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plz plz need help and advice my baby is poorly

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Old 01-18-2007, 04:55 AM
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Default RE: plz plz need help and advice my baby is poorly

burnzy, i'm not trying to insult you or rehash what's already been covered here (just saw this thread) but I have a question that's related to your typing and crash .. again, I'M NOT ASKING THIS to pour salt in your wounds but am curious:

You've mentioned about lack of concentration. I know grammar/spelling has nothing to do with bikes but CONCENTRATION obviously does. My question is; are you as haphazzard with your concentration while you ride as the way you type (kind of all over the place)? I've found my riding to be the most dangerous when my mind is not completely in tune with my riding (free and uncluttered) and that's when I don't ride.

Anyway, good luck with the repairs.

ORIGINAL: burnzybubbles
...i think i realise that i was going to fast for the road conditions and if i was going slower i could of avoided all this it was a friday coming home from work it took that slight lapse in concentration and the fact of how comfy the bike was to ride fast that's the lesson i've learned ...

ORIGINAL: burnzybubbles

... was planning on looking after it but and it's a BIG BUT i had a run in with a range rover partially my fault but lack of road sign's and unusual heavy traffic didn't expect but enough with the exusess i was doing about 80 round a bend got confronted with traffic in front of me and the range heading towards me tried to brake whilst leaning obviosilly making me go straight new i wasn't going going to make tried to lean and brake more leading to droping the bike at about 40 i was flung out of harms way as the range decided to press the self destruct button on my bike i got up to look at a new type of uni cycle with its blood and guts all over the road and the range only had a flat i hit his front o/s wheel and my bike got flung axross the road i've snapped the suspension in 2 and destroyed every panel .....
Old 01-18-2007, 10:57 AM
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Default RE: plz plz need help and advice my baby is poorly

see asuming again that i ride around like a dizzy blonde not true by the least i'm usually on the ball all the time and the fact that i metioned the lack of concentration shows that i no were i went wrongand that wasthemistake if every one is perfect they'd be no competition... riding is the only time i can clear my head andbe just thinking about wot's infont of me my road position and conditionsi understand every one's logic of the tracki'm not stupid i no it's safer i was just stating it's not 100% safe riding on the road is dangerous i know but every think has danger innitsome of us arn't as privilidge as others i just try and make thebest of the situation that i havewitch is to try and enjoy myselfand trying to put myself at as little risk as possiblelike i've siad from the start i'd do any think to start racing but it's to far out of reach so i enjoy myself out on the roadriding a bike is like a fix i'm sure you all agree
Old 01-18-2007, 11:49 AM
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Default RE: plz plz need help and advice my baby is poorly

ORIGINAL: burnzybubbles

i'm sure you all agree
No. I totally disagree with your reasoning.

You don't have to ride aggressively on public roads to enjoy these bikes. Yes, these bikes were designed to be ridden fast and cornered hard. But they were designed to do that on a race track. Doing otherwise is simply a time bomb. No one will dispute that the track is not 100% safe. But public roads are not safe at all for aggressive riding. Period.
Old 01-18-2007, 12:36 PM
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Default RE: plz plz need help and advice my baby is poorly

At least you're in one piece, even though your bike isn't, so let's be thankful the situation isn't worse.

Here's something I hope will be a helpful suggestion since money is a concern: Some track day sponsors will give you free ridingtime in return for volunteering as a corner worker. I'm guessing from your vocabulary and your concerns about missing the summer riding season that you're Australian, so maybe thing are different there, but you should check it out.
Old 01-18-2007, 01:45 PM
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Default RE: plz plz need help and advice my baby is poorly

Oh, and in case you weren't aware, you don't have to race to ride the track.

there are many trackday organizers that have trackdays (non-racing) for non-racers to ride the track.
Old 01-18-2007, 02:24 PM
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Default RE: plz plz need help and advice my baby is poorly

This thread is still alive?[&:]
Old 01-18-2007, 03:54 PM
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Default RE: plz plz need help and advice my baby is poorly

lookat abadsavatar the only raisin henot draggingknee iscause hislegsr2short...
Old 01-18-2007, 06:24 PM
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Default RE: plz plz need help and advice my baby is poorly

for starters i'm english and i reckon were gunna have to agree to disagree i can see were people are coming from and understand wot ur saying i will do track day's and hope to be at tt this year but i still think that you can ride quikly and be safe on the road no wot if this happend or that could change yea condtions change and it's pot luck but if you can see the road layout or no the road and can see there's no traffic and it's clear of hazzard's thenhow can that be dangerous you have the hole road to play with i don't have my knee down every bend and the fact of how good tyres are now you can trust them as long as you havent gone into the bend like a looney and if they do let go wich israrelyalmost alltimes you can catch it before it's too late it's all about knowing wot you and the bike can do and not exceeding them limit's... and Tahoe i can get my knee down on country lanes and that requires more skill than going outon a track with rubbered up tarmaca monkey could put his knee down on a track so there's no need to be smug
Old 01-18-2007, 07:00 PM
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Default RE: plz plz need help and advice my baby is poorly

ORIGINAL: burnzybubbles

for starters i'm english and i reckon were gunna have to agree to disagree i can see were people are coming from and understand wot ur saying i will do track day's and hope to be at tt this year but i still think that you can ride quikly and be safe on the road no wot if this happend or that could change yea condtions change and it's pot luck but if you can see the road layout or no the road and can see there's no traffic and it's clear of hazzard's thenhow can that be dangerous you have the hole road to play with
The whole rode is NOT yours to play with.

whatever, bro....its obvious that nothing I can say here will change your attitude.

You can continue to think that you can aggressively ride public roads. Just remember....YOU were the one who crashed. How you can continue your line of thinking is a mystery to me.

All I have to say is that I'm glad your on that side of the pond....because if you drove like an idiot in my neighborhood and hurt someone I cared about, I'd have to send Tahoe to do unthinkable things to you.

Good luck getting your bike back together. I hope it doesn't end up that way again.
Old 01-18-2007, 07:35 PM
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Default RE: plz plz need help and advice my baby is poorly

dear bubbles...wy u get panties in a bunch at my post i'm not even talking to you so STFU!
getting knee down requires zero skill...as you demostrated when you crashed.

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