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who is a vigalante?

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Old 08-25-2008, 10:32 PM
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Default RE: who is a vigalante?

Old 08-25-2008, 10:36 PM
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Default RE: who is a vigalante?


um glad uh din have 2 say it...uh wood bin deleted not pasted lol

now wood u plz go n do the same thing 2 numnuts that posted his lil wheely in shorts video lol
Old 08-25-2008, 10:47 PM
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Default RE: who is a vigalante?

I saw the vid, but noticed about 10 other people had already bashed him for that. He'll either listen or not, me adding another "nice gear jackass" post wouldn't help one way or the other.

And what the hell is up with the apostrophes breeding like rabbits?
Old 08-25-2008, 11:00 PM
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Default RE: who is a vigalante?

I must have read your post fully three times before noticing the "riding two years" bit. I'm glad you feel confident enough to perform gymnastics while riding now, kicking mirrors and what not, but hate is hate...let it go or find a new hobby.
Old 08-25-2008, 11:03 PM
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Default RE: who is a vigalante?

One last point before I hang it up for the night (sorry, but this post has me fuming).
Vigilantism helps nothing...all you've managed to do is **** off the car driver who doesn't know who the hell you are. All they know is "A motorcyclist did this" Next time they see someone on a bike, they will try to get their you being an ******* can easily get another rider hurt or worse. I've hadpeople pull into a parking lot and get in my face because they just had to deal with 100+mph flybys and standupson the highway...Iwas ona bike, so it HAD to be me. I'd rather not deal with the **** YOU start, I'm perfectly able to start enough on my own.
Since we don't have a smiley giving the middle finger, I'll dedicate these next two to the original poster [sm=icon_beat.gif][sm=loser.gif]
Old 08-25-2008, 11:15 PM
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Default RE: who is a vigalante?

Two years riding experiencehuh? Dude must be gettin ready to be scouted by AMA, lol
Old 08-26-2008, 12:48 AM
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Default RE: who is a vigalante?

Ok...I was going to stay out of this, but I had to share this:

Last monday, I was riding through Hillcrest to North Park..on University (for those of you who know the area, you know how bad it can get around there, and for those who don't know...its a busy street, off street parking, 2 lanes in each direction...lots of pedestrians/distractions...). It's about 7.30 in the evening, and im crusing down in the left lane. I see a lady start to pull out from the curb, about 40 yards ahead of me. Shes easing into the road, staying in the right lane. I slow down (to about 5 below the speed limit), and watch as she gets closer. When I'm about 10 feet behind her (shes driving really slow, maybe 5-10 mph), she suddenly goes into my lane. I move over to the left a little, staying in MY part of the double yellow. She keeps coming at me. I'm now in the oncoming lane, less than a foot from her window, on the horn. I'm just staring at her...she...get this...has her head turned, looking to the right, not even aware she was in my lane. We coast to a stop, she looks over, sees me, and burns out tearing *** around teh corner.

Here is where my story has a point:
At the next light, a guy on a scooter pulls up next to me. I cant hear him with the helmet on and the exhaust from the bike, so I kill the motor. He's concerned about what he just saw...'dude, are you OK? Did she even SEE YOU?'re lucky she didn't hit you'. As hes saying this, a green Jetta pulls up in the next lane...lady rolls down the window and yells out 'OH MY GOD!!! We're SO happy you're safe. That crazy lady ALMOST HIT YOU?!?!? OH MY GOD...ARE YOU OK?!?!?'

At thi point, I'm the (smart) victim of an idiots actions. Now, had I removed her mirror or kicked in her door...I would have looked like your typical sport bike riding asshat you find on the roads of San Diego. Its not the first time I've been run off the road in SD (actually, once was on purpose...the guy wanted to start something with me, but got scared when I accecpted his challenge to fight)....but it was the first time I didn't retaliate. the last time I gave somebody the finger for entering my lane while i was in it, he tried to run me down (well, I actually turned and gave him 2 hands worth of '**** You'). the moral of my story: take the high road, and you'll get sympathy. I can almost guarantee that if I had retaliated, I would have 1, looked like an ***, and 2, received no sympathy, and 3, probably would have had my plate called in for attacking an old lady.
Old 08-26-2008, 06:42 AM
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Default RE: who is a vigalante?

for u people that decided to run there mouth as always on this forum i asked a simple question and i wanted to hear what people have to say about dum drivers.i DO admit speeding up was stupid when that guy wanted to pass me. But after i hit 150 and let off he decided to chase up my *** about a foot from my tail and passed me on the right. We were both in the wrong. I didnt ask for u to dissect my every word and english grammar.idont care how long uve bin onthe road doesnt give u the right to run ur mouth. If u were smart u would give me respectand shut ur mouth and keep ur comments to ur self old man. I have bin riding on the two wheels for 10years and 2years on the pavement.So i dont understand wtf ur problem is with me asking a simple question. If u wanna ****ing rant on someone andjudge somewherejust by how they asked a questiondo it elsewhere. Other then thnks for the responses keep em up.
Old 08-26-2008, 07:32 AM
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Default RE: who is a vigalante?

This morning, I had to bring the cage to work, because I need to make a stop on the way home.

I am in the right lane and there was was pickup in front of me and a pickup the left ("The guy"). The guy was not passing, he was just sitting next to me...he would pull forward and drop back, but never leaving me enough room for me to feel comfortable enough to get in front of him. I wasn't too concerned about it. A couple of times he rode right next to me, matching my speed. We were probably doing about 55 or 60 in a 55. Another car comes up behind the guy and starts to tailgate him. The car flashes his brights at the guy, so the guy brake checks him. After a couple more incidents like this, the guy decides to finally move ahead of the pickup in front of me. The tailgater makes his move and accelerates hard to pass. So, of course the guy decides to accelerate to prevent the pass, but the car changes lanes anyway when there is about a foot of overlap between the car and the truck (Trucks bumper is about a foot in front of the cars rear bumper).

So then the guy slams on his brakes and swerves to the left to avoid the accident, then right to get back on the road (causing the truck in front of me to brake) then proceeds to tailgate the car and starts flashing his highbeams. At the next light, that passenger in the car gets out and the guy gets out of his truck. I'm too far back to see what is going on, but no fight actually takes place.

The way I view this is the guy is violated 2 maybe 3 laws (Racing, impeding traffic and traveling in the left lane and not passing), plus possible wreckless endangerment in order to prevent someone else from violating 1 law. In the process he gets on the ire of not 1 but possible 2 or 3 other cars. Keep your self-righteous *** in the right lane!

The thing to keep in mind, people do stupid things when the are angered or scared. Why do that crap. Just let the car pass. Don't be a *****. You don't know if they other guy is in a rush to get to the hospital or they just drives fast. It's not worth your life or the lives of others.

I will admit, I tend to travel in the left lane on my bike, but I will get over if someone is moving faster than me. I fear that person that's going to come out of that road on the right, because they can't see me through the vegetation.
Old 08-26-2008, 08:04 AM
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Default RE: who is a vigalante?

Geez, talk about thick-skinned !
Listen, asshat, these men are trying to teach you a short lesson in survival,
in direct proportion to your enormous intellect,
so if you don't like the heat, STAY THE **** OUT OF THE KITCHEN
Use the time for spelling and grammar lessons.
+1million 51 Plymouth.
What a d1ckwit[:@][:@]
Where's HC when you need him ?

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