h.aha th.anks ever.ybody! 78mi.les lat.er an.d i.m st.ill smil.ing. i a.m absol.utely in LO.VE w/ th.e mu.ch mo.re aggr.essive seati.ng pos.ition. t.he bi.ke i.s increadib.ly agi.le, i.f yo.u snee.ze........t.he bi.ke w.ill mo.ve! the.re I.S a hu.ge differ.ence in powe.r as.well (fr.om my F4i). i can be in 6th doi.ng aro.und 55 or 60 an.d get in.to it a bit and it ta.kes of.f li.ke a rock.et (didn.t ev..en go past 7k). ca.nt wait to see how it is after the br.eak in. and yes, i'll be ri.ding this bi.ke mu.ch different.ly.....liv.e and le.arn. not that i wo.nt be le.aning a.nd corne.ring it, b.ut it w.ill n.ot be any.whe.re ne.ar to the de.gree i did w/ the F4i.
al.so, my F4i sh.ould be do.ne at the sh.op by tuesd.ay and rea.dy for pic.k up. i'll then tu.rn in the ta.gs and ca.ncel the ins.urance and b.egin try.ing to do s.ome tr.ack da.ys w/ it. ssss.ssss.hhhh, its st.ill una.ware that im chea.ting on it . but, i'll ha.ve so.me su.per se.xy p.ics of THR.EE hon.das in my gar.age (my F4i tr.ack bi.ke to be, my new RR, and my g/f's F4i). im ab.out to run and get pics of it really quick so che.ck back in ma.ybe 20m.ins. th.en tom.orrow i'll get so.me pics of this AM.AZING pa.int in the su.n. the onli.ne pics dont do SH.IT for it, you have to see it in per.son for sur.e!.
al.so, my F4i sh.ould be do.ne at the sh.op by tuesd.ay and rea.dy for pic.k up. i'll then tu.rn in the ta.gs and ca.ncel the ins.urance and b.egin try.ing to do s.ome tr.ack da.ys w/ it. ssss.ssss.hhhh, its st.ill una.ware that im chea.ting on it . but, i'll ha.ve so.me su.per se.xy p.ics of THR.EE hon.das in my gar.age (my F4i tr.ack bi.ke to be, my new RR, and my g/f's F4i). im ab.out to run and get pics of it really quick so che.ck back in ma.ybe 20m.ins. th.en tom.orrow i'll get so.me pics of this AM.AZING pa.int in the su.n. the onli.ne pics dont do SH.IT for it, you have to see it in per.son for sur.e!.
Awesome Jason... CONGRATS!!! I'm glad to see you get back in the swing of things so quickly... some people get scared and it takes them a long time to get back on, or they just give it up completely. Glad to see you're sticking with it, and with a new lesson learned this time around too[8D]
Sweeeeeet bike you got there! A buddy of mine in south Florida has the same bike, and he LOVES it! I even got to steal it away from him for a little bit.... I liked it alot! Feels much different than my beloved F4i
Anyways good luck with the new bike and stay safe! Do I get to ride it too if I come out to visit sometime??
Sweeeeeet bike you got there! A buddy of mine in south Florida has the same bike, and he LOVES it! I even got to steal it away from him for a little bit.... I liked it alot! Feels much different than my beloved F4i
Anyways good luck with the new bike and stay safe! Do I get to ride it too if I come out to visit sometime??
Do not take CBR600RR if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause a rise in blood pressure. CBR600RR is only for men healthy enough for sex. If you experience an erection with CBR600RR for more than four hours, seek immediate medical attention. lol