Cops after me...

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Old 05-10-2008, 10:00 AM
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Default RE: Cops after me...

Yeah i'm going to keep it on the down low... for a couple days... im not going to run from the cops, and the otherday i didnt even run i just kept riding and got stuck at the next light thinking he was going to turn around, so i dont know why the other cop was asking about us...
Old 05-10-2008, 11:29 AM
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Default RE: Cops after me...

If the cops were after you they would go after you. Pretty simple. They don't need to play games and crap, they are the police.
Old 05-10-2008, 12:05 PM
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Default RE: Cops after me...

So basically me and my friend were riding last night and i was at a light and my bike didnt go into 1st from N so i had to start in 2nd... and a cop was a few cars behind in the other lane going the other wayand turns on his light and i was like oh great...... but then he turned them off... so me adn my friend split up just in case then met up at my house.. we thought it was alright to go to the local fair, and what do you know a different cop is sitting at the entrence, we go up to him and he is like " were you guys on that road a few minutes ago" and were like ohhhh greatt... and we were like uhh no why and he was like uhh just wonderin so we peaced out before he called it in that we were there.. And it gets worse i think, my friend said a cop was talkin to him about a yellow bike (thats me) always "speeding" around and avoiding the cops and whatnot.. but i dont know if its true or not that he talked to them... but of corse my bike has to be BRIGHT YELLOW and stick outlikea sore thumb... can i even get introuble for past insidents? because i know i was speeding a few times and saw cops upahead so i slowed down but never got pulled over or anything... i think theyre after me now[:@]
they aint got nothing on you not unless they had a camera and it shows youre face in there or youre plate number. Ride safe
Old 05-10-2008, 01:00 PM
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Default RE: Cops after me...

ORIGINAL: 350z_and_CBR

wow...I just got back from riding with 9 other guys and were were doing between 140-160...I didn't go pass 150 but i'm sure other guys probably went pass 160. Anyways, we passed by sooooooo Many cops...and unbelievebly, NONE of them wanted to mess with us or bother us..I thoought that was cool...It's safer to ride with a lot of people cause cops know that they can't give everyone a ticket. Oh, I just found out that one of the bike crews is an Officer. That was badass.............Anyways, we rode for about 4-5 hours...That sure was an experience.
And with a story like that, you wonder why the public views us as "reckless and dangerous". You wonder why the police follow us around and harass us. You wonder why you have to pay out your *** for insurance. I mean, old are you? Just because you have a sportbike doesn't give you a damn bit of right to go out and expect to not be pulled over for doubling a HIGHWAY speed limit.
Old 05-10-2008, 01:38 PM
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Default RE: Cops after me...

Bla Bla Bla Bla. Every one rides like a jack ***. Everyone does full speed tests. Everyone seeds. Your just as bad if you go 90 on the free way as you do 150. You always hear on forums I got a 90 or what ever in a 50. I got a 70 in a 40. I got a I got a I got a. I got a tip for you.

Ride your bike like you drive your car and you will never have to bitch about so called biker image cops never give us any brakes bla bla bla. The Cold truth of the matter is that they are crotch rockets and as such were going to do dumb ****. May not be as often as you get older but your still going to do it. There is not one R1 or ZX10 on the street that has not seen 150 on public roads. If you own one of those and say you have never gone above 80 on public roads your a god damn lier. You are also going to see people with out gear on. DON'T freak out. Its there life and they can do as they see fit. Some times i just want the air in my face or what ever. I don't put any gear on. I don't really care what others think. Its my life and I will do as I see fit. But lets play fair. I do have a DNR so I don't wast tax payer money should some thing happen. But again if you ride your bike like you drive your car then Biker image and speeding tickets should never really happen because your following the law. On the same note we also buy stunt dvd's and love to watch the dvds but when we see some one stunting on public roads were quick to call squid. I would say the real bigits (spelling) are our selfs. Its just like yeah yeah yeah my little boy had sex with his teacher rock on but if the girl has sex with a male teacher were all kill the male kill the male. People are set on one path of thinking and its bull ****. Ride how you want to ride but know this. Should you kill someone while rideing your going to have to live with it for the rest of your life.

To much real bull **** going on in life to worry about Biker image. what horse ****.
Old 05-10-2008, 02:54 PM
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Default RE: Cops after me...


So basically me and my friend were riding last night and i was at a light and my bike didnt go into 1st from N so i had to start in 2nd... and a cop was a few cars behind in the other lane going the other wayand turns on his light and i was like oh great...... but then he turned them off... so me adn my friend split up just in case then met up at my house.. we thought it was alright to go to the local fair, and what do you know a different cop is sitting at the entrence, we go up to him and he is like " were you guys on that road a few minutes ago" and were like ohhhh greatt... and we were like uhh no why and he was like uhh just wonderin so we peaced out before he called it in that we were there.. And it gets worse i think, my friend said a cop was talkin to him about a yellow bike (thats me) always "speeding" around and avoiding the cops and whatnot.. but i dont know if its true or not that he talked to them... but of corse my bike has to be BRIGHT YELLOW and stick outlikea sore thumb... can i even get introuble for past insidents? because i know i was speeding a few times and saw cops upahead so i slowed down but never got pulled over or anything... i think theyre after me now[:@]
Just old are you?
Old 05-10-2008, 03:09 PM
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Default RE: Cops after me...

ORIGINAL: isxaari

Bla Bla Bla Bla. Every one rides like a jack ***. Everyone does full speed tests. Everyone seeds. Your just as bad if you go 90 on the free way as you do 150. You always hear on forums I got a 90 or what ever in a 50. I got a 70 in a 40. I got a I got a I got a. I got a tip for you.

Ride your bike like you drive your car and you will never have to bitch about so called biker image cops never give us any brakes bla bla bla. The Cold truth of the matter is that they are crotch rockets and as such were going to do dumb ****. May not be as often as you get older but your still going to do it. There is not one R1 or ZX10 on the street that has not seen 150 on public roads. If you own one of those and say you have never gone above 80 on public roads your a god damn lier. You are also going to see people with out gear on. DON'T freak out. Its there life and they can do as they see fit. Some times i just want the air in my face or what ever. I don't put any gear on. I don't really care what others think. Its my life and I will do as I see fit. But lets play fair. I do have a DNR so I don't wast tax payer money should some thing happen. But again if you ride your bike like you drive your car then Biker image and speeding tickets should never really happen because your following the law. On the same note we also buy stunt dvd's and love to watch the dvds but when we see some one stunting on public roads were quick to call squid. I would say the real bigits (spelling) are our selfs. Its just like yeah yeah yeah my little boy had sex with his teacher rock on but if the girl has sex with a male teacher were all kill the male kill the male. People are set on one path of thinking and its bull ****. Ride how you want to ride but know this. Should you kill someone while rideing your going to have to live with it for the rest of your life.

To much real bull **** going on in life to worry about Biker image. what horse ****.

wow.... your a jackass in my book... but carry on with your useless rant if you want to...
Old 05-10-2008, 07:04 PM
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Default RE: Cops after me...

Old 05-10-2008, 09:14 PM
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Default RE: Cops after me...

+1....I thought it was cool because there were two officers in our crew and they rode like crazy...I asked myself, if they are doing that speed as an off duty officers..why can't I???? I wasn't trying to speed anyways....I was playing catch up. That was my first time riding with some of those guys and the route that we took..iwasn't familiar with itso I didn't want to get lost...I agreed that i rode like a jackass last night but it's not like i do that everynight. I knew my limit when to speed and when not and I understand completely that I might put others at risk of my behavior..unfortunately, I was on the emergency lane most of the time when traffic was heavy so i thought that kinda reduced the risk taking a little. I probably won't do that kind of speed again anyways...Maybe 160 this time...hhahaha j/k
Old 05-10-2008, 09:43 PM
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Default RE: Cops after me...

I dont want to give isxaari too much credit here, because that was a little uncalled for, however you do make a point. I was out today for five hours with my buddies, all of us in FULL gear, all with licenses, clean paperwork, the whole nine. We are all smart, responsible, aware, and conscious riders. We did however break the speed limit more then we abode by it. The fact of the matter is (and this is where I think isx makes a point) its a superbike, the nature of the beast is to defy all things logical for a f-en rush. If I wanted to go slow, I would have bought a civic, as would all of you.

Honestly I do not condone doing 150, especially for any length of time. Boys will be boys however, and we play. We have a bad rep not because people ride like ********, but rather because the general eye of the public thinks that anyone crazy enough to ride a superbike is more then likely both wreckless and wild, and they treat us as such. Its unfortunate, but thats the way it goes. That is the same with anything for that matter, you deviate from the norm and you get flamed. Two wheels not four, gay not straight, women not man, fast not slow, loud not quite, **** not nun, etc... no matter what you do, if you fall outside the first standard deviation of normalcy your an outcast.

Ladies and Gentlemen we are all outcasts. Personally I am proud, but take this as you wish. One black risk taking pot can (should) not call another black risk taking pot black. Minimizing risks is important, follow all traffic laws when applicable, wear your ******* gear, ride in groups, dont ride in the rain, and so on.

Personally I feel that if you are struggling with keeping up with some of these guys, then maybe you should ride with a slower crew until you get better or more careless. I have friends that I wont ride with, cause they all ride ZX10's and only know wide open. They go too fast, it isnt fun for me, but to each his own. You probably lucked out with the cops situation, although I really dont see how starting off in second gear would really get you in trouble. I ride with a few cops, they are not stupid, but they also know that if you hit something, your paying the price not the receiving object. As long as you are not unnecessarily stupid, you will not be bothered (most of the time). The only reason they wont snag you when your hauling *** on the highway is because they cannot catch you. If they could, they would.

Just be safe homey, and stay within your means.

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