06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

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Old 05-17-2006, 01:22 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

Joker, I'd suggest not riding in LA Like 05Tribal said, the 10% rule applies. Along with the 10% A-hole riders, there are the 10% police officers that are the same. 05Tribal is also right when he said that you never hear of people talking about the warnings they've gotten, just the tickets. Not actually knowing what your riding style is other than what you've said I would make sure your bikes equipment is squared away. Yes, pulling over right away and being polite gets you bonus points, but plate lights out or hinky mods might tip the balance.

You've hit the nail on the head about a controlling voice. Even when stopping someone for a blatant violation, with my antenna fully up I talk in a casual calm way but with a slight edge to let them know who is in control. Its not an ego thing or throwing my weight around, but an issue of officer safety. A firm (but calm) voice, and a command presence can keep things from escalating 99% of the time, especially when the offender expects to be yanked off his bike and pressed into the pavement.

One question that continually pops up is, "Should police chase bikes?" I'd say no. However, just because I know a 600cc+ bike can suck my doors off doesnt mean that I can sit idly by, in full view of the general public, and allow someone to ride recklessly. I'll attempt to catch up, get a tag number, and turn on the lights. The choice belongs to the rider. He can show respect by pulling over, which I'll repay by giving him consideration. If he chooses to run, well, he or she's taking the chance. All I want is: 1) the person pulled over to make some difference choices in their riding and 2) the passing public knowing that police aren't going to sit by and do nothing. Its all about perception. If the average person thinks that they can wheelie, speed, filter, etc. with impunity how bad would things get on the road then?
Old 05-17-2006, 06:03 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night


05 tribal hows the riding in ohio? i am surprised the weather doesnt keep you indoors most of the year. how about you come out to a state that has real riding like Arizona and meet me at firebird raceway. we will see who chases who.

oh yeah hope there is no hard fealings just had a run of bad luck on the ol bike.
We actually have 7 and sometimes 8 months of good riding weather. I ride all year as long as the temps stay above 35F, which is most every month except some days in Dec, Jan & Feb. I have a thigh length Joe Rocket quilt lined winter riding jacket that keeps me toasty warm along with polypropylene underwear. The only time I will not ride is when they put salt or spray brine down on the roads.

No hard feelings here.
Old 05-17-2006, 06:05 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night


I guess I actually learned something during all those hours of me sitting in law enforcement classes to get my degree. And who says daydreaming in class about bikes keeps you from learning? Not to mention I've been a bouncer for about 6 years now and I hear ya about how talking in a certain manner can keep situations calm and in control. And I've found the 10% rule applies in every occupation. My fiance is an accountant for a fortune 100 company and she's tired of people outside the company treating her like she was the mastermind behind Enron!!
Old 05-17-2006, 09:50 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

whats going on here, am i surrounded by cops?Thats just great now I am being lectured in a cbr forum.Cant you coppers just leave me alone. just kidding, maybe with all this info i'll be able to get out of my next ticket. or maybe i could get my breasts augmented and shake my boobage around, that will work.
Old 05-17-2006, 11:14 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

I agree with the coppers. I have been pulled over for all kinds of stupid things but as long as I was honest and polite I never seemed to get any tickets. ( Majority of the time ). I would have to say as a kid I had more respect for a cop who would explain the importance or reason for a ticket then an officer who just handed them out left and right. The one exception would be a seat belt ticket. I just don't understand laws that protect us from ourselves. You don't see cops writing tickets to fat people who eat to many fries at Mcdonalds do you. What's the differance? Don't get me wrong, I wear a seat belt and think it's important but to make it a law.......
Old 05-18-2006, 12:31 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

AZ riding is the best! You can ride all year! Hey Joker I'm on the east side how about you?

Also I want to say that I have had some real good cops pull me over in the past. When I had my '89 CBR600 Huricane in '95 got pulled over by a cop on the 17 northbound I exited and turned before I ever even saw a cop. The cop said he was trying to catch up to me the last 4 miles and that I must have been doing about 90 and could go to jail. He was cool and agreed to give me a ticket for 75 mph.

I traded in the bike and got a '91 F2 and after a few months took the bike in for some maintence had my wife drop me off to pick it up and got flashed by a motorcycle cop and I pulled over right away. Like a dummy I didn't have my helmet on and the cop was just upset about that and just ended up shooting the breeze and he gave me a warning.

Couple of months later, on the way home from work, I pulled the wheel up through an intersection (Mill & Baseline for Joker) and took off. There was a cop at a 7-Eleven back at the intersection that saw the whole thing. He came and got pulled over and was pissed! We got to talking a bit and he ended up just giving me a warning.

I think that we have to be able to take whats coming to us and at the same time if we show the cop that we are not butheads I think they will end up giving us the benefit of the doubt. If they don't we should remember that we are the ones that broke the law and they have a job to do.

Now I have the '06 1KRR and I can't help but wheelieit almost every day!
Old 05-18-2006, 01:18 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

First i would like to extend my hand across and hit the BULL**** button on this guys story.
Second if it was true your an idiot for speeding UP when you saw the cop. You don't need to necessarily slow down and look guilty but speed up? Are you retarded?
Old 05-18-2006, 05:51 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

ORIGINAL: wheelieit

AZ riding is the best! You can ride all year! Hey Joker I'm on the east side how about you?

Also I want to say that I have had some real good cops pull me over in the past. When I had my '89 CBR600 Huricane in '95 got pulled over by a cop on the 17 northbound I exited and turned before I ever even saw a cop. The cop said he was trying to catch up to me the last 4 miles and that I must have been doing about 90 and could go to jail. He was cool and agreed to give me a ticket for 75 mph.

I traded in the bike and got a '91 F2 and after a few months took the bike in for some maintence had my wife drop me off to pick it up and got flashed by a motorcycle cop and I pulled over right away. Like a dummy I didn't have my helmet on and the cop was just upset about that and just ended up shooting the breeze and he gave me a warning.

Couple of months later, on the way home from work, I pulled the wheel up through an intersection (Mill & Baseline for Joker) and took off. There was a cop at a 7-Eleven back at the intersection that saw the whole thing. He came and got pulled over and was pissed! We got to talking a bit and he ended up just giving me a warning.

I think that we have to be able to take whats coming to us and at the same time if we show the cop that we are not butheads I think they will end up giving us the benefit of the doubt. If they don't we should remember that we are the ones that broke the law and they have a job to do.

Now I have the '06 1KRR and I can't help but wheelieit almost every day!
Glad to hear you have had some good experiences with Po Po. I definitely a do business with "Sprit of the Law" not "Letter of the Law" attitude.
Old 05-18-2006, 06:42 PM
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Default RE: 06 CBR1000RR & the cops last night

Too much respect being given to police officers as if they are super human or something. After all, most of them are high school graduates & never attended any college let alone real officer school. So I do not why they call themselves officers. Some of them were nerds & got picked on in high school, so now they feel that this is their turn to pick on people. Others are too impressed & brain washed with TV & movie shows & think that they can be like Starsky & Hutch. Most of them have disfunctional lives & relationships outside the job. When you deal with trash all the time, you would think that the whole world is trash & then you become trash. Some cannot even hold on to real relatonship with the other sex. Every statement they make to their spouse (if they had one) comes with an investigative tone. They pretend to stick together as cops, where in real life they do not like the sight of each other even trust each other, specialy for back up. A cop pulls you over, say nothing to fuel his ego, stay quite, sign the ticket then tell it to the judge. They are all unapproachable for any question about direction or advise (unlike cops in foreign countries). they are all PARANOID at different levels to a certain extend. They produce them like that at the academy. "To serve & protect", yeh right!!! they protect nothing, if they did, there would'nt be any crime, & the people would not need to carry weapons for protection. & they serve whom excactly???? The cops at this forum know that this is true, but they would not admit it in public, for it's their jobs we're talking about. That is all the advise I can give you. FBI is a different story, they are educated college grads with decent training, dicipline, & a cleaner brain. Next time a cop bother you, or abuse in any tone or language in any derogatory way, sign the ticket then call IA (Internal Affairs) & report the incident immediately. True or false the incident is filed & stored in his file. A couple of those & he's out of the force. IA knows how to handle them very well. Also, try not to call each others names at this forum, we all have our opinions about different matters, & just because we disagree, we should not disrespect each other in any name calling, is that clear HIGHREVVER????
Old 05-18-2006, 09:25 PM
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First where in the world did you get your information about the personal background and history of police officers? I think you watch too much of the Shield. Dude, that stuff might happen rarely but it is not the norm. Other then your TV research how do you know we don’t trust each other when it comes to backing each other up? What study did you read that states LEO’s are brainwashed watching cop shows on TV? Do you honestly think that if every officer “really protected and served” there would be no more crime? If so I take this opportunity to not call you a name, but to describe you as being truly IGNORANT. If you have no bases for your information it sounds like to me that YOU truly watch to much TV. You are probably one of those people who Monday morning quarterbacks saying, “Why didn’t he just shot him in the arm to make him drop the gun” when an officer gets into a shoot out and had to kill someone. Or you’re the one who questions how could three officers possibly shoot 30 rounds and only hit the suspect only 5 times. It sounds like you are really bitter. Something must have happened to make you feel that way. I feel sorry for you since you are so close minded and can't help but blanket everyone except the FBI with your negative feelings. Funny as it seems, your close mindedness makes it sounds like you are everything you described in your post minus carrying a badge and having arrest authority.

I personally don't have a college degree and being the open minded person that I am I can tell you the job does not require one. If I had a degree how much more than the 57K a year, plus great benefits, I currently earn should I get paid? I will tell you that myself along with my other recruit class mates sat through six months of detailed training which is a lot more then the State of Ohio requires for becoming a police officer, and we get continued inservice training a few times a year. By the way what is “real officer school” in your TV world mind anyway?

In regards to your comment about most cops being geeks in HS and becoming cops just to get back at people that is just plain ridiculous and is not true. In fact on my department of roughly 1800 sworn personnel many had college degrees when they got hired and many are going back to school the get one. I personally became a police officer because at the time it was the best money I could make 10 years ago to provide for my family. I also have a military aviation background and I knew after doing a few years on the street I would be able to fly for our aviation unit where I work now. If you only knew how may times I hear friends who have degrees and make six figure incomes wishing they could do what I do because they are so unhappy being cooped up in an office you would be amazed.

To address your accusation that officers can’t keep relationships with the opposite sex I am proud to tell you that I am blessed to be very happily married to my first wife and have a wonderful relationship with my 12 year old daughter. Now the relationship with my 16 year son is rocky but I contribute that to having had to work third shift hours for most of his life and having to work most week ends thus not being able to spend time with him like a father needs to. I contribute the same awful work patterns as the cause to the problems people in law enforcement have with their families, even in your cherished FBI.

Now stop being part of the problem and be part of the solution. And stop watching so much Reno 911. That show is not real it is a comedy spoof of Cops.

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