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Old 09-13-2006, 07:02 AM
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Default RE: First Bike

just keep it under 7000rpm, anyone can handle that.
ive been working to run higher rpms, and this bike is fast, goes 75mph in 2nd if i remember correctly.
it also has a low center of gravity that makes it real predictable.
good bike.

Old 09-13-2006, 11:56 AM
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Default RE: First Bike

ORIGINAL: Jordan23
I've done a lot of research and have found that it is considered to be one of the best starting bikes (next to the 250) but i don't have enough money to buy a cheaper bike and upgrade after i outgrow that bike...
1. It's considered a good starter bike by people who started on it and don't know what a "sarter" bike really is. They will tell you it's great because they are not about to admit that they made a bad decision or got bad info when they started. Go ask anyone who is an "expert" rider or racer what a good starter bike is. They will tell you that you are nuts to start on a modern 600.

2. The money factor is bull****. If you buy smart, keep the bike in good condition, you can sell it for what you bought it for then upgrade to a 600. EX250's and EX500's hold their value because THEY ARE excellent starter bikes. The F4i is a worse investment because it was a cutting edge bike that is now aging. It will decrease in value a lot faster than an appropriate starter bike.

Don't let your ego screw you over for life. LEARN to ride now. Get the "cool" bike after you learn to ride. Read the other posts on here about starter bikes. And you may want to consider age/experience of those who throw out that a F4i is a great starter bike. You will have a lot of kids with less than a year on the bike tell you it's great to start on because they don't know any better.
Old 09-13-2006, 02:32 PM
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Default RE: First Bike

Actually I bought a 2001 F4i as my very first bike EVER. Not a mistake at all. If youā€™re not an idiot and you can handle the responsibility of the bike then a 600 is a great bike to learn on...especially the F4i

I could really care less what the "experts" have to say about whatā€™s a good starter bike and whatā€™s not.

I love my bike and donā€™t regret learning on it one bit.
Old 09-13-2006, 04:30 PM
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Default RE: First Bike

So i have had mixed results about this...however, the one "expert" claims that it is a bad decision to start on a f4i...the majority of the other people claim that it is a good starter bike if i keep it under 7k rpm...i really understand how powerful these bikes can be...i've ridden dirt bikes and a couple of cruisers and feltl very comfortable on those...even though those are far less powerful than a superbike i do have some skill as far as riding goes...
Old 09-13-2006, 04:38 PM
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Default RE: First Bike

ROUND AND ROUND WE GO. [sm=bicker.gif]

I think its funny that sooo many people think that the CC's make a bike a good beginner bike or not. IMO the CC is only a minor factor, but the real factor is the riders attitude.

Lets take an idiot adrenaline junkie that is EXTREME in everything they do. Most likely they will kill themselves just as quick on a 250 as they would a 600. Why, because they will make poor decisions.

Do what you think is best for you. For me, my 01 f4i was the best damn purchase I could have made.

On a side noteā€¦.Wouldn't it be funny to see Shaq on a starter bike (ninja 250)!! [sm=jawdrop.gif]
Old 09-13-2006, 04:55 PM
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Default RE: First Bike

Lol 600cc was like the bare minimum for me since I'm 6'4 and anything smaller would be a circus act. I also started on a brand new F4i and so far have 2500mi on it in a month and a half and haven't looked back. Go for it, and be responsible. Ride safe.
Old 09-13-2006, 04:55 PM
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Default RE: First Bike

I say it's your money do what you want with it. If you want a nice brand new bike go for it! I bought an 06 F4i I love it! Man it has a lot of power above 8k that's for sure! I will definately agree you need to becareful because it is a toy to not be stupid on. I found that out the hard way which you can find out if you read my "scariest moment ever on my bike" post or something like that in the off topic section. Anyway, I think it's a great bike to start on. I would actually be willing to bet that maybe 50% of the people that tell everyone to start on a 250 actually did so themselves. I vote go for it homie, get the 600. You only live once right? If you get the 600 don't make it a short once. Respect the bike, don't show off infront of girls (unless you KNOW how to do wheelies), and have fun! That's what this sport is about, having fun. =)


In reply to Blackdog I got my bike in June so I have well under a year on my bike. I ended up getting into the MSF course like 2 months after I got my bike and on those crappy 250 bikes I wanted to shoot myself. I was tragging the peg feelers around every corner the bike had no acceleration, and was not very fun to drive. Now I believe since I learned on my F4i I was able to handle the 250 much better. I also believe that if I started on a 250 once I jumped on a 600 it wouldn't have mattered what I had previously learned because it would be a totally different bike and I would have to learn how to ride all over again. I should have bought a 1k to learn on then dropped down to a 600 and I would own that bike then. I really don't think theres enough power in a 250 to advance in skill. I mean when I'm brining the bike down to the peg feelers scraping the first day riding it I obviously need something a little more hardcore. /discuss
Old 09-13-2006, 07:11 PM
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Default RE: First Bike


ROUND AND ROUND WE GO. [sm=bicker.gif]

I think its funny that sooo many people think that the CC's make a bike a good beginner bike or not. IMO the CC is only a minor factor, but the real factor is the riders attitude.

Lets take an idiot adrenaline junkie that is EXTREME in everything they do. Most likely they will kill themselves just as quick on a 250 as they would a 600. Why, because they will make poor decisions.

Do what you think is best for you. For me, my 01 f4i was the best damn purchase I could have made.

On a side noteā€¦.Wouldn't it be funny to see Shaq on a starter bike (ninja 250)!! [sm=jawdrop.gif]
I agree 100% the riders attitude is what really matters. Not what the experts think
Old 09-13-2006, 07:12 PM
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Default RE: First Bike

My first bike will be an F4i...I started off on 12 speeds (pushbikes)...progressed to a 50cc Yamaha...I'm bored, I need more power. An F4i it is then...
Old 09-14-2006, 12:03 PM
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Default RE: First Bike


Most likely they will kill themselves just as quick on a 250 as they would a 600.
So exactly how do you lose it at 150 on a 250cc starter bike?

You guys believe what you want. You have all aready made your choices and are now attempting to justify them.
It's OK. It really is. No one is going to come take your bike away and revoke your membership to the "Man" club.

A 250cc sportbike is more than enough for a beginner. At least it is until they let themselves be influenced by friends.

Anyone who thinks that a 250 isn't enough performance, or not enough to be "challenging" dosent really know how to ride. A 250 with a good rider will run rings around a 600 or 1000 with a mediocre rider. Kind of the same as me regularly putting 3 and 4 turns on liter bikes with my "little" 600.

Of course if you go on some of the liter bike forums you will get idiots telling you it's OK to start on a liter bike as long as you are "responsible".

You will never be as good of a rider starting on a large bike as you will on a small one. That is a fact. Debate it if you will, but it has been proven.

Hmmm, I wonder what world champions start on?

I just wish people would stop using the F4i as a starter bike. Go get a R6. I am tired of my insurance rates going up when n00bs finally realize how much power this bike really has. That's usually about the time they and the bike part company on a "easy" corner.[:@]

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