liter bike vs 600

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Old 07-14-2006, 01:39 AM
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Default RE: liter bike vs 600


Why do people find it necesarry to talk smack about people they don't know. Who cares what someone rides, who cares how good they are, if they are riding they must be doing becasue they enjoy it. If a person thinks they out-grew a bike, maybe they have in their opinion. SO zzz11 tell me if you're such a good rider why are you wasting your time in forums and not racing pro? SHUT UP AND RIDE!!!!!!!!!
lol.. you sound..... "experienced".. let me guess.. you can go really fast in a straight line, also?

you also sound like you probably had too much sugar tonight.. maybe you should stand in the corner for time out, and let the parents get back on the computer for a while.

Old 07-14-2006, 04:22 AM
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Default RE: liter bike vs 600

Chain I bet shutting up the mouth in person felt good....I sure wish some of our mouths were close enough to actually go for a is truly amazing how many people really think they are pro riders. I really wish people would show a little respect. I really like the 600rr, but much like you, its simply to much work to ride it fast, and almost as much work to ride it slow. There are a lot of 600's that run out here at firebird raceway, its a small track and needless to say, was never intended for litre bikes, hell they race carts on it too. There are some guys that are so hell bent on beating the litre bikes, that they carry way to much speed into the corner have to break to adjust their line, just to have me blast by them again from apex to exit...i've run into guys from the track out on the street, and they really do believe in their bikes and their abilities, but there is a difference between confidence and cockyness....and my entire point was simple, for once I'd really like to see the 600 riders stop talking smack about how they can dust a 1krr. If they can ride and have had the opportunity (like most 1krr riders have) to ride both bikes, they'd understand what I and other 1krr riders are trying (in a nice way) to say. I guess I could make the point that more clearly...wake up...there is no place that a 600 can beat a 1krr with equal rider skill...there I said, and I really don't wish to offend, but just tired of seeing the same old line...which is better, if the 600's were the best...i doubt seriously that honda (nor any other manufacturer) would spend so much of their racing budget on R&D and racing the series. Truth be told, it is possible with enough practice to ride the 600 to its potential, I really don't see that on the 1krr, it is almost too much bike when pushed to its limits...
Old 07-14-2006, 10:53 AM
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Default RE: liter bike vs 600

zzz, I guess it's easier for you to be a smart ***, then it is for you to answer a simple quesiton. I'm just curious why you feel the need to put people down. Having read some of your other posts it seems like that's your thing, go into a thread and tell people they're stupid and can't ride. You must be one of those people that avoids waving to fellow riders on the street, and have the thought "I can ride better than you". The truth is most people will never get the experience of riding on a track and maybe they don't want to, maybe riding here and there on the weekends is good enough. Don't be upset if you're getting beat in a straight line, you'll apparently catch up in the corners. Oh, and if you're "smart" enough to try and put your knee down on the street you probably won't be around much longer to keep up the exciting insults. Ride Safe
Old 07-14-2006, 01:51 PM
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Default RE: liter bike vs 600

<snip> there is no place that a 600 can beat a 1krr with equal rider skill...there I said, and I really don't wish to offend, but just tired of seeing the same old line.. <snip>
az1000 - again, you're not saying anything new. We all (as far as I know) agree with you. If you look at the previous posts in this thread, you'll see the exact same thing mentioned. Given equal riders, there's no contest. We agree

But that's not really what this thread is about.

Old 07-14-2006, 02:12 PM
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Default RE: liter bike vs 600

...<nonsense snipped>...
Jeez.. Don't know why I'm going to waste my time with you, but here goes...

Your first comment here was :

Why do people find it necesarry to talk smack about people they don't know.
Then you go right into "talk[ing] smack" about me. Excuse me.. Do I know you?

I'm just curious why you feel the need to put people down.
You seem to be trying to do the same thing in 2 out of your 3 total posts on this board. Hmm..

You must be one of those people that avoids waving to fellow riders on the street
LOL.. To quote yourself "Why do people find it necesarry to talk smack about people they don't know." Ummm.. Do I know you?

Oh, and if you're "smart" enough to try and put your knee down on the street you probably won't be around much longer to keep up the exciting insults.
You're making an awful lot of assumptions, all of which are incorrect (translation, you're making yourself look like an ***).

Listen, kid. You must be new to the internet.
The way it works is that people come to public forums and post stuff. The main purpose of this transaction is to expose their post to thousands of other people. Some people will agree and chime in, and other will disagree and chime in.

Now, take a look at what's going on here.
A couple of people are making it publicly known that, as new riders, they've outgrown their 600cc SS bikes in one season or less. Me, along with others, claim that this is ridiculous, so we respond. I'm sure you "sort of" understand how it works, because even though you don't like it, you disagreed with some of our comments and you also responded. *gasp*!!! See how that works?

Let me summarize my point here, incase you still don't get it...
No, I'm not a "pro racer" as you claim. I've just been riding sporbikes long enough (just over 10 years) to know that there's no way that a newbie can "outgrow" a 600ss in a season. I've stated my arguments fairly clearly.
All you've done is whine and cry like a child. If you want to participate in the discussion, then do it intelligently. Don't chime in with your crying/whining/name-calling.

Hope you understand how it all works now. G'luck with the rest of the internet.

Old 07-14-2006, 03:44 PM
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Default RE: liter bike vs 600

zz...what the hell is a 600ss?..... and you make the same point in almost every thread you post in, making it seem like you are the only twisty rider out there. I to have many years of sport bike riding experience including several years of race experience, so when i say i am sick and tired of 600 riders making light of the 1krr, and saying they can beat it in the twisties, i am basing that on real world riding experience, and you are one of the people I am directly talking to. Your comments like let me guess, you can go fast in a straight line too are just the BS I am referring to....riding a 600 has really given you a napoleon complex, and its been my experience when people talk that kind of trash, their riding skills don't match, you know that cyber tough guy thing. Maybe you are the expection, the Terrell Owens of the sportbike world, if thats the case, than great, but there is always someone better, and a little humility wouldn't kill you. I realize that everyone is proud of the bike they own, and we all talk it up, but there isn't a day that goes by in this forum that someone like yourself says something about how their bike and skill is superior to the others online. I don't know about you, but for me riding is my one passion that is just for me, and it has been for more the twenty years. I welcome all riders, with the exception of squids, to come out and I'd love to ride with you. All of us were newbies at one time or another, and all of us can still improve. This thread was liter bike vs 600; not i've outgrown my 600. And honestly if someone feels that way and has the coin to buy a liter bike, why do you care. Lighten up, and quit telling people that they can only ride straightlines fast, twisties, fast or slow are what are sport is all about, and each of us has our line, knowing our limits is what keeps us up on two wheels.
Old 07-14-2006, 03:49 PM
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Default RE: liter bike vs 600

and by the way zz....this all started when i posted a reply to pitbulls comments about how he beats 1krr's with his f4i....go back and re-read will see his comment, and my reply, you just posted in the middle
Old 07-14-2006, 04:24 PM
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Default RE: liter bike vs 600

zz...what the hell is a 600ss?.....
Are you serious? ss = supersport.

I'm not even going to waste my time with this nonsense anymore.. You really have no reading comprehension, with an apparant inability to construct any cohesion from disjoint sources.
Old 07-14-2006, 04:43 PM
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Default RE: liter bike vs 600

wow...i thank you for your enlightenment....and who makes the 600ss? please don't reply...i really doesn't matter anymore; we have managed to turn this thread into something it shouldn't have been, and for that i apologize to all
Old 07-14-2006, 04:57 PM
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Default RE: liter bike vs 600

holy fack boils down to rider ablilty, and the facts are to many noobie riders jump the gun

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