Attempts to improve the seat
Attempts to improve the seat
I hated the factory seat, so I began by having additional padding put in the factory seat. This worked for a while, but eventually the padding fizzled out. Then I tried a Sargeant seat. The seat looked great, but was designed to pull you away from the tank, making for a long reach to the bars. So I installed a set of Heli bars hoping this would help. It did, but not enough to warrant keeping the sargeant seat. (By the way, Sargeant has great customer service and let me keep their seat for 90 days to give me enough time to install the heli bars). Today, an '06 model arrived and the bike shop allowed me to pull it's seat and try it on my '05. The seat fits perfectly and is softer than my original, so I ordered it for less than $100. I think the combination of an '06 seat and helibars is the solution I've been looking for.
RE: Attempts to improve the seat
I've been riding the bike with the heli bars and the '06 model seat for a while now and I'm absolutely loving it. It has transformed it from being very uncomfortable to being an absolute joy to ride. I'm 6' and 200 pounds; if you're in that neighborhood, I can't think of a better mod.
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