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Cop gone wild - citizen rights

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Old 09-12-2007, 02:27 AM
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Default RE: Cop gone wild - citizen rights

ORIGINAL: holycrapitshassell

actually i never stated what my opinion was as to what i would actually do.

be as cooperative and respectful to the police officer as you can. do your arguing in court.
That's pretty much all you can do!
Old 09-12-2007, 02:39 AM
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Default RE: Cop gone wild - citizen rights

Haha wow,

After watching that video, that was funny as heck.

Only Awhite kid/person would get away with that stuff.

No minority would pull that stunt ... maybe the stupid ones that were adopted by rich white folks ... we'd all end up in jail with the9 charges he was smart enough to memorized.
Old 09-12-2007, 05:53 AM
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Default RE: Cop gone wild - citizen rights

Police officers are human. They make mistakes and bad judgements. Being on the bad side of a cop who's had a bad night/day is a situation that can really get you in trouble

The best thing I've heard to do would be to know your rights, exercise them with politeness and cooperate with the officer within those rights. If they arrest you, or otherwise harass you further, when everything is done and overwith, file an official complaint. Make sure you get and can remember as much about the situation as possible, names, locations, times, weather conditions, etc. I've heard of cops being fired for abuses of power such as this.

The only problem is that most cases the only evidence is word against word. This isn't the first time I've heard of police audio/video suspiciously disappearing, my last traffic court experience had a woman in there asking about the in-car video and the officers said that it was deleted.

We are all within our rights to question authority, but be prepared to suffer injust consequences at the hands of our grossly less than perfect justice system in which I have no faith. Our police forces are becoming militarized and their authority has grown to dangerous levels and they stretch it often. That's not to say that all police are bad. They're not. I've known and know many police officers. My cousin isa PA State Trooper. They're great people, but I've also known officers personally who were jerks and I'm sure they were that way on duty as well.

I personally have always wanted to be a police officer. I still do. I believe I would be one of the "cool ones" though. The only thing that prevents me from pursuing that career is the low pay and high risk. I'm more concerned with the pay than the risk. Some officers tend to become jerks and stretch their authority because it's all they have sometimes and they resent the fact that most of the people they pull over make more and live better than they do. Other officers have pride in their work and what they do for the community, so they don't harbor any resentments. You get a few bad apples in anything, police, motorcycle riders, etc.
Old 09-12-2007, 07:59 AM
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Default RE: Cop gone wild - citizen rights

Police officers are human. They make mistakes and bad judgements.
+1. The only thing is that given their power and responsibility they should not screw up so often. Car cams should be standard equipment to keep the bad cops in line and to show that you can be a good cop and still get your job done.
Old 09-12-2007, 09:19 AM
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Default RE: Cop gone wild - citizen rights

Looks like the kid in the video was setting the cop up. He pulls into a parking lot at two in the morning. That's when all the drunks and thieves are out. If I pulled into a "public" parking lot past a cop in the middle of the night, I would expect him to tap on my window. The cop was just checking in with the kid and gave him a reasonable explaination up front. Then the kid started to be a smart ***. If I met this kid, I'd knock a few of his teeth loose because he is a huge, throbbing, vagina. Get a life!
I find it interesting when people say all cops suck or I hate all cops. What if you were to say something like...I hate all mexicans or I hate all black people. You would be considered an idiot by 99% of society. The logic used and coclusions drawn don't seem to be different in either statement. If you hate cops because of their authority or imagined abuse of power, then you should hate politicians and lawyers because, chances are, they impact your life on a larger scale.
Old 09-12-2007, 10:04 AM
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Default RE: Cop gone wild - citizen rights

there are 3 types of cops
1. that cop that follows the letter of the law no matter what the mood he will ticket everyone he pulls over for legit traffic infractions. (I have no problem with that)
2. the cool cop that will give you a break once in a while....(who don't have a problem with that)
3. that cop that acts like the one in the video...(its wrong and a perverse abuse of power hate them)

in a lot of cases some think that the type 1 cops is an A-Hole. not the case... he is doing what he is being paid to do like it or not
but the type 3 cops are the worst. they abuse the system and in most cases we pay the costs of that because when it goes to court the judges tend to ignore the words of the citizen over the cops. this was a perfect example of what they do... and if the cop wanted to the kid would have been screwed.
Old 09-12-2007, 10:53 AM
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Default RE: Cop gone wild - citizen rights

My seventh grade gym teacherdisciplined me when I was screwing around in class, so I hate all teachers. When I was a kid our family dentist caused me pain while cleaning my teeth, so I hate all dentists. A customer at the service station I worked at gave me a hard time when I dented his car, so I hate all customers. There was this Native American kid that beat the crap out of me as a teenager, so I hate all Native Americans.

Gee this is fun. I can hate everybody because an occassional member of each group did something unpleasant to me even if I had it coming. I hate the entire world!!!

By the way, wasn't the original question something about dealing with laws with which we don't agree? And, yes, it's pretty obvious the kid was setting the cop up and got exactly what he was looking for. A chance to make all cops look bad.

There is no denying a minority of cops fall on the low end of a bell curve. But there are a lot more that don't. There are many more like the one in this example: a rainy day with temperatures near freezing, I'm speeding (65 in a 55) come around a corner, see an HP coming, tap the brakes and find out the temp has dropped enough that I'm now driving on ice. The resulting skid nearly puts me broadside into the HP. I get it straightened out, pull over - no sense in making him chase me, right? - and am out of the car, license in hand when he pulls up behind me. I get into his car, he grins at me, says, "Slick, isn't it?" and writes me a ticket. $5.00 speeding ticket. Should have been a honking big reckless driving ticket. As I got out he said, "Have a good day, and slow down some. Okay?"

Treat the LEO with respect, take responsibility for your actions, and you'll get respect back almost every time. Treat them as 'the enemy', whine that laws shouldn't apply to you (and ride that way), and you'll get exactly what you expect - and deserve.
Old 09-12-2007, 02:34 PM
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Default RE: Cop gone wild - citizen rights

This kid is kinda asking for it... same thing kinda happened to me. I was in a parking lot with my friend and we were waiting for my other friends to show up to go to his house... He just asked use a few questions and we were respectful and he politely asked us to move along so we did... no problems...

I also found this which is posted by the same user and Im assuming is the same guy

and the article
Old 09-12-2007, 04:47 PM
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Default RE: Cop gone wild - citizen rights

Bottom line is that that perticular guy should not bea cop. Yeah the kid was trying to get a reaction out of him, so what ! Would any of you want your kids to be pulled over and harrased by that guy ? I know I wouldn't, and if he keeps his job, he'll just do more of the same. Some people just don't have the temperment required for the job. I know I don't.

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