06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

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Old 05-20-2006, 03:41 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

tribal you need to leave old cow town and come down here. year round riding, and no more grey skies from october to june.
Old 05-21-2006, 12:04 AM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

I've thought about it. I could probably work for Broward Cty like my buddy but like I said I he is moving back because it was impossible for him to afford nice housing on an officers salary there.
Old 05-22-2006, 09:23 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night


LOL. Honestly man, i know we all get the urge to break wide and run, but its definitely not the smartest thing to do. Just take the ticket and keep it moving man.

Sorry bro, but 110 on a residential with alot of stop signs, running reds all that, you could have killed yourself, or alot of others doing that dumb ****. Forreal, just think about it next time man.

Im glad you say you wont do it again. I understand, ive ran before two, but along time ago and I made the same vow you did. never again. Its not cool, it wont impress real riders, not those bike night squids.

Thank god know one got hurt.
Old 05-25-2006, 10:59 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night


You do not deserve to be on a bike. Nor do you deserve to have a license.

Anyone who gives this guy props for what he did shouldn't have posted at all and saved face.

Only a little punk kid would come onto a forum like this, show how much of an idiot he is by posting it and even HAVE THE ***** TO POST WHAT ROADS AND FWY'S HE DID IT ON!

Like the others said: I hope the next time your out you get rolled and locked up.

Good day.


Orange, CA
Old 05-26-2006, 02:25 AM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

ORIGINAL: cpldam

Too much respect being given to police officers as if they are super human or something. After all, most of them are high school graduates & never attended any college let alone real officer school.

Uhh, every state in the U.S. requires officers to go to the academy, which encompasses usually around 500 hours of training, followed by several weeks of training by an FTO (field training officer). And by the way, I learned that in college while studying to be an officer.
Old 05-26-2006, 12:21 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

I read your post and didn't read the responses. I have done the same type of stuff but years ago, now I take it to the track a lot more. I'm not gonna lecture you cuz you're probably an adult.

I will only say this once. Don't post about this anymore, keep your mouth shut (loose lips sink ships). As anonymous as you think you may be, people get busted for admitting this kinda stuff all the time. IP addresses, etc. THINK! If I were you I would not visit/post on here anymore under your screenname and IP address. Next time you even think about mentioning it, change the time and place, ok?


Old 05-26-2006, 02:43 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night


I liked your story and I'm glad noone got hurt. It's amazing how deep the S**t can get so quickley. The deeper you get the harder you have to run to get away and the more chances you have to take in doing so. What starts out as a potiential $100 ticket could have turned out with life long consequenses. I believe you won't do that again, so next time you will stop and get the one a**hole cop that will make you wish you would have tried to out run him. Remeber Karma always catches up.

Take care and safe riding.
Old 05-27-2006, 03:00 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading. How many of you own motorcycles? Must be nice to come out the womb perfect! Lots of internet tough guys in here. Anyway Cpldam "I think you now" realize what you did wasn't very bright and some of the comments about fellow officers weren't either. I'm guessing this isn't the forum that i thought it was. If you post a story about something that happened make sure it isn't something everyone else wouldn't do.There are lot's of PERFECT DADDY'S here to spank your bottom!!!!
If I'm wrong kill me but I don't think you were looking for props about what happened or to get beat up for it this way. I'm giving you props for hopefully learning a lesson that could have been very expensive or fatal.
Just be smart and don't learn from it.[sm=vader.gif]
Old 05-27-2006, 03:10 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

ORIGINAL: cpldam

Too much respect being given to police officers as if they are super human or something. After all, most of them are high school graduates & never attended any college let alone real officer school. So I do not why they call themselves officers. Some of them were nerds & got picked on in high school, so now they feel that this is their turn to pick on people. Others are too impressed & brain washed with TV & movie shows & think that they can be like Starsky & Hutch. Most of them have disfunctional lives & relationships outside the job. When you deal with trash all the time, you would think that the whole world is trash & then you become trash. Some cannot even hold on to real relatonship with the other sex. Every statement they make to their spouse (if they had one) comes with an investigative tone. They pretend to stick together as cops, where in real life they do not like the sight of each other even trust each other, specialy for back up. A cop pulls you over, say nothing to fuel his ego, stay quite, sign the ticket then tell it to the judge. They are all unapproachable for any question about direction or advise (unlike cops in foreign countries). they are all PARANOID at different levels to a certain extend. They produce them like that at the academy. "To serve & protect", yeh right!!! they protect nothing, if they did, there would'nt be any crime, & the people would not need to carry weapons for protection. & they serve whom excactly???? The cops at this forum know that this is true, but they would not admit it in public, for it's their jobs we're talking about. That is all the advise I can give you. FBI is a different story, they are educated college grads with decent training, dicipline, & a cleaner brain. Next time a cop bother you, or abuse in any tone or language in any derogatory way, sign the ticket then call IA (Internal Affairs) & report the incident immediately. True or false the incident is filed & stored in his file. A couple of those & he's out of the force. IA knows how to handle them very well. Also, try not to call each others names at this forum, we all have our opinions about different matters, & just because we disagree, we should not disrespect each other in any name calling, is that clear HIGHREVVER????

This might the the most ignorant post I have EVER read on any forum.

"The sheep loathe the sheepdog until the wolves arrive."
Old 05-27-2006, 03:24 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

I think everybodys being a lil unfair to this guy, hey im not gonna say if i were in the situation i wouldnt have done the same thing, when it happens so fast you just dont think, like you should, if he would have got caught he would have got a huge ticket, and a night in jail, he learned his lesson and no ticket, yall keep saying he was harming others, well mabey a little bit but how many times do you hear about a biker hitting a 2000lb hunk of metal and killing them inside the car, he was definatly putting his life in danger but not really other people in cars and trucks, anyways bad desision on the guys part buy lay off him a little

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