bike fell....
bike fell....
well, it happened, my bike fell on the ground. sitting out by the curb at a friends house and the kick stand sunk into the ground. it was out there for 3 min. not too mad about it, i figured it would have happened alot sooner. clutch handle is bent at the end, left peg is bent in a little and a dent in my left fairing from the handle and little scratches on the silver part of the plastic, about 4 of them, not bigger then a half inch and on the end of my left mirror and front turn signal. i plan on getting new signals and the mirror...oh well. it was a sad sight but like the saying goes, its not if it does, its when.
RE: bike fell....
we got off for a few minutes and i wasnt thinking that it would have did that within that time. i have a plate a buddy made but its heavy as hell and my brother is planning on getting like a 16 gauge plate for me to put in the "trunk". this was prob the first time i havnt put anything under my stand lol go figure. it has to happen then
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