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local accident (cop killed, biker got away)

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Old 05-31-2007, 10:12 PM
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Default RE: local accident (cop killed, biker got away)

Alls im gonna say is the biker was wrong.....but the cop made the decision to chase him knowing it could endanger innocent people high powered superbike VS. Crown Victoria? Who the **** do they think is gunna win? Its just dumb to me, if they chase these people they are really just making it more dangerousgiven the situation....I think its wrong to begin with......Just because they trained a little bit at po-po schooldoesnt mean the can maneuver a crown vic to keep up with anybody in or ona high performance anything....
Old 05-31-2007, 10:56 PM
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Default RE: local accident (cop killed, biker got away)

High speed chases for minor traffic violations are simply stupid. Running from the cops is wrong, but the way I see it whovever was at the wheel is responsible for their own safety. There were 1000 things the cop could have done differently that would have left him alive at the end of the night, maybe his training was inadequate, maybe his testosterone and youth got in the way, maybe he was the dimwitted cousin of the Police chief that needed a job, whatever the case is, he was at the wheel. Chase or not, he has a personal responsibility to keep himself alive first, apprehend the SUSPECT later.

The reporter said the cruiser rammed the car in front of him. Where I come from, if you ram the back of another car, you screwed up. Whether the biker gets caught is immaterial here, two people are dead due to an overzealous, undertrained, no radio using, slow reactioned Police Officer that forgot that disgretion is the better part of valor.

Note that they never stated why the biker was being chased, my guess is 11 mph over the speed limit.When they catch the biker, he is screwed, but I lay blame with the guy who rammed the other car.
Old 05-31-2007, 11:06 PM
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Default RE: local accident (cop killed, biker got away)

ORIGINAL: fishfryer527

High speed chases for minor traffic violations are simply stupid. Running from the cops is wrong, but the way I see it whovever was at the wheel is responsible for their own safety. There were 1000 things the cop could have done differently that would have left him alive at the end of the night, maybe his training was inadequate, maybe his testosterone and youth got in the way, maybe he was the dimwitted cousin of the Police chief that needed a job, whatever the case is, he was at the wheel. Chase or not, he has a personal responsibility to keep himself alive first, apprehend the SUSPECT later.

The reporter said the cruiser rammed the car in front of him. Where I come from, if you ram the back of another car, you screwed up. Whether the biker gets caught is immaterial here, two people are dead due to an overzealous, undertrained, no radio using, slow reactioned Police Officer that forgot that disgretion is the better part of valor.

Note that they never stated why the biker was being chased, my guess is 11 mph over the speed limit.When they catch the biker, he is screwed, but I lay blame with the guy who rammed the other car.
all of those are assumptions with no factual representation.

1. they knew he was speeding b/c the officer obviously called it in otherwise how would they know, unless the officer didnt die and we are misinformed. (i dont think the officer died, title is misleading)

2. the officer rammed the vehicle why? do you know? i dont, and neither do they. so dont assume things you dont know. maybe the biker cut off the car and they pulled in front of the officer while he was trying to pass. you dont know, dont claim to know or make speculations unless you have reason to think otherwise.

3. people dont run from the law for doing 11 over the speed limit. if you do, you are a specimen of darwin.

4. you are right, the officer is solely responsible for his safety, but that does not mean he is superman and can control everything around him.
Old 05-31-2007, 11:15 PM
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Default RE: local accident (cop killed, biker got away)

I heard that there was a high speed chase (either today or yesterday) somewhere in the country where 2 innocent people and a cop were killed. Anyone know more about this?
Old 05-31-2007, 11:20 PM
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Default RE: local accident (cop killed, biker got away)

This is disturbing...and also begs some questions and comments.

1.Since the cop's in-car camera and video have not been shown there is not any proof of how it was determined that a "speeding motorcyclist" was the precursor to the accident.

Witnesses in cars? Before or after the accident? I don't think the word of typical Joe Schmoe the mini-van guy should hold water as to whether he was speeding or not.

2. If the motorcyclist was clocked by radar, or witnessed by the officer, whose employment and past arrest history was in good standing, as being a speeder, then yes he should be held accountable for his actions. A manslaughter charge? That's not my place to say.

A speeding motorcyclist gives us all a bad image...and if he was doing so..traveling at dangerous speeds on a public thoroughfare...then he deserves a good pop up side the head, suspension of his motorcycle licesnse for life,...but also and most importantly to spend some time with the victim's families...and get their feelings on the situation. That's just an opinion of someone not totally familiar with everything that happened...and also not involved in law enforcement at all.

3. The officer was definitely driving beyond his training if one move by a motorcyclist caused the officer to ram another vehicle.

If pursuit could not be continued in a safe manner, after one "clever" move by a rider...then something is either lacking in the officer's training or the department's policies. I know Dallas Texas has one of the most strict, DO NOT chase at high speed, policies in the country.

4. The real victim's in this are the innocent people killed by both...and still not all the facts here...but by both the rider's and officer's actions.

Old 05-31-2007, 11:33 PM
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Default RE: local accident (cop killed, biker got away)

ORIGINAL: rrasco
my dad always told me something, and i will always remember it. it was about 2 second decisions. he said, when those decisions come, you will know, and that 2 second decision can change the rest of your life just as fast as you make it. cuz when you make that decision, it could be the most important decision of your life, and you dont get to make it again. just think about that.
I like that very much...yourDad is a smart man.

I wanted to thank everyone for being civil so far...this could turn into one of those really heated debates, and everyone has made their points and kept their cool...that's what these forums are about!

I think that a person who runs has history. If I see the gumball machines, I'm pulling over. If I am carrying meth, or have a warrant out because I beat my kids and wife, or I just jacked the bike...that's the guy that is going to run (more than likely). I do wonder how the murder/manslaughter thing works. I would think the guy would behit with a manslaughter charge, unless they say that his decision to run was a decision to have a final outcome that could result in death...I just don't know. We'll have tokeep our eyes on this case.
Old 05-31-2007, 11:50 PM
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Default RE: local accident (cop killed, biker got away)

thats just plain stupid.. the motorcyclist did nothing besides speed, and you know for a fact when the news lady said "the motorcyclist cut off the car" is an absolute BS lie that the cops make up so they can blame it on someone else besides themselves. Cops always think they're right and even when the cause accidents; like this one with 2 deaths, they still look elsewhere to blame there F*** ups. Sad thing is, its broadcasted to the whole nation, a bunch of BS; if you cannot see that, god help us.

In conclusion>
1. motorcyclist speeds away
2. Cop causes major accident with 2 fatalities and 15 injuries; the cop needs to be charged with murder..All they're trying to do is to get people to take sides with them and play their little game;"blame it on the biker" when actually the fact is everything was caused by the cop.

And how do those other cars even get involved? i can see maybe max 3 cars considering one in each lane at a relative position. If those other drivers were driving correctly they would have had time to react and take action and maybe even stop...So in the end, Whoes fault is it really?
Old 06-01-2007, 12:53 AM
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Default RE: local accident (cop killed, biker got away)

all of those are assumptions with no factual representation.
I agree with you , if it ain't on video and backed up by an independent lab then nothing happened. That is why O.J. got free. C'mon...Use your head, assuptions are what separate us from mindless book smart do nothings that believe what they are fed by the f**king media. If the biker was an axe murderer the news would have said...'Lizzie Borden's uncle rode his Ninja 900 to the elementary school and hacked up a bunch of kids', DUDE wake up!!!!!! The guy was speeding, the cop got in over his head and crashed into a bunch off people who wish that would have stayed at home. So instead of a cop getting his quota he ruined a whole slew of lives. Next time he should get on the radio and not do something so irresponsible.
Old 06-01-2007, 01:17 AM
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Default RE: local accident (cop killed, biker got away)

ORIGINAL: fishfryer527

all of those are assumptions with no factual representation.
I agree with you , if it ain't on video and backed up by an independent lab then nothing happened. That is why O.J. got free. C'mon...Use your head, assuptions are what separate us from mindless book smart do nothings that believe what they are fed by the f**king media. If the biker was an axe murderer the news would have said...'Lizzie Borden's uncle rode his Ninja 900 to the elementary school and hacked up a bunch of kids', DUDE wake up!!!!!! The guy was speeding, the cop got in over his head and crashed into a bunch off people who wish that would have stayed at home. So instead of a cop getting his quota he ruined a whole slew of lives. Next time he should get on the radio and not do something so irresponsible.
once again, you are stating assumptions with no sources or credibility behind that. assumptions dont make us seperate from the mindless, we all make assumptions, but most of us realize not to believe all of them. its like, do you believe everything you hear? then why would you believe every assumption?

"the cop got in over his head." - how do you know that? where are your sources for it? do you know what happened for sure?

"So instead of a cop getting his quota he ruined a whole slew of lives."- I will say that it is the end of the month so that very well may be a possibility, but you still do not know that. again you are basing your agrument off of a stereotype of police. i could very well base my opinion of the biker off of that stereotype, but how credible would that be?

if you state ready to back it up. like i said, i dont know the circumstances either, but you are jumping to conclusions and making your judgements off of those un-verified claims.

irresponsible?!?! why is it that these people run, and its the cop who did something wrong? i agree, there is a point that may be excessive for the crime, and if that is the case they should cut it off. at the same time, why is the damn fool running then? there are two sides to this. why is it the cop who is the one to blame and be irresponsible? is the biker not irresponsible? bikes doing 100+MPH can seriously hurt or kill someone too, why is it excused? please, someone answer me that.
Old 06-01-2007, 02:09 AM
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Default RE: local accident (cop killed, biker got away)

if you state ready to back it up.
Good assumptions are exactly what makes things happen. This is no a court of law. When thereare no facts you must assume.

The reporter in the video said the police car hit the back of another car. That is probably true, right? From there I made the assuption that the biker wasn't an axe murderer, wouldn't that have been on the news??? So I assume it was a simple traffic violation, right? If it was Osama Bin Laden on the bike that would have been on the tape right, but the police didn't make a statement justifying the high speed pursuit for two reasons, 1) they don't have to, 2) they were chasing some nobody in a big hurry for no reason.

By definition if the cop hit the back of another car he was in the wrong ie 'in over his head'. I think they call it 'too fast for conditions, or faster than conditions allow'. Michael Schumacher or Valentino Rossi or Nikki Hayden probably wouldn't have crashed because they drive as well as anybody on the planet. Noname police officer couldn't, he crashed. He was doing something he wasn't capable of doing. That is why we fail, we try to do something, then we fail. He failed, that is the fact, that was stated by the reporter. That info came from the police. That we can believe to be true, right???? They would say that their guy ran into the back of a car if it wasn't true? right?

We assume there was a biker. That is what the news blurb said. So, is the biker wrong, of course. But we all know that 99% of the time when a biker screws up he only really hurts himself. When you crash a car into another car, bad things happen all the way around. When you crash a bike, usually ony the rider and passenger get hurt.

If you think that driving you police cruiser faster than youcan safely, to get to a guy on a bike that isn't a danger to anyone but himself, then crashing into the back of some poor guy and his buddy leaving 2 deadand 15 injuredresponsible, then I stand corrected. I apoligize for attempting to make sense out of an obscure news blurb that gave sketchy info suppliedby the organization that employed the person that drove a car into another vehicle that somehow, somewhere left 2 people dead and 15 injured all the while this mysterious 'black' motorcycle disappeared into thin air. You are right, I need to stop making assumptions. Sorry. I guess years of engineering didn't help me be objective. I guess years of working on the space shuttle SRBs and cruise missiles didn't teach me to connect the dots when something bad happens. I guess years of answeringquestions from the 'boys' at Langley makes me unable to figure out what happened unless I see it with my own eyes. You are right, I stand corrected. Sorry.

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