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Cop Storys

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Old 11-02-2006, 01:55 AM
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Default RE: Cop Storys

lol, I got stopped today by a cop. I was going around in circles at a highway on/off ramps at the intersection of US-1 and 440. I was taking those ramps pretty good like 45-55mph, but I was doing it for like an hour. LOL He said he saw me get on and off when he was behind me then follows me cause he thought I was gonna run from him. He follows me through few off ramps and stops me.

I don't have mirrors so I was totally oblivious of this and just kept on leaning. After puts his lights on and siren, I was like 'oh ****'. I thought he caught me for speeding or something and I'd really hate to get another ticket. So I turn the bike off and he comes out and asks me what the hell I was doing. I just told him that I'm practicing controlling my bike in taking turns. He lets me off with a word of advice; told me to go home and said that highway ramps aren't playgrounds... lol

Boy, was today beautiful.
Old 11-02-2006, 02:13 AM
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Default RE: Cop Storys

man i LOVEEEEEEEE the ramps around to 540 is my favorite, along with western blvd to 401 downtown, but i come off the western one at like 55 or so, leaned all the way over and theres damn RPD under the bridge EVERY out for 401 between downtown and wake forest road they post up there all the time
Old 11-02-2006, 02:40 AM
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Default RE: Cop Storys

I don't ride up there much. Oh, capital and 540 is my fav too, but I live in Apex so thats a 40 min drive up there. I mean a 3/4 of a circle turn, 35mph ramp, two lane, full concrete, embanked, almost new pavement! I took that curve once with the RR at 75mph and it was so much fun. I'd rather ride up to Chapel Hill to the Honda dealership for their two wheel tuesday rides. They go all out crazy on the country roads out there. If you haven't gone before, I'd highly recommend it.
Old 11-02-2006, 04:17 AM
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Default RE: Cop Storys

i dip into that 540 turn around 65 and gun in , ill show you some roads in raleigh and durham dude
Old 11-05-2006, 06:32 PM
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Default RE: Cop Storys "Ghost Cop"

"I run from nothing!!!, no really I ran from nothign"

Ok you wanted a "run from the cops" story, well here's mine. And it's just an example of the level of stupidity that's required to run from a cop.

Ok, for starters I've been on the same bike for three years, ride year round, built the bike myself, basicly live eat and breath motorcycles for the last three years. I also respect the law 90% of the time, also repect residents who live on the roads I ride. I do have my faviorte spots that I like to catch some speed on, these are unpopulated, low tracfic, no turn ons or drive way spots. So that's where I was one sunny warm spring day. Heading down this great strieght strech I decided to open it up. It's only 1/3 of a mile long before the braking point, so I could only manage a 150 ish run, at those speeds who can really get a good look at the speedometer, I also had my head in full tuck so my view was limited to just the road and nothing else. I back off my speed and buzz through a nice set of Virginia mountian curves. It was nice and I was so enjoying my ride, at a much calmer and legal pace, that I missed my turn. Ok so no big deal, I find a good place to turn around and head back the direction that I had came from. But on my way back to the propper rout I passed another biker with his lights flashing and the (so I thought) universal "cops" sign of his hand circuling his head. "Oh ****" I thought, "I must have passed a cop on that 150mph blast and didn't see him", I knew that this strech of road was turning hot because of some jackass buring up the populated areas on his cbr600, also heard stories of cops chasing him aswell. So I did the dumbest thing I could do, I found my turn and opened my poor little cbr900rr up. There I was running from the big bad police, pulling off 130mph out of turn tank slappers, ridding well over my abbility. I ran all out for atleast 5 mins. Passed a nice little turn off that dead ends next to an old dam and mill. I dropped off my leathers and gear next to the bike which was out of sight of the main road. I tooled around mill, trying to look like one of the Walton's family buffs, (yes I was out near the Walton's house, it's real and man that area has some nice roads). About 20 mins pass, I figure that I'm in the clear. So I head back to town,a 15 mile trip, via a different rout. But this time sticking to the speed limit like glue. I was just a few hundred feet away from a major and busy road when I passed a cop going the other way, oh ****, and he hit his lights just as I passed him. I think I crapped my pants at that point. I knew that there was nowhere near by for him to turn around his cruiser and even though at that point I wasn't speeding, I cracked the throttle to give me a 10 mph boost over the speed limit. I hit the major road back into town running about 10mph over traffic the whole way pack, riding with my eyes in my mirrors the entire time. I got the bike home, tossed the cover on it, and parked it for a week. And it was a lovely weather week too. I told my story of "getting away" for weeks. I was though ****, supper cool, untouchable. Then a month or two latter I ran into a friend who rides (one of those give a damn about safty or others people) who also sold me my frame. He said that he saw me riding and tried to catch up, but before he could I was coming back his way, he said that he tried to signal me to turn around so we could go riding, but I took off soo fast that he decided not to bother cathing up to me again. Thus the strange biker flashing his lights at me and thrilling his hand around his head wasn't warning me about cops, he just wanted to go for a ride. There was no cop to run from.

My actions endangered myself, others, and my freedom. I almost ran all out from the second cop who turn his lights on just by chance when we passed. I missed out on a weeks worth of good riding. And worse of all I joined the ranks of those fools who ruin it for the rest.

Old 11-05-2006, 07:35 PM
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Default RE: Cop Storys "Ghost Cop"

I like that post, Sanders. We can all learn from our mistakes, I hope.
Old 11-07-2006, 11:46 AM
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Default RE: Cop Storys "Ghost Cop"

I've been chased and didn't know it. I was doing 50 in a 35 around my neighborhood this past July and there's this NICE curvy section out in the woods, NO residents at all, and I'm going a good 80, slow down to 60, enter turn 1, exit and accelerate back to about 85, decelerate to 60, enter turn two, and then full throttle down a straight and hit about 100 at the most. When I'm back down to a sane amount of speed, 45 maybe, I look in my mirrors and see this white speck of a car WAAAAY behind me. So I glance over my shoulder and it's getting bigger and bigger. I then recognize the headlight pattern and it's a Ford sedan, I think "no way" then I see the bubble up top and he hits it. I pull over and he stops beside me. He asks why he pulled me over and I admit speeding, he was like 'that's correct". Said he'd been following me for a good five miles. I was thinking, "Oh man, 100mph ticket." He siad I have you doing 50 in a 35. That was the happiest I have ever been getting a ticket.

Another story,... I was pulled over for "taunting" the police. I was accelerating past two parked officers and I was just getting used to my bike. I was upshifting to 2nd gear and I didn't shift hard enough so i slip it into neutral, and "VROOOOOOOOM!!!", right next to the two cops. Both of them hit there lights and want an explanation, I tell them the truth but they don't beleive me, they ask why was I tauntintg them? Any way, they let me off with a warning and said if I ever made the smallest infraction that they were going to pull me over even if they were off duty. I have respect for the law, but that was a case of over-reacting in my opinion.
Old 11-07-2006, 07:41 PM
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Default RE: Cop Storys "Ghost Cop"

i havent ran from blue lights, but if i pass a crown vic or a cop and i know im speeding, i bounce, and dont look back. and i usually park by bike within about 90 seconds. i got pulled by a harley cop over the summer for 59 in a 45, but he let me go with a citation for not having an updated address on my liscense [8D]
Old 11-11-2006, 04:58 AM
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Default RE: Cop Storys "Ghost Cop"

i never got lighted and ran away, a friend of mine did on his stretched r1 and that ended up getting him busted later on in the area.the thing i love is like when you see the jake on the other side of the highway and you know he got a read on you, but yer gone, jump off at the nextexit, couple left turns and yer outta harms way, thats always great, oh yeah, JZHALe, JbAz, im in chapel hill, i got a few buddies to ride wif, but i jus moved to the hill and im alwayslookin out for ride, if its warm, we should shred i40..

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