dummy on a katana lol
dummy on a katana lol
This kid rides past my house nearly every day. I need to catch him on video. Hes always wearing shorts and a tshirt that are way too small for him. He is going extremely slow with a line of cars behind him. Just yesterday when he drove past he had both hands off of the bars just coasting down the hill and around the turn. lol wtf? The later when he came up the hill he was texting on his phone! Ill try to capture this dousche bag on camera and post the video up for you guys
This kid rides past my house nearly every day. I need to catch him on video. Hes always wearing shorts and a tshirt that are way too small for him. He is going extremely slow with a line of cars behind him. Just yesterday when he drove past he had both hands off of the bars just coasting down the hill and around the turn. lol wtf? The later when he came up the hill he was texting on his phone! Ill try to capture this dousche bag on camera and post the video up for you guys
ahhhhh hahahaha! nice.
my brother taken to calling every guy he sees riding in shorts/sandals/no gear bull**** "johnny douchebag".
"hey, johnny d! what's up!!"
"i'm not johnny".
"yeah, you are."
"no man, i'm not"
"no, i'm pretty sure you are".
real hard to keep a straight face during that exchange.
Wow, that's really close to where I live. It does seem that Suzuki attracts the douchebag population. Hayabusa riders are my favorite of all.
I saw a chick on a pink scooter in Clifton talking on a cellphone a week ago. She was wearing a half helmet at least but was in a tank top, capri pants, and sandals. You really just want to slap some sense into people sometimes. I hope you get some pictures of the guy.
I saw a chick on a pink scooter in Clifton talking on a cellphone a week ago. She was wearing a half helmet at least but was in a tank top, capri pants, and sandals. You really just want to slap some sense into people sometimes. I hope you get some pictures of the guy.