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Poetry on a motorcycle forum?!?!

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Old 06-25-2008, 05:24 PM
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Default RE: Poetry on a motorcycle forum?!?!

The crisp cool water
flows. And I drink gratefully
from an infants skull.

An instant haiku from yours truly.
Old 06-25-2008, 08:47 PM
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Default RE: Poetry on a motorcycle forum?!?!

In the dark of the night
The masses collect and grow
Gathering where no cops will show
As cars line up to see the fight
The engines rev and rev until the light
That signals the go, that starts the show
The stage tonight is an abandoned street
But for tonight its asphalt gleams
With hundreds of bodies giving it life
The street yells back lets start the fight
As the cars launch down the quiet track
The exhausts and tires answer back
As the races are going what do u hear
The sound of tires breaks loose near
As cars whip around in circles behold
Another race is about to unfold
As people talk a gang of ****
Others yell back put up your slip!
The moneys thrown down, a cars about to be sold
One will be a winner the others hand will fold
The cars stage up, the turbos spool, and the nitrous purges the air is cool
The sky is clear, the stars do shine, and this race will be remembered for all time
As an epic battle is to be waged; import versus domestic is the game
A timeless struggle that won’t be settled tonight, yet another notch in an endless fight
The out come doesn’t matter; the struggle will still be there
The battle of imports versus domestics is one we will always hear
The war has come so choose your side, pick the battle field and be down to ride
If its speed you choose be the fastest around, if sound is your weapon then be heard across town. If style is what you seek, let your body kit be fierce and let your body lines be sleek. What ever your choice is be proud and stand tall, cars are a way of life don’t let our culture fall. The cops can’t stop us no matter how hard they try, their harassments won’t make our way of life die. We are the next generation of a culture started before our time, now the lights on us and it’s time to shine. The light is turning green its time to shift into gear and remember to peel off and leave your skid mark.

Robert Miller
Team Havoc
Old 06-25-2008, 09:03 PM
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Default RE: Poetry on a motorcycle forum?!?!

The descent of free men is too often ratified by the inequities of the careless, the greedy and maliciously apathetic. It should appear to the conscious, that given our current condition, a free mans Achilles heel is a lack of vigilance in safeguarding this liberty. Our rights and liberties, as confirmed in the Constitution and further protected by the Bill of Rights, is not merely a beacon to be referenced and noted, then pushed aside by malpractice of its tenants. Greater, it is the constant practice of assuring that its values are to remain intact amidst any assault at undermining its foundations. Liberty’s existence is not assured by mere utterance, but by the understanding that it waxes and wanes in equal proportion to the amount of attention given to it. Yet, unlike the baneful investments man makes on the altar of self gratification, it returns the greatest gift-free reign over ones own dominion. Self worth and civility are the fuel for the prosperity of individual genius and should, given the greatest care and concern, provide the greatest ramparts and barriers to the never ending force of authoritarian collectivism that truly seeks to dismantle and absorb the free will of those who have liberty. One’s very own identity, in lock step with sovereignty, should burn bright enough to ensure that whatever path in liberty one follows, shadows always cast themselves in the direction of the maligned despots who would seek to destroy and take possession of what rightfully belongs to the individual. This freedom we own is only secure in the notion that we are not the people of a government, but instead, citizens who have a representative government. We are unique in the world in this idea, others have mimicked our Republic and some have done well to follow Democratic principles, but I would wager that no breed of people have ever paid such a dear price for it. The freedom that is our divine providence and destiny is ours to keep and very much ours to lose.

In the heart of every Patriot is the notion that if need be, if situations ever rise to a level of despair, there would be no need to summon them to an ultimate calling, they would already be in place. Where does this notion of duty of defense come from? It is not that it has been engrained from lessons in grammar school or higher education. We know that this domain has been converted for the practice of indoctrination to collectivism. All concepts of our noble birth of a nation have been imprisoned by the savage discourse of broken authoritarians and their willing conspirators. Our system of learning has become a minefield of hatred in which quiet compliance to junk science, sacrifice of the notion of the individual, the denouncement of critical analysis, the mockery of sacrifice, hatred of freedom and the balkanization of a unified people are awarded with praise and encouragement. The greater points of man, those which transcend the slavery of collectivism are condemned, scorned and punished. To compete and stand for what is right is decried by our educators as blasphemous to the new collective god, the uber-state, a religion that hates the free individual and views the lover of liberty as merely property to control. This then is not the breeding ground of patriotism. So how does it still, against such violent odds, find its way into the hearts of men? The answer is simple. It is the nature of man to believe there is no authority that shall have a free reign over the lives of other men without their consent. If it were the design of nature to imply that such awesome power be contained in the hands of a few, then never a peep of resistance to this authority would ever make its way into the public sphere. No such idea would ever surface as its condition could never be conceived. Yet we have powerful notions to the contrary and all men wish to be free from authoritarian despotism, this is the universal truth.

Our arena of common sense plays for us a drama that has the free man a protagonist, seeking to fight his way thru many acts with the hopes of seeking only one conclusion - liberty. If this were not so, then I would beg of our current crop of tyrants to produce such evidence that it is mans obligation to fold their appetency for autonomy into objects of domination by an elite few! No such totalitarian cauldron ever in existence could conjure up such a spell…Yet, with the existence of such proof bound to the plane of absurdity, we have a tangible validation of their belief in this unnatural right to rule via their actions. They believe it is their right to rule with impunity, that their manifest is a dictum of perpetual subjugation of those unfortunate souls not born into their fraternal councils and “prosperity” partnerships. Sovereignty is a tool, in their eyes, to make demands for conformity to corrupt and “greedful” proclamations. If compliance is not to their liking then they rule BY law to achieve their aims. They reward anyone who will covet their tyranny and exclude them from prosecution by engaging in the practice of cosmopolitan law. If need be, they will recruit from outside the nation, from societies that do not value freedom and liberty, from people who are governed by constant bacchanalian revelry, superstition and most importantly enable tyranny. A people who have no courage, have always had a seat among Kings and despots. The invaders from Mexico are the tyrants new recruits in an all out war to conform our free people to their notions of unnatural authority. At any cost, this government assumed to protect our blood won rights and Constitution has caught us away from our tenure to liberty and maintenance of freedom. In rage with our liberty, they have let fly a death blow intended to rupture our hearts and push us into a slow and obscured anti-existence. This comes after waves of corruption, deceit and destruction of our freedoms. We have constantly petitioned our representatives in detail of our plight and found them in very many cases to not only ignore us, but to select the counsel of foreigners and “special interests.” Our own leader has labeled us rebels, racists, vagrants and vigilantes for merely opposing his grand ambitions. His lust, which not only reaches beyond the profane, but reinvents it like no other despot in our human history has. It is the paradox of our time, a people punished for obedience to their sovereign law.

Midnight in America part 1
Old 06-25-2008, 09:05 PM
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Default RE: Poetry on a motorcycle forum?!?!

So still the question remains…What chord must be struck to call free men to action? Those who would hold force over free men have most certainly learned from history. They know that they must not allow arrogant displays of power and obvious assertions to make their way into the obvious, for in American society, even with our current state of intellectual oppression, we are sensitive to the overt pretensions history has left engraved in mankinds experience. To avoid a fight, this new unnatural form of oppression has gone to great lengths to conceal their actions by taking care not to implement change in a solid form, but rather, to decay liberty one dagger thrust at a time. Choosing to slowly inch toward a social condition, that once it becomes obvious to the common man, any resistance will be rendered futile and waves of propagandized zealots, thinking nothing of freedom, will assist in the oppression of any dissention. In this unnatural passive-aggressive prison, deceit is a virtue and the rights of man are defined by their economic value to the institutions of power that protect the privileged tyrants. Liberty has been given a market value and felonious behavior justified by mythical mathematics of convenience. Unalienable rights are now the crown jewels of a violently transmogrified authoritarian mantle of control and unforgiving power. The tyrants have nearly succeeded in making themselves the dispensers of rights by ignoring the rule of law and granting, as if it were a privilege, the limited right to purchase a variety of goods and services. This Caesarian loaf of bread is all that remains of our natural right to be free.

midnight in America
Old 06-25-2008, 09:32 PM
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Default RE: Poetry on a motorcycle forum?!?!

I do not choose to be a common man. It is my right to be uncommon, if I can. I seek opportunity, not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid; to think and act for myself; enjoy the benefits of my creations and to face the world boldly and say, this I have done. All this is what it means to be an American.

My Creed, by Dean Alfange
and yes, I have this poster size in my garage...not exactly poetry, but moving nonetheless[/blockquote]
Old 06-25-2008, 09:35 PM
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Default RE: Poetry on a motorcycle forum?!?!

sometimes i park
in handicap spaces
while handicap people
make handicap faces
Old 06-25-2008, 10:12 PM
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Default RE: Poetry on a motorcycle forum?!?!


sometimes i park
in handicap spaces
while handicap people
make handicap faces
" cause I'm an *******-leeeo-leeeo-leeo"
Old 06-25-2008, 10:39 PM
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Default RE: Poetry on a motorcycle forum?!?!

Well if we are going to post Creeds here's one I do my damnedest to live by, and just so everyone is on the same page as far as the poem midnight in America is concerned. I'm not 100% in tune with it. However It provides one with a thought-provoking mindset. Knowledge is strength, and it is always healthy to evaluate all aspects of an issue.

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