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So F'd up!

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Old 04-21-2008, 08:58 PM
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Default RE: So F'd up!

Hind-sight is always 20/20, but all geared up with gloves and all, and that I can hold my own with the best of em, would have been fun but I'm a little more responsible these days, got family to think of ya know.
Old 04-21-2008, 10:10 PM
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Default RE: So F'd up!

well.... good job for keeping your cool but I have had enough of this.

the kids are lucky it wasnt me....

the reason that kids do these things now is purely because nobody does anything about it anymore. These kids would have gotten at least a belt across the butt back in the day. ****, my neighborhood would have marched me straight to my folks and I would have gotten thrown across the room.

short story that kinda fits: this happen literally today on my way home, thats why I am so fired up about it.

Im in the left lane of a two lane (both ways) road and they guy in front of me is going about 45 to 48in a 50. Not exactly slow but not the speed limit. He is def not going slow enough for me to be upset but apparently he thought that I was tailgaiting. (in reality, he would slow down and I would get alittle closer then I would slow down a little etc).

well he flips me off and holds his hand up for about 10 seconds. after I realized what he was doing i flipped him off back. right when I did that he brake checks me. and it was close. well f'in around like that takes it to a new level. In the meantime I noticed that he was a young kid, maybe around 18 or so, by himself ). I motion for him to pull over. no response, I end up next to him at the light and roll my window down. He doesnt want to look over but finally does because he can hear me mildly yelling at him. I ask him if he would like to pull into a parking lot and talk about it, and he literally shakes his head no.

moral of the story - he felt like that behavior was going to be acceptable because he had never be challenged before probably. all I had to do was challenge him and stand up to him and he immediatly backed down. very well might save that kid problems in the future. you do that to the wrong person and who knows now a days. I was ready to give him a ear full and get in his face a little and he didnt even try to spit at me!

sorry for the long post and semi thread jack. [sm=icon_cheers.gif]
Old 04-21-2008, 10:49 PM
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Default RE: So F'd up!

Well Doc must commend you on your show of restraint I however did not fare so well today myself going to share it with everyone in a thread, but you are absolutely 100% more levelheaded than I am and my cover is off to you
Old 04-21-2008, 10:58 PM
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Default RE: So F'd up!

It would be funny if you took your bike and headed straight at them, and just pinned the throttle, see if they'd turn around and run lol.
Old 04-22-2008, 03:58 AM
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Default RE: So F'd up!

I like the idea of
1 a stun gun
2 a bottle of the hottest habanero chili you can find. One spoonful in his mouth would do it.....
When he wakes up, he'll maybe realise what his mouth is for. And I don't think it's assault, as he attempted to assault you first........
Great restraint there, ST.
Old 04-22-2008, 07:45 AM
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Default RE: So F'd up!

Ok, time for one of those "Olden days" stories (but it does involve spit).
In my younger days living in the burbs, you either where a straight short back & sides type, long haired groovy type, or a feared skin head type (think bovver boots & braces), which naturally hated the previous two.
I belonged to the long haired variety, anyway, riding home as a pillion on my mates bike (no helmet laws then), we are about to make a left hand turn (we drive on the correct side of the road to you yanks). Standing on the side of the road, waiting to cross, was the biggest, nastiest, bastard of a skin head (stayed at home at night bitting the heads of ferrets, for those Python fans). Anyway, my mate lets go this huge one (the ones that go Thwattttt & spin through the air), hits this guy on his shirt, he looks up, mad as buggery, we ride off, laughing about it.
Many hours later that night, coming back from playing cards, drinking & smoking with some friends, we decide to go into town to spend some time banging the crap out of the only decent pinball machine for miles around. As we are walking through the little obligatory park that most Sydney suburbs have, who do we run into?, the same very skin head & about 3-4 of his mates. You know those rare moments in your life when you realise that it time to face up & be a man?. Well this was not one of those occassions, we ran, they chased, can't remember how bloody many backyard fences we jumped over, or how many bloody dogs & irrate residence we woke up doing it. I think that the only thing that saved us from getting a whippun, was the stupid steel capped bovver boots they wore.

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