall to hide it under.
No, the oil would leak out and kill all the pretty colored fish. And then all the hairy arm pitted lesbian whale savers would come after you.
Death by corduroy trousers - shudder .
A fate to horrible to even imagine.
Play it safe, landfill it, then use asbestos sidewall to hide it under.
Death by corduroy trousers - shudder .
A fate to horrible to even imagine.
Play it safe, landfill it, then use asbestos sidewall to hide it under.
Do they trade their corduroy's for flannel shirts and summer in Olympia? Seems to be recent influx up here.
Being as I haven't dropped into the forum for what seems like a whole life time, have man-flu (should that be hyphenated?) and have imposed an all day activity kerfew on myself, could someone tell me WTF is going on here. A short précis will suffice. Any volunteers?
Don't tell me you can't remember!
Don't tell me you can't remember!