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JacobG13 09-09-2019 11:51 AM

Trans? Or clutch?
Alright so wrecked the bike about a month ago. With that said I got her running again and I've noticed that after about an hour or so of riding its damn near impossible to shift from 3rd to 4th. I pull off the road an Jimmy the shifter around (clutch lever pulled in of course) and I can get it back down into first. On take off (gently) I can shift into 2nd an 3rd but 4th is a brick wall, and then in a false neutral. Pull off, Jimmy shifter again find first an then limp the bike home.
Yes clutch cable is Chinese replacement
No the bike doesn't pull when clutch lever is pulled an in gear
No I don't have problem shifting when I start ride
(Only after an hour or so)
Any thoughts before i take the clutch out, I'm hoping it's somewhat simple

wes 17 09-09-2019 04:58 PM

What year and model mate, and what side did she go down on please. Does your gear lever operate correctly with spring tension in all gears before you run into trouble.

JacobG13 09-09-2019 05:02 PM

91 f2
Looped it doing a wheelie. Went end over end landing on the right side in the grass. Lever operates fine until problem occurs.
I noticed it happens almost immediately if I drop down 2 or more gears without engaging each gear (if that makes sense)

wes 17 09-09-2019 05:33 PM

Clutch inspection I guess would be my first task. Then if the issue wasn’t evident I’d also remove basket to examine gear lever operation looking specifically at the spring mechanism.
I hope your oil isn’t ancient lol
Best of luck mate

Phil314 09-09-2019 07:49 PM

My guess is that you have bent the shift shaft just a bit. Then as the bike warms up it binds up a bit.
If the gear shifter doesn't return all the way to the middle position, then it can't grab the next gear to shift.
This is why if you stop and fiddle with it, it's starts working again, you're manually pulling it back up.

I'd first visually check the shift linkage/lever etc.
Then put the bike up on a rear stand and turn the rear wheel by hand and try shifting through the gears manually.
If that shows nothing, then pull the clutch out and check it.
Finally I'd probably look at the shift star/detent/springs and those grabby claw things (can't remember their name right now, see pic)
and make sure they are working correctly.
Then clean everything and reinstall and see if the problem persists.


JacobG13 09-10-2019 07:48 PM

You guys are awesome!!
Was gonna go ahead an take a look today when I realized I don't have enough tools to take basket off, nor do I have a rear stand.
So the bike is gonna have to sit till i can get a stand or borrow one from a buddy.
Also i noticed in that pic there's a hole at the end of that shifter thingy, mine is just flat. Probably no big deal i just thought it odd.

Will keep u guys posted as soon as i get a stand and a few tools to take the basket off

JacobG13 09-11-2019 10:16 PM

Say it ain't so!!!

Got a rear stand from a buddy, put it in the air spun by hand an got up through all the gears and back down.
Started the bike
Checked that clutch engaged an disengaged, all good

1st= good
2nd= good
3rd= rough shift but good
4th = sad face, clicking clunking, wheel speed isn't consistent
5th= I didn't even try

Shut the bike off and cracked open a beer. Be honest is she ****ed, can I save it, am i just jumping to conclusions. Ugh

Phil314 09-13-2019 08:06 AM

Originally Posted by JacobG13 (Post 1325326)
Got a rear stand from a buddy, put it in the air spun by hand an got up through all the gears and back down.
Started the bike Checked that clutch engaged an disengaged, all good

This is good. Did everything feel ok as you were going up and down through the gears on the stand?

1st= good
2nd= good
3rd= rough shift but good
4th = sad face, clicking clunking, wheel speed isn't consistent
5th= I didn't even try
I don't understand this part. Was the bike running but still on the stand? Or did you take it out and ride it?
Did you let the clutch out between each gear? Did it go into 4th and then pop out? Or just never go into 4th?
Can you video what you are doing and post it?

I'd probably put it up on the stand.
Take the clutch cover off and try to watch the shift star/ratchet thing behind the clutch and manually run through the gears again.

JacobG13 09-14-2019 10:44 AM

Everything was done on the stand. with the bike off, every gear felt the same going up and down.
Took clutch cover off to watch grabby things lol always returned to middle nothing I could see looked bent.

Bike was running on stand. Didn't hop out of gear but was kinda in gear, wheel was moving. Clutch felt normal shifting, just started making noise.
Ps. Bike was cold when doing this didn't run long enough to warm up.

Maybe the shifter is bent, maybe dogs are rounded off in trans, maybe need new clutch. Wont know until I get the basket off to see everything

Phil314 09-15-2019 09:34 AM

Originally Posted by JacobG13 (Post 1325354)
Bike was running on stand. Didn't hop out of gear but was kinda in gear, wheel was moving. Clutch felt normal shifting, just started making noise.
Ps. Bike was cold when doing this didn't run long enough to warm up.

You can't go by sound. The bike is going to sound very different and make different noise from when you are riding it. You'll probably hear a lot more noise when on the stand.
Unless you hear a REALLY bad noise, but you'll probably know that when you hear it.

Maybe the shifter is bent, maybe dogs are rounded off in trans, maybe need new clutch. Wont know until I get the basket off to see everything
This problem started when you looped the bike. So it's unlikely the dogs or your clutch were damaged.
More likely it's to do with the shift lever, linkage, shaft. Something on the outside of the bike that got hit.

Also just an FYI, if you don't already know, the engine (with clutch out) or the rear wheel need to be turning to shift correctly.
If the motor is off and the rear wheel is stopped, you won't be able to shift through all the gears. This is normal.

Any other clues you can give us to help diagnose this??
It would be some work, but you could pull the exhaust and oil pan and look up inside and visually check the gears themselves.

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