Tranny/Clutch Quest.
Tranny/Clutch Quest.
Has anyone ever had a problem where the bike (after dropped into first gear) doesnt want to go into neutral. Not like an I force it and it doesnt go but like a feeling that you pull up on the shifter and it feels light and doesnt feel like its shifting gears and it wont go into neutral. I hope I explained this properly...If not feel free to post about it. This has only happened 2 times but it was after normal driving. what is the problem??
RE: Tranny/Clutch Quest.
First gear on bikes a synchronized as well as reverse is on a car... it's not. You have to catch it just right to get in or out of first while you're not moving. Like Way2Cool said... ease out on the clutch and move the bike a little and you'll find the sweet spot you need.
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