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Old 05-10-2007, 10:12 PM
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Gee you think ?[>:]

Cheers yall, just go back from my 1st ride on 600rr. WOW not at all a beginngers ride. I have a 1975 cb750 ( cruiser style) thats VERRY forgivving. Clutch, brakes throttle steering everything on that ODB is loosey goosey. So I thought yea.I know 600RR would be a change. I had no idea how much of a change that would be. Its like I had to learn al over again how to ride a bike. So to you all out there that haven't ridden before. Do yourself a favour and get something old and abused. You think your ready for the big time...AHAAHAHAHAH you are so wrong. You are so going to die on this thing. I didnt think I even wanted to go on the damn thing after i got on it..and stalled 5 times. Freaking out I'm gonna bail after 30 seconds while all my neibors are watching me do a pre inspection. revving and checking oil, looking all professional, then get on it and aaahahah what a noob. Yes I took MSF, yes I did verry well, yes i rode before. All that went out the window on this mamajama.

I need a smoke.

Then im gonna find a clean vacant parkig lot to do all my MSF stuff again. After another smoke.
Old 05-11-2007, 01:12 AM
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ORIGINAL: edubbs

DUDE are you a woman? My first bike EVER is an 06 RR. IVE NEVER stalled it and it handles like a mountain bike? after taking the safty course I fully understand what kind of RIDERS SHOULD NOT RIDE AT ALL NO MADDER WHAT BIKE IT IS.
[sm=funnypostabove.gif]Look its flame bait!
Old 05-11-2007, 03:26 AM
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Just got a 07 CBR600RR 5 days ago....never been on a bike before and I find this bike amazing and am easily learning on it...I am taking the MSF course soon and have no problem moving the bike around or anything. I find it to be very manuverable and the balance of the bike is amazing...much easier then I had ever imagined. I guess some bikes just aren't meant to be ridden by some people.
Old 05-11-2007, 12:43 PM
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ORIGINAL: Townshed55

Just got a 07 CBR600RR 5 days ago....never been on a bike before and I find this bike amazing and am easily learning on it...I am taking the MSF course soon and have no problem moving the bike around or anything. I find it to be very manuverable and the balance of the bike is amazing...much easier then I had ever imagined. I guess some bikes just aren't meant to be ridden by some people.
It doesn't surprise me much to see this kind of talk. you're excited, and nieve. you're going to develop bad habits on that bike that are going to cost you.

but hey, never mind what the experianced have to say about it, amiright?
Old 05-11-2007, 01:26 PM
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+1 to no means an I an "seasoned" rider thought to hear someone say it was soooo simple to get up and learn and never having a bike only scares me.

I have ridden the 200-250cc from MSF course to 1100cc Kawaski (sp?) and I am scared ****less of buyinga CBR 600RR(I rather save the money and wait a few years then having payments). Hell, I will be reading these forums for about another yearish before I buy the bike and read some books while I am at...

If you guys are that interested in riding then take your will be able to ride it any day of the week as long as you schooled on riding. have to be in control and remember cars don't look out for us
Old 05-11-2007, 03:16 PM
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ORIGINAL: knightslugger

ORIGINAL: Townshed55

Just got a 07 CBR600RR 5 days ago....never been on a bike before and I find this bike amazing and am easily learning on it...I am taking the MSF course soon and have no problem moving the bike around or anything. I find it to be very manuverable and the balance of the bike is amazing...much easier then I had ever imagined. I guess some bikes just aren't meant to be ridden by some people.
It doesn't surprise me much to see this kind of talk. you're excited, and nieve. you're going to develop bad habits on that bike that are going to cost you.

but hey, never mind what the experianced have to say about it, amiright?
I really don't understand why everyone has this attitude. Sure, some bikes aren't for some people. But have you personally evaluated my riding skills? I have been taking it slow and will continue to take it slow....everyone seems to think that if someone buys a sport bike as their first bike that they plan on being an idiot and going 170 mph. And bad riding habits??? I didn't know the MSF class taught bad riding habits, and as far as I know neither do the advanced classes I'm going to take. I dunno if somewhere in the country there are classes that teach poor riding habits, I certainly hope not. I'm not saying I hopped on the bike and was immediately zipping around on it, not by any means. I was saying that it was much easier then I expected....I guess I just overestimated how difficult it would be to control a bike. I haven't even gotten it onto the roads yet, and have only been in parking lots and my driveway getting a feel for it. So sure I'm excited, but I would hardly use the word naive to describe me....I'm sorry that you don't think I can learn to ride on this bike, but I'm taking every safety measure and taking classes and reading everything I can get my hands on to become a better and safer rider. I agree that it's stupid for some idiot to go buy a sportbike and think that he or she is an amazing MotoGP racer, but by no means is this the same as someone who does their research and respects the machine and the rules of the road. I know that the underlying purpose of this is to keep people safe, but being sarcastic and acting that way aren't helpful. I came to the forums so I could hopefully learn more from you guys, and for the most part people here have been extremely knowledgeable and nice. I guess it's just like real life, there are just some people who just want to criticize for their own sake without offering any real advice.
Old 05-11-2007, 03:36 PM
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ORIGINAL: edubbs
DUDE are you a woman? My first bike EVER is an 06 RR. IVE NEVER stalled it and it handles like a mountain bike? after taking the safty course I fully understand what kind of RIDERS SHOULD NOT RIDE AT ALL NO MADDER WHAT BIKE IT IS.
I copy your text into MS Word and the program crashed. I never seen my PC take an whooping like that. If you have such an effect with just words, then I cant image what kind of an affect you can do with/on your bike.
Old 05-11-2007, 04:00 PM
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Here we go again...
ORIGINAL: Townshed55

ORIGINAL: knightslugger

ORIGINAL: Townshed55

Just got a 07 CBR600RR 5 days ago....never been on a bike before and I find this bike amazing and am easily learning on it...I am taking the MSF course soon and have no problem moving the bike around or anything. I find it to be very manuverable and the balance of the bike is amazing...much easier then I had ever imagined. I guess some bikes just aren't meant to be ridden by some people.
It doesn't surprise me much to see this kind of talk. you're excited, and nieve. you're going to develop bad habits on that bike that are going to cost you.

but hey, never mind what the experianced have to say about it, amiright?
But have you personally evaluated my riding skills?
Why would i need to? You've been riding for all of 5 days and think you've got the hang of it and think it's easy. that right there says volumes about your skills... or rather your lack of them.

everyone seems to think that if someone buys a sport bike as their first bike that they plan on being an idiot and going 170 mph.
What you bought isn't a sport bike. it's a SUPERsport bike. there is a HUMONGOUS difference between the two. it's not all about how fast you're going either...

I didn't know the MSF class taught bad riding habits, and as far as I know neither do the advanced classes I'm going to take. I dunno if somewhere in the country there are classes that teach poor riding habits, I certainly hope not.
There's something i think you need to understand about habits. It's one thing to teach the correct habits, it's another to keep up with them. Habit are developed though repetition. you do something long enough and it will become second nature. regardless of what you've been TOLD to do in 16 hours time, you're going to fall into the old habit right after class is done. I'M SURE OF IT. That's how habits work. 5 days is long enough to make a habit, like brake response and the pressure you apply.

I'm not saying I hopped on the bike and was immediately zipping around on it, not by any means. I was saying that it was much easier then I expected....I guess I just overestimated how difficult it would be to control a bike.
Better to overestimate than under i always say...

I haven't even gotten it onto the roads yet, and have only been in parking lots and my driveway getting a feel for it.
So you live next to a Kmart? you load your bike onto a trailer or truck and haul it across town to an empty lot for 2 hours, then load it back up and take her home only to unload it again? in the driveway... getting a feel for it. let me tell you, whatever you're doing in the driveway isn't helping your actual riding. you're sitting on the bike starting it and tossing it from side to side. great, that'll help you stay on it while parked. maybe it'll help you bulk up if it falls over, but i doubt it. see where i'm going with this?

So sure I'm excited, but I would hardly use the word naive to describe me....
No? let's take a look...

naive: adjective (of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.

i'd say it describes you perfectly.

I'm sorry that you don't think I can learn to ride on this bike, but I'm taking every safety measure and taking classes and reading everything I can get my hands on to become a better and safer rider.
The MSF says you're riding when you're going straight, so honestly you can. however i REALLY don't agree with their stand on "Riding". i didn't want to start an argument with my instructor for fear he'd be MORE overly critical of my testing as i needed my license. however i'd argue up one side and down another right now if he were still around.

I ag
Old 05-11-2007, 04:05 PM
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No, you didn't give me any advice at all. Advice would have been "Check out THIS course or THIS book". And yes, the high school is less then a mile from my house and yes I do have a pickup truck and yes I loaded it up. You're giving me a hard time because I'm telling you I'm taking classes and wearing gear and taking it slow??? Like I said before, some people just need to talk and have no intention of contributing anything helpful. I'm sorry that I'm not the best motorcycle rider in the world like you, I can only hope that through coming back to the forums and having you bestow your almighty knowledge on me that I will someday amount to a fraction of the rider you are.
Old 05-11-2007, 05:49 PM
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ORIGINAL: Townshed55
You're giving me a hard time because I'm telling you I'm taking classes and wearing gear and taking it slow???
No, i'm giving you a hard time because after you said you did all kinds of research on what to buy as a first bike, you STILL chose the 600RR. that research sounds like it came out of motorcycle magazines who focus only on the popular and the radical and not the conservative. Compreheansive research would have reveiled that the Standard Sport class of motorcycles are the bike type to have for new riders who want to ride Supersport class motorcycles down the road. wearing gear should come with the territory though. Most new riders forgo that with the mindset that if they take it slow they'll be ok. kudos to you. however taking things slow can be just as detramental to progression as taking things to fast, just that one is a short term and one is long term. at this point since you've already got the damn thing, it'd be wise to seek out a responsible riding coach in your area. someone who wears gear every time he rides, someone who started standard and rides supersport. get one on one with the guy or gal and have them watch you ride. But all this AFTER you complete the BRC. if you bought a 250 or 500 EX or GS i'd be a whole 'nother person. i would be telling you to "hit the streets already!", but i can't do that with one such as you on a motorcycle as sharp as this.

Like I said before, some people just need to talk and have no intention of contributing anything helpful. I'm sorry that I'm not the best motorcycle rider in the world like you, I can only hope that through coming back to the forums and having you bestow your almighty knowledge on me that I will someday amount to a fraction of the rider you are.
Now, now, don't get yourself into a bunch. getting angry wont help. I'm more than willing to help those who show an earnest desire to receive it and to humble themselves. but it really doesn't sound like you're one of those kinds of people yet. take the BRC and after you get your license and what not (if that's why you're taking it) go back and do the box on your 600RR. if you passed it on their bikes and you truly think it's easy to ride a bike, you should have no problem doing it on the 600RR. i've seen instructors do the box with Goldwings so a CBR should be no problem right? *snicker*


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